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I can name you one thing that causes (or even condones!) these things!





lol lol donnea do it will!!! we have enought hate in the football thread! The time will come for another epic debate lol.

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lol lol donnea do it will!!! we have enought hate in the football thread! The time will come for another epic debate lol.


I haven't been in the football thread in god knows how long, I had no idea...


I'll refrain...for now...:wink:

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I haven't been in the football thread in god knows how long, I had no idea...


I'll refrain...for now...:wink:


Cashback oh btw do you know of the infedel guy the atheist blogger one of my fave christian guys on the net and him had a big discussion recently I will PM you it as this is getting way off the track of sexuality.


Back on that track um I fancy women.... Im sorry I screwed up! Ah god in more ways than one better change that to woman. As women are at times jealous creatures is it the same with gay guys? Hmm to be fair indvduals are jealous not sexes really as that would be a bit of a generalisation or am I wrong?

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Peoples need to see Shortbus. I've FINALLY watched it and it is probably the best film i have ever seen. It'd had me crying and in fits of laughter and intrigued and everything. If you must only see one film this lifetime make it Shortbus.


Boy do i love John Cameron Mitchell films. Can't wait to see what his next film is about since his first 2 are 2 of my all time favorites.

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Peoples need to see Shortbus. I've FINALLY watched it and it is probably the best film i have ever seen. It'd had me crying and in fits of laughter and intrigued and everything. If you must only see one film this lifetime make it Shortbus.


Boy do i love John Cameron Mitchell films. Can't wait to see what his next film is about since his first 2 are 2 of my all time favorites.


Yeah that film was so last month :p


Good film though.

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It never went ahead for the sheer reason I CBA and also her mate called the party off...


However I will make love to her soon :yay:


See Ant? See what u did there? U killed the thread with all your talk of STRAIGHT stuff.... honestly.


Needs. More. Gay.

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This'll get ya'll back on track...being a citizen of the jolly ole' u.s. of a. it's surprises me when you guys talk about being shunned and treated badly for being gay. Personally I am 110% straight but where I live gays have a lot more support. They have a gay/straight alliance club at basically every school.

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