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Assume for the moment you're a women (or if you are a women, congratulations) and you are going out with this guy. Would you prefer (while none if really preferable) if he were to cheat on you with another women or with a man?


Same situation if you're a guy going out with a girl. Would you prefer she went with a women or a man?


Gay situation obviously applies as well. Guy with guy, would you prefer if he went with another man or women? Women with women, would you prefer another women or man?


Hmm. Well for one if someone cheated on me, honestly, I wouldn't be that hurt. Obviously I'll be upset but its not a deal breaker for me. I liken it to lying; humans are flawed. It happens.


Anywho. I would be more shocked if it were with the opposite (ie if I were going out with a guy, then with a girl. If I were going out with a girl then with a girl) because it would seem as if they're not happy. If I was with a girl and she cheated on me with another guy then she would be unhappy with me, if I were with a girl and she cheated on me with a girl then I would feel as if she's unhappy with the situation, and unhappy with herself for being in that situation.


Does that even make sense?

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did i post here a while ago and did that post get deleted?




Assume for the moment you're a women (or if you are a women, congratulations) and you are going out with this guy. Would you prefer (while none if really preferable) if he were to cheat on you with another women or with a man?


Same situation if you're a guy going out with a girl. Would you prefer she went with a women or a man?


Gay situation obviously applies as well. Guy with guy, would you prefer if he went with another man or women? Women with women, would you prefer another women or man?


surely you woulnt want a girl to cheat on you with another girl..........he turned me lesbian etc.



There are so many hot guys in college....omg.. Me hopes some of them are in the gay club and are living on campus or nearby:)

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There are so many hot guys in college....omg.. Me hopes some of them are in the gay club and are living on campus or nearby:)



lol, like I said early there are so many new hot people in my 6th form, 'tis great.



Hmm, I'm not sure about the whole cheating thing, I don't think it would matter which sex they cheated with, it would be the cheating that would bother me.

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As a straight guy, I think I'd be more annoyed if she cheated on me with another guy. I find it much easier to dislike guys (disturbingly so) and I think that he would just become the object of my complete loathing. If she cheated with a girl then I'd think of it as her trying to look for something different.


Either way though, if they are cheating because they aren't happy (the lying and deception aside) and they truly wanted to be with that other person, then I think I'd let them go. If I'm being mature about it, I'd just want them to be happy and if they are gonna be happier with someone else then me, then they deserve to be happy.

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Turns out my Girlfriend has recently Shagged her best mates Ex last Week


I met the Girl Friends Parents yesterday and I have only just been told?


I ain't spoke to her yet and I need to get out of this relationship running, Advice?




So she cheated on you? :(


Well then just tell her where to and shove it then. (A bit to the point but it's what I'd do).

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Essentially She Cheated On Me...


It's not as If we aren't deep I just had a fucking meal with her parents yesterday for a good few hours....


Jesus Man.......I've got all kinds of people telling me everything and she's just not answerring to any of my calls, texts MSN Convo's...




You've just got to get yourself together and show her your not bothered and that you better than her basically. There's no point in welling over it, I mean she did something wrong, not you.


Hope everything turns out alright.

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Essentially She Cheated On Me...


It's not as If we aren't deep I just had a fucking meal with her parents yesterday for a good few hours....


Jesus Man.......I've got all kinds of people telling me everything and she's just not answerring to any of my calls, texts MSN Convo's...



That sucks Ant.

Hope everything turns out OK.

Be strong.

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Ant at the end of the day, no offense mate and I really don't want to come off as condescending but you're still young, and you should count this as a learning experience. For anyone to be 'serious' after a few weeks of going out when you're still teenagers really should be taken with a pinch of salt and even if it were serious, something I learned the hard way is that you need to learn how to not carry your heart on your sleeve as early as possible or you're going to get hurt many times, each more painful than the last. Enjoy relationships, love the company of whoever you're with but also don't see it as the be all and end all and start planning for the future as when you're that young, anything can happen. Again, please don't take this to sound patronising or condescending cause it's not meant to be, I'm just tryin to look out for you.


At the end of the day, you have to realise there are plenty, plenty more fish in the sea. May be a cliche, but it's completely true. If it is indeed over between the pair of you, just think to your next girlfriend and how much better looking she will be. How nicer, friendlier, funnier and better in bed she will be. Uni life will be an eye opener as well and I'm sure mcj can vouch for that, the amount of talent, and possibilities for mates, shags, relationships is awesome. Makes me wish I was a student again. So yeah in conclusion, chin up fella, this may have turned into a bit of a lecture but hey hope I got my point across.


I sound like such a grown up, arggghhhh. TP SUXXXXX there ya go. Maturity lowered.

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Nice rokhed...


I dunno, what do you class as serious? Me and Letty have been together for over a year now, i still feel the same way i did when we first met and as far as i'm aware she still loves me alot. She tells me she loves me alot anyway.


I guess we're kinda serious, heck i moved up here to be with her.

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