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Nice one Owen, consider yourself envied!:yay:


Thanks dude! I thought the day would never come when my mum and bro would know..but it happened so out of the blue!


I'm still pretty happy as well! It will happen for you soon mate! : peace:

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Already did, years ago. Went more like a scene out of Jerry Springer, and was never spoken of again - hence the jealousy!


Oh dude, so sorry to hear that! :(


To be honest, thats what i was worried about and i was even thinking bout moving out and stuff when i tell em..just as back-up..lol

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I'm confused. Why do you "Think not"?


They've always been openly female.


Okay, so I haven't started transition yet, but as soon as I can


1) get my own place

2) afford it

3) find someone who doesn't instantly hate me


I will! :)


Going F2M?

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Yeah, you're right, I'm just a girl. Thought I could fool you peoples. Guess I'm just not smart enough :heart:


Although, other than in a gender-related thread, I see no reason why I'd need to mention it if I *was* a transexual. If I was to see myself as a woman, I would naturally present myself as such.


Of course, I admire your courage in openly presenting yourself without restraint. You am what you am and you're honest. That's really good! :)

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I am a bit confused at the moment. I expect 99% of people reading this will not even see an issue, but never mind.


There is a girl on the bus to work who very obviously likes me, which is really flattering and it's literally years since a girl has really made it apparent that they like me in any way other than friends. In fact most people seem to see me essentially genderless - and several have actually said so.


I like the girl in a friend way. She's friendly and we seem to have interests in common. We were walking round town today after work and i am sure she was waiting for me to ask her out. Weirdly I'm not sure if i find her attractive or not. but is that a problem if i like her mind? And she's not ugly btw.


here is the problem though. I have issues, and i really think I should speak to a profesional before I go out with anyone.


I dont know what to say to her. Should I ask her out and see what happens? But then theres a large chance that i'll hurt her and I definately see her as a friend (or at least potential friend, as we've not been speaking long). Or do I try to vaguely explain things? But again, will she just think I'm making excuses and get hurt that way. Something has to happen, or I'm going to hurt her by showing no interest, which i dont want to do.


Any of the 3 options that I see end up with me hurting a nice girl who i have to see every day.


please, is there a 4th option i'm missing! From a purely scientific point of view it would be a good idea to go out with her. As mentioned its been ages since any female has expressed any interest in me, and my work colleagues are beggining to hint at questions I dont want to be discussing, so it would make life less awkward and hopefully make me feel like more of a normal human being. Or would I just feel like I'm having to act even more than normal, and make me feel even weirder as I have to work so hard to have a relationship, which is something humanity in general seems to think is an essential part of life.


i just dont get it. I feel like somewhere along the line the reproductive/coupling urge never kicked in. I find women attractive, but don't really see myself as someone who they would think likewise. And, sounding weirder (i apologise) if just seems quite undignified and an impostition to the woman to ask them if i can stick something inside them.


i'm sure this is the wrong place to discuss this, but the pseudo-anonymity is quite nice. And hopefully one of you will have an idea.

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OK for a start, you keep on saying that you are destined to hurt her. I'd just ask her out man. Be relaxed about it and just have some fun, don't make it into a big deal.


Don't think about it so much, just enjoy. And if things get a bit more serious and you are worried that your "problems" will hurt her in the long term then talk to her about it. Express your concerns and then she can make that decision.

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How about you just ask her to 'hang out' and do so in really unsexual places (ie bowling alleys or coffee shops) and just let her get to know you and in such just reveal however much you feel comfortable with telling her about your concerns about yourself. Make her a friend first.


And in the mean time perhaps go get professional help like you suggest?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mentioned it in the HWYD thread a little, but need a bit of advice.


Basically, last night I was at an 18th birthday party at one of the local pubs. It was awesome, best night I've had in ages. But I had two big problems. Apparently since I've had my haircut, I've become...attractive. (Lol, it sounds like I'm blowing my own trumpet there, but I'm not honestly. This is what I keep being told)


1. A friend of mine apparently liked me, and when she saw another friend of mine coming onto me and me flirting/dancing with her she ended up sitting outside crying. What am I supposed to say next time I see her? I mean, it'll be a tad awkward surely?


2. A guy bought me a drink, apparently on the condition that I snogged him. I thought this was just a jokey thing, and took the drink and wondered off. Then, he kept telling people he wanted to snog me, and to get people to get me alone with him. I had no idea how to say "Erm, I'm not interested in the slightest dude, sorry". I felt so harsh, so I just ran to the girl who I was dancing with. Lol. How do you tell someone you're not interested without sounding harsh?

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2. A guy bought me a drink, apparently on the condition that I snogged him. I thought this was just a jokey thing, and took the drink and wondered off. Then, he kept telling people he wanted to snog me, and to get people to get me alone with him. I had no idea how to say "Erm, I'm not interested in the slightest dude, sorry". I felt so harsh, so I just ran to the girl who I was dancing with. Lol. How do you tell someone you're not interested without sounding harsh?


Tell them you're gay....





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How do you tell someone you're not interested without sounding harsh?

Take a swig of honey and lemon.


Failing that, give it to them straight and then patch them up with a light compliment. Something like, "Sorry, I just don't see you in that light. I wish things were different, but my feelings control me, not the other way around." This might be too subtle for some people, in which case you should change your name to Gonzales and move to Outer Mongolia.

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Mentioned it in the HWYD thread a little, but need a bit of advice.


Basically, last night I was at an 18th birthday party at one of the local pubs. It was awesome, best night I've had in ages. But I had two big problems. Apparently since I've had my haircut, I've become...attractive. (Lol, it sounds like I'm blowing my own trumpet there, but I'm not honestly. This is what I keep being told)


1. A friend of mine apparently liked me, and when she saw another friend of mine coming onto me and me flirting/dancing with her she ended up sitting outside crying. What am I supposed to say next time I see her? I mean, it'll be a tad awkward surely?



Depends how you feel. Do you like her? If not, just apologise and try and keep friendly I suppose. Not the easiest of situations.

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