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well I was just asking because twice now when I've been drunk with one of my mates he's always tried something with me and I just say "no thanks mate, now have another drink man" or something along those lines. Its pretty funny really, I've not told him he's tried anything, he can't remember a thing. Though at another party he did end up while completely pissed kissing a guy (who's gay) Does that mean he's bi/gay? Or is it just down to being drunk?



Without knowing him it's impossible to tell but I suspect he's just drunk/open minded.

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well I was just asking because twice now when I've been drunk with one of my mates he's always tried something with me and I just say "no thanks mate, now have another drink man" or something along those lines. Its pretty funny really, I've not told him he's tried anything, he can't remember a thing. Though at another party he did end up while completely pissed kissing a guy (who's gay) Does that mean he's bi/gay? Or is it just down to being drunk?


not at all, it means experimenting or possibly bi or gay etc, but he could have not known what the hell he was doing (recently happened at a party, i laughed when i heard about it)

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All the lads at my rugby club snog each other at every messy night out, so it's probably a drunken thing.


I mean theres supposed to be alot of "straight acting gay guys" aren't there, or are my sources (random people around college) wrong?



Not to blow my own trumpet, but I've been told (and am hugely glad) that you could never tell I was gay, none of my mates I've told would ever have guessed apparently.


But it's not an "act" on my part, I don't "act" straight, it's just how I am; and I wouldn't behave any differently if everyone in the world knew.


Only person to ever figure out I was a poofter was a WAG at rugby, who's best friend is a gay bloke and she could obviously sense the signs from me... apparently it wasn't difficult to spot me drooling every time my eyes focused on one particular lad that evening. And I thought I was only subtlely undressing him with my mind.

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not at all, it eans experimenting or possibly bi or gay etc, but he could have not known what the hell he was doing (recently happened at a party, i laughed when i heard about it)


ah right, thats what I thought the first time, but when it happened 3 times I just kinda thought he probably is bi, he has a girlfriend and has had for almost a year now.


Most of the people in the year below me are Bi, its really strange, because in my year your either straight or you have no friends basically. (Because of the overload of chavs)

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er if you're brother turned out to be gay?


I really don't know.


recently a guy i liked just dyed his hair red.. looks shit.


thats a topic.



whats the best hair colour:?


my colour, which is auburn (NOT GINGER) my dad calls me ginger too much :nono:

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I used to have blonde hair, It then turned black and eventually went brown. At one point I had a mix of all 3. I liked black the best.


when i was from 0 months to 3 years i was bright blonde, then 5 to 10 i was light ginger and now its about a dark brown

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when i was from 0 months to 3 years i was bright blonde, then 5 to 10 i was light ginger and now its about a dark brown


I was bright blonde too when i was young :D I looked like the milky bar kid with my glasses!

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im not sure really. I really dont like blond and ginger though..


I reallt hate ginger hair too. It just makes me cringe. Its not my fault though! Its growing up with everyone saying people with ginger hair are horrible etc lol.

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Not 100% on topic, but this seemed like the best place to put it.


After receiving anal sex do you find you fart more often, and louder?

After the missus did me with her strap on the other day I'm sure I've been farting more, and they're all loud ones when before around half would be quiet.

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Guest Jordan
Not 100% on topic, but this seemed like the best place to put it.


After receiving anal sex do you find you fart more often, and louder?

After the missus did me with her strap on the other day I'm sure I've been farting more, and they're all loud ones when before around half would be quiet.



*reads again*


*not sure what to do*


Errr... You know after reading that, I just, I don't think I even want to know what illegal things you get up to. As for your question, logically, since its opening most of your 'parts' up, it seems possible. Just stay off the hot/spicey food and drink less fizzy stuff.


I errr, I guess..

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might be due to air escaping . . . like air that was forced in . . . *runs away*


Tried that before, a compressed air enema.


I don't know if I should comment. :indeed:


Go on, you know you want to.


This is truly a TMI situation...



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Not 100% on topic, but this seemed like the best place to put it.


After receiving anal sex do you find you fart more often, and louder?

After the missus did me with her strap on the other day I'm sure I've been farting more, and they're all loud ones when before around half would be quiet.





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