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What about being in love with Women?


Or have you just been totally and utterly into men?


I've been in love with women in an idolising or friendly way.


what i've found odd is that in school most of my mates were girls, now practically all my mates are gay guys!

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But, not always! Sometimes people do find the "one", even though its proberly like finding a needled in some gigantic haystack.


Like finding dark matter in the night sky or a neutrino for that matter <geddit?!>

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;480002"]Yes. Much like the blood organisation (forget what they're called if they are not indeed called the blood organisation) will not accept blood off a man who has had anal or oral sex with another man.


I knew there was something I forgot to mention.

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Still, used by self-centred people who like to make themselves seem more interesting than they really are.


Yes, it's for people who want to be the centre of attention and make people go oooooo isn't he cool.


Really, that'd be why I kept it to myself for so long?

Sounds like your persecution complex kicking in again, are you worried you might not be so special being gay when there's people out there more open minded sexually than you are?

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It's funny how you for some odd reason think I have a 'persecution complex'. You know fuck all about me and even less about my sexuality.


And you therefore have no clue how sexually open minded I am, but I'm not going to get into a childish 'I'm better than you' 'No I'm better than you' argument because it'd be pointless.


Please, by all means call yourself the latest sexuality buzz word to exist, if it makes you feel special to have people go "oooooo that sounds cool!" then whatever turns you on. To me it just sounds like a classic attention-seeking exercise.

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It's funny how you for some odd reason think I have a 'persecution complex'. You know fuck all about me and even less about my sexuality.


And you therefore have no clue how sexually open minded I am, but I'm not going to get into a childish 'I'm better than you' 'No I'm better than you' argument because it'd be pointless.


Please, by all means call yourself the latest sexuality buzz word to exist, if it makes you feel special to have people go "oooooo that sounds cool!" then whatever turns you on. To me it just sounds like a classic attention-seeking exercise.


You are being very discriminative...


Rodhek wasn't boasting at all, nor trying to sound "special". Pansexuality is different from bisexuality, so I don't see the point in classifying himself as bi if he doesn't feel that describes what he is.

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It's funny how you for some odd reason think I have a 'persecution complex'. You know fuck all about me and even less about my sexuality.


And you therefore have no clue how sexually open minded I am, but I'm not going to get into a childish 'I'm better than you' 'No I'm better than you' argument because it'd be pointless.


Please, by all means call yourself the latest sexuality buzz word to exist, if it makes you feel special to have people go "oooooo that sounds cool!" then whatever turns you on. To me it just sounds like a classic attention-seeking exercise.



Prime symptom for somebody with a persecution complex is for someone to be easily put on the defensive, a symptom you seem to be exhibiting.


As for how open minded you are sexually, well you wouldn't do it with a woman, that automatically puts you at half as open minded as I am, at best.


And pansexual as a word has been around for years, it's not the latest buzz word, and if you recall I didn't really want to go in to my sexuality, hardly a sign of attention seeking. I'm not even sure if it is a 100% accurate description of my sexuality, to me it's all about pushing boundaries, maybe when I find mine I can give you an accurate description, if a word for it even exists.


I really couldn't give a shit whether or not I get any attention from this, I'm only stating my standing sexually because people like yourself who obviously have something stuck up their arse, other than their boyfriends cock, think being gay is the be all and end all of alternative sexuality. I'm sorry if you feel that other, more sexually adventurous, people somehow detract from your specialness, but get over it, being gay is nothing special, and as a member of a minority group you should be more accepting of people different from the norm.

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If you think because I get on the defensive easily I have a persecution complex you are very very wrong. Once again, you know sweet fuck all about me so don't make pathetic assumptions like that. I remember strolling into an 'Ugly Betty' topic on this board referring to the series as a comedy in the middle of a paragraph. Immediately you went on the defensive, repeatedly saying that you felt sorry for me if I think it's a comedy and that it was clearly a drama.


And you feeling the need to put yourself up on a pedastal and compare my sex life with yours (apologising sarcastically that yours is supposedly more adventurous) isn't attention seeking at all? Does it matter who is more open minded? Everyone is different, you like certain things, I like certain things.


You are no more or less special than me sexually, contrary to what you may believe.

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If you think because I get on the defensive easily I have a persecution complex you are very very wrong. Once again, you know sweet fuck all about me so don't make pathetic assumptions like that. I remember strolling into an 'Ugly Betty' topic on this board referring to the series as a comedy in the middle of a paragraph. Immediately you went on the defensive, repeatedly saying that you felt sorry for me if I think it's a comedy and that it was clearly a drama.


