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Attitude is the only gay mag i read or think about buying-it isn't just wall to wall pictures of guys. The content is funny and the magazine has a really good sense of humour and doesn't take itself seriously. Also it was the first gay mag to get an interview with Tony Blair, and Michael Howard and Charlie Kennedy back at the last general election.


They tend to have good very well written articles that are informative and humorous and very witty. Also their reviews are pretty darn good, and they have brought to my attention a few great artists before they've made it big, The Gossip, Tracey Thorn, Antony and the Johnsons, Rufus Wainwright and so on.


IF a person were to buy any gay mag to read, i'd say attitude is the best as it's not so far up it's own arse that it can't see what shit it's talking, like the gay times or GT now (lmao) and not as seedt and sex crazed as all of the others out there.


This issue has a MASSIVE Rufus special-which pleases me muchly-Calvin Harris interview, stuff about Janice Dickinson, a big article about the media outing celebs and stuff and other features along with the usual stuff about whats hot now, fashion, going out and pride events over the next few months, and reviews for the months DVDs, Films and music. It's a quality mag for £3.25 a month.

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Good sales pitch, you clearly like the magazine very much so I'm pleased to hear that.


Personally, I hvae no idea who Rufus is, or Calvin Harris, or Janice Dickinson, I don't care about the media outing celebs... and I DEFINATELY don't care about 'pride' events. The type of articles the magazine produces therefore I have to believe isn't for me.


But I'm sure it's a great mag if you're into those sorts of things.

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Good sales pitch, you clearly like the magazine very much so I'm pleased to hear that.


Personally, I hvae no idea who Rufus is, or Calvin Harris, or Janice Dickinson, I don't care about the media outing celebs... and I DEFINATELY don't care about 'pride' events. The type of articles the magazine produces therefore I have to believe isn't for me.


But I'm sure it's a great mag if you're into those sorts of things.


A couple of issues back they had a big feature on the persecution of gay men in russia and poland, which while reading, made me very grateful for living in this country and all the things this government especially has done for us, and the gay folks of the 70s and 80s did for us-which we take for granted pretty much today.


Another good thing is that they have themed issues, like the youth issue once every year or two. I find gay times boring as hell most of the time, so it was refreshing to find this mag about 4 years ago.

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A couple of issues back they had a big feature on the persecution of gay men in russia and poland, which while reading, made me very grateful for living in this country and all the things this government especially has done for us, and the gay folks of the 70s and 80s did for us-which we take for granted pretty much today.


Another good thing is that they have themed issues, like the youth issue once every year or two. I find gay times boring as hell most of the time, so it was refreshing to find this mag about 4 years ago.


Again, is there an age limit on attitiude and gay times? I tried to buy one once and the lady at the till was a bitch and wouldn't sell it to me.

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Again, is there an age limit on attitiude and gay times? I tried to buy one once and the lady at the till was a bitch and wouldn't sell it to me.


I would say no, best bet is to go to WHSmiths and just get it there. They do do a porn issue every couple years and a naked special was last month so they're probably 18 rated, but the normal issue isn't. As long as it's not in a bag it'll be safe for your young eyes deary. I got a kick after i got up enough courage to buy my first gay mag after college one day, on the bus home i just got it out and was reading it and it felt so good not having to hide it, or more like not caring to! How weird is this sounding to me now, years later . . . scary!

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I would say no, best bet is to go to WHSmiths and just get it there. They do do a porn issue every couple years and a naked special was last month so they're probably 18 rated, but the normal issue isn't. As long as it's not in a bag it'll be safe for your young eyes deary. I got a kick after i got up enough courage to buy my first gay mag after college one day, on the bus home i just got it out and was reading it and it felt so good not having to hide it, or more like not caring to! How weird is this sounding to me now, years later . . . scary!


Yeah, I'll just try to look older next time.



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I was out around my town with one of my mates today when a group of chavs kept shouting "gayboy" etc at my mate (he's bi). My mate just ignored it but I could see it made him feel like shit so I turned round, went up to them and started coming on to them. The got so freaked out they threatened to hit me and ran off.

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Aw that's so cool that actually really works though. Nothing scares them more than that.I have tried it before too:)


lol yup, its the only thing that seems to make them go away. I just don't see why they think they have the right to make fun of my mate just because he's slightly more open sexuality wise. It makes no sense to me.

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Lol a rugby tactic is to wink at your opponent, then he'll be too freaked out to tackle you.


Wouldn't try it on a massive guy though, it might go wrong and you'll be left with 2 broken arms.


haha, but hang on a sec, what happens if the dude winks back? lol


It's because he is different and chavs want to be like everyone else.


Don't worry about it although it won't be the last time this will happen to you.


Everytime I go out somewhere, even in a big group, the guy always has the piss taking out of him everytime we see someone from our college. Its completely unfair, but at least now I know how to make them stop doing it to him lol

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Bought a few gay magazines and same thing happens as when I look at Nuts and Zoo and that lark. I always tend to end up in the fashion section wishing I had more money. May just buy those fashion-orientated magazines in the future (can't think what they're called but I know they're there)

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;480868"]Bought a few gay magazines and same thing happens as when I look at Nuts and Zoo and that lark. I always tend to end up in the fashion section wishing I had more money. May just buy those fashion-orientated magazines in the future (can't think what they're called but I know they're there)


homme+ ? lol mooooooooooo

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