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Tomb Raider Anniversary


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Guest Jordan

I've played it, didn't like it.


I never did like the first game, Legend was far more my kinda game.

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I've played it, didn't like it.


I never did like the first game, Legend was far more my kinda game.


Legend was a good game but a bad Tomb Raider if you know what I mean. It was far too easy and short where as Tomb Raider games are supposed to make you think about the puzzles and then when you do find the solution you mistime a jump and fall to your detah :) Good Times!

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I bought it for the PS2, and it's the best Tomb Raider yet. I really enjoyed Legend, but this game really nails what the series was originally about: exploration, puzzle solving, acrobatics, and feelings of intrusion and isolation.


This isn't just a case of spit and polish, it's a reinvention. It follows the same scenario and path as the original Tomb Raider but this is how the game would have turned out if it came out today — a faithfully advanced interpretation, I suppose you could say. It's a lot harder than Legend on the acrobatic front — combat punctuates the game rather underlining it, thankfully — but the checkpoint system is very lenient so it's challenging rather than frustrating. There are also plenty of secrets to find and rewards to unlock, including audio commentary for the levels although I've yet to try that out. It also feels like a more cohesive and substantial game than last year's effort, helped in part by the lack of vehicle sections and the way that levels within locations blend into one another.


There are a few niggles. The original appearance of the t-rex was more effective than Anniversary's QTE, for instance, and indeed all but one of the game's interactive cutscenes seem a bit superfluous. A few times Lara didn't grab on to a ledge I was sure was in her reach, but those instances were very much the exception to the rule. The last level could have been a bit more polished too, I think — I fluked past the odd section, and I'm still not sure whether I got past a certain obstacle the way you're supposed to. Overall these are small concerns, though.


Anniversary has surpassed The Sands of Time as my favourite 3D platformer, and if it does come out on the 360 I'll probably buy it again for added shininess and Achievements. It's a fantastic game, and I only hope Crystal Dynamics do as great a job on the next installment of the series.

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This game rocks. I'm sadly an avid Tomb Raider fan and have played all of them, and this is my favourite. I love it. Can't wait for the Wii version, and im pissed I had to play it on ps2, where's the 360 version CrystalDynamics?!

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I'm er... "getting this". But what I'd really love is TR2. I understand that for an anniversary, TR1 was the right choice to remake. But Tomb Raider 2 remains way up there in my top 5 games ever. Not just for how good a game it is now, but how good it was then, how much fun I had with it and how much it made me appreciate PC gaming. If Tomb Raider 2 gets remade, I'll have kittens. I'll buy every super special deluxe edition for every format available and write letters of love and appreciation to the people behind it.


(Unless they butchered it, in which case we'd be talking death threats)

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If Tomb Raider 2 gets a remake they better halve the combat, or at least overhaul it. The series should stay focussed on adventure and exploration; there are thousands of dedicated shoot-shooty games.


I'm actually not adverse to the idea of Crystal Dynamics working their way through the series simply because the remakes would offer such a different experience. Obviously Legend is going to get a sequel at some point, put perhaps they could make that a game for the 360, PS3 and PC — so they could push the technical boat out — whilst releasing remakes of older titles on Wii, PS2, and PC. Obviously it would still be a lot of work, and I don't want to saturate the market with Lara, but I'd pretty happily buy whatever Crystal Dynamics come out with.

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Guest Jordan
The ESRB have an interesting listing up in regard to this game. First off the listings are for the Xbox 360, and secondly they are listings.

  • Tomb Raider: Anniversary Croft Manor
  • Tomb Raider: Anniversary Egypt
  • Tomb Raider: Anniversary Greece
  • Tomb Raider: Anniversary Lost City
  • Tomb Raider: Anniversary Peru


Episodic Tomb Raider on the horizon for Live?



Not only will this probably take up a shit load of HDD space but... jeeze the price ain't gunna be cheap.

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looking at the video review, the mansion level looks exactly the same as the mansion level in tomb raider legends, is that the case?

The basic design is the same, but it is from an earlier time when crates are being stored and the pool renovated. You also go outside to explore a hedge maze. On top of that the actual 'level' is more like a point 'n' click adventure, with items you have to collect and such.

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. But what I'd really love is TR2. I understand that for an anniversary, TR1 was the right choice to remake. But Tomb Raider 2 remains way up there in my top 5 games ever.


Why did everyone like the second one so much? I thought it really lacked most of the qualities of the first game and took it away from its roots (Prince of Persia almost