And you feeling the need to put yourself up on a pedastal and compare my sex life with yours (apologising sarcastically that yours is supposedly more adventurous) isn't attention seeking at all? Does it matter who is more open minded? Everyone is different, you like certain things, I like certain things.


You are no more or less special than me sexually, contrary to what you may believe.


Why bother?


It just makes it seem you are the one attention seeking.


Just drop it, he never once implied he was any better than you, and frankly you've just made an ass of yourself arguing when quite clearly hes not trying to stand on a pedastal.

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As for how open minded you are sexually, well you wouldn't do it with a woman, that automatically puts you at half as open minded as I am, at best.


That's not claiming to be better than me? Attention seeking people piss me off royally that's all. Perhaps it's the beer talking but hey, never mind. I'll drop it.

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If you think because I get on the defensive easily I have a persecution complex you are very very wrong. Once again, you know sweet fuck all about me so don't make pathetic assumptions like that. I remember strolling into an 'Ugly Betty' topic on this board referring to the series as a comedy in the middle of a paragraph. Immediately you went on the defensive, repeatedly saying that you felt sorry for me if I think it's a comedy and that it was clearly a drama.


Oh dear, you're not bringing up ugly betty again?

It's a drama get over it, you were the one insisting it was a comedy over and over when practically everybody else could see it was more of a drama.


And you feeling the need to put yourself up on a pedastal and compare my sex life with yours (apologising sarcastically that yours is supposedly more adventurous) isn't attention seeking at all? Does it matter who is more open minded? Everyone is different, you like certain things, I like certain things.


Putting myself on a pedestal?

Hardly, I'm just saying I'm different, you were the one who pooh poohed it, trying to put me down, no doubt in an attempt to elevate yourself in your usual manner.


You are no more or less special than me sexually, contrary to what you may believe.


I'm sorry, but I don't recall saying I was more special than anybody, I don't consider myself special at all, unlike yourself, the way you dismiss my sexuality as attention seeking says more about you than it does me.

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Oh dear, you're not bringing up ugly betty again?

It's a drama get over it, you were the one insisting it was a comedy over and over when practically everybody else could see it was more of a drama.


Nah sorry, it's a comedy drama. Deal with it.



I'm sorry, but I don't recall saying I was more special than anybody, I don't consider myself special at all, unlike yourself, the way you dismiss my sexuality as attention seeking says more about you than it does me.


So why post this a few pages back:


There's a lot more than that, but I'll leave what up to your imagination, I'm pretty sure nobody here wants to know the details of my sex life.


And then many people ask for the details you say 'sorry my private life is private for a reason'. Why bother bringing it up in the first place then?


Hardly, I'm just saying I'm different


Different how? To what? Aren't we all different? I'm different sexually when you compare me to straight people. You're different sexually when you compare yourself to straight people.

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Nah sorry, it's a comedy drama. Deal with it.


Right, so now it's a comedy drama, back then you were insisting it was just a comedy, nice to see you giving some ground when you're wrong.





So why post this a few pages back:




And then many people ask for the details you say 'sorry my private life is private for a reason'. Why bother bringing it up in the first place then?


To make a point, there's more to sexuality than just gay and straight, something a lot of people don't even consider, or if they do they don't treat it seriously, something you've shown yourself.


Different how? To what? Aren't we all different? I'm different sexually when you compare me to straight people. You're different sexually when you compare yourself to straight people.


Different how, well probably different sexually from anybody else here, or if I'm not anybody else is keeping it to themselves, and you can't really blame them, that's why I'm not going in to the details of my sex life, because from some of the things I've read in this thread it's pretty obvious the majority here aren't open minded enough to accept it, you especially.

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Right, so now it's a comedy drama, back then you were insisting it was just a comedy, nice to see you giving some ground when you're wrong.


You thought it was a drama, I thought it was a comedy. I'm compromising on a mix of the two which is probably correct anyway.



Different how, well probably different sexually from anybody else here, or if I'm not anybody else is keeping it to themselves, and you can't really blame them, that's why I'm not going in to the details of my sex life, because from some of the things I've read in this thread it's pretty obvious the majority here aren't open minded enough to accept it, you especially.


I'm sure many people here have sexual fetishes etc... that other people aren't open minded enough to accept. Sex wise, you're different from me, I'm different from you.


Shall we drop it?

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