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You know, I'd love to know how many other Tgirls there are on this forum. Statistics dictate their's at least half a dozen, one has had the guts to let me know, and they're a knockout, anyone else want to confess to a likeminded soul who can keep a secret?

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You know, I'd love to know how many other Tgirls there are on this forum. Statistics dictate their's at least half a dozen, one has had the guts to let me know, and they're a knockout, anyone else want to confess to a likeminded soul who can keep a secret?


What is a Tgirl?

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Just got back from my night-out and...things got worse I have to say.I kissed a really handsome girl, a boy who had a gf in front of her cause she kissed her best friend and her bf wanted to get revenge (:p) and I met a really hot boy who I liked a lot but it seems he has a crush on an another guy (but he gave me his number,so we will see what will happen) and I still have my best friend's ex bf sending me sms all the time that he wants me the most!


kinda confused I admit to say

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You sound like quite the trouble makes. :heh:


Sounds like a hell of a load of fun as well.


pfft. I wish things were simplier. I wish my best friend's ex didnt dump him, I wish I hadnt met that girl and I wish that boy didnt have a crush on the other guy *&£%$*£(



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Which brings us back to;


Nobody writes songs about the ones that come easy




But as they say, things have a way of working themselves out. So just keep at it! C'mon admit it, you like the chase :P

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That isn't strictly true Ash.


"S8ter Boi" and "Girlfriend" from what I can remember, and yes I can't believe I'm using Avril Lavigne to try and prove something, are both about her copping of with some pretty damn easily. :heh:

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But those are song's. They're turd.


But apparently in sk8er boi:


five years from now, she sits at home

feeding the baby

she's all alone


she turns on tv

guess who she sees

skater boy rockin' up MTV.


sorry girl but you missed out

well tuff luck that boys mine now


Ignoring the horrible continuation of horrible spelling ("tuff" really)


They met, fancied, five years later they met again. Not something that comes easy :P

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Yes those songs are turd and I hate myself for bringing them up. :p


I'll just revert to my quote: :D


Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty... I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led diffcult lives and led them well.


I feel I've gone criminally off topic...

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We're borderline, or at least with the concept behind this banal quote exchanging, because we're questioning whether realationships can come easily or if they're inheritantly problematic. Or further still, if they need to be to remain interesting.




But my quote still wins because it had 'I Hear The Bells' (Mike Doughty) playing in the background and Kristen Bell looking hot in the foreground :P

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That isn't a reason for winning!! My quote is awesome...er! :p


I think all relationships have inherent problems except one; I am the most awesome person I know and I get on great with myself...with the odd argument.


Ok, now I sound like a lune.

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That isn't a reason for winning!! My quote is awesome...er! :p


I think all relationships have inherent problems except one; I am the most awesome person I know and I get on great with myself...with the odd argument.


Ok, now I sound like a lune.


I feel the same way about myself, truthfully :p


Although there are a few people who I would engage in a relationship with, but they need to be something epic.

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Well the theme tune constantly in my head is MC Hammer's "U Can't touch this". :D


But I have a weird complex where if someone seems remotely interested in me I find it bizarre and completely undeserved.


I think I hate myself as much as I love myself. (That definitely sounds weird, but then I am.)

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You know, I'd love to know how many other Tgirls there are on this forum. Statistics dictate their's at least half a dozen, one has had the guts to let me know, and they're a knockout, anyone else want to confess to a likeminded soul who can keep a secret?


Well, the number is rising, there's three of us now for definite, but I'm sure there's a few more out there. I know it's a hard thing to admit to, there's much more of a stigma associated with it than simply being gay. But rest assured that I will fully respect your privacy if you choose to confide in me, and it will go no further. Maybe if there's enough of us we could have a N-E Tgirl meet up, I know plenty of safe places we could all get together for a few drinks and a girly natter.

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Did you just argue with yourself o.O


Anyways, course there is more stigma about it. I spose it would be harder for anyone to come to terms with it wouldn't it? Changing your physical make up + admitting to yourself/everyone your true sexuality is kinda hard =\

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Did you just argue with yourself o.O


Anyways, course there is more stigma about it. I spose it would be harder for anyone to come to terms with it wouldn't it? Changing your physical make up + admitting to yourself/everyone your true sexuality is kinda hard =\


Took me 25 years, but my circumstances were on the harsh side.

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No offence Rokhed (and you might be offended, but I don't mean offense), I can understand wanting to dress as a woman, but why do you dress in incredibly gareish clothes?



I can see the attraction in dressing in stylish, sexy dresses (and high heels - I've always had an obsession with high heels - I'd probably go straight for a woman in the right shoes), but I don't get why you wear bright pink dresses and frills.



I genuinely want to know. The way you dress just seems superficially feminine.

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No offence Rokhed (and you might be offended, but I don't mean offense), I can understand wanting to dress as a woman, but why do you dress in incredibly gareish clothes?



I can see the attraction in dressing in stylish, sexy dresses (and high heels - I've always had an obsession with high heels - I'd probably go straight for a woman in the right shoes), but I don't get why you wear bright pink dresses and frills.



I genuinely want to know. The way you dress just seems superficially feminine.


That's the whole point.

I missed out on the childhood i should have had that I'm reliving it now.

I love little girl party frocks, I never had them when I should have. It's nice being called cute and pretty anyway, you wouldn't understand it unless you've done it.

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No offence Rokhed (and you might be offended, but I don't mean offense), I can understand wanting to dress as a woman, but why do you dress in incredibly gareish clothes?



I can see the attraction in dressing in stylish, sexy dresses (and high heels - I've always had an obsession with high heels - I'd probably go straight for a woman in the right shoes), but I don't get why you wear bright pink dresses and frills.



I genuinely want to know. The way you dress just seems superficially feminine.


I think rokhed suits them, though I'm curious myself, I know you've said about buying tall jeans before but never seen you in them?


Heaven I'm jealous I don't like anyone and nobody likes me, it's very strange. :blank:

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Ok I haven't been asked this question in a while but today I was having a conversation with someone and they asked me quite tentativly whether I was gay.


I'm always quite a taken back when I'm asked this question as I'm not sure how to act and take it. I'm not sure what it is about it that screams GAY!!! but something obviously does as it has happened several times before.


The thing is I'm not gay and I'm wandering whether it's because I'm quiet that people assume i am?


I'm not sure what the point of me typing this out was now as the question got lost but meh. :)

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Ok I haven't been asked this question in a while but today I was having a conversation with someone and they asked me quite tentativly whether I was gay.


I'm always quite a taken back when I'm asked this question as I'm not sure how to act and take it. I'm not sure what it is about it that screams GAY!!! but something obviously does as it has happened several times before.


The thing is I'm not gay and I'm wandering whether it's because I'm quiet that people assume i am?


I'm not sure what the point of me typing this out was now as the question got lost but meh. :)


I was called and asked if i was gay at school through-out it and during that period of my life..i actually wasn't..nor did i have the thought of men in a sexual way at all (well..lol)...come to think of it, i was very straight acting (though that means nothing) and never did anything to give people the impression i was gay? Odd...thought i let you know..


However mate, i'm not sure if it's upset you or not, or just took you a-back shall we say..but don't change the way you are or act because they've called you gay...also it's a known fact that the word 'gay' is thrown about school loads..


Anyway, don't worry about it and your a nice bloke, so if you were or weren't it makes no difference to me..or anyone on this forum probably! : peace:

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I get called gay quite alot, mainly because i go everywhere with my mate (I'm not gay btw). I just laugh it off or just say "yes" in a really serious way, it shuts them up and they know your lying at the same time... although i suppose it could backfire depending on who the person is.

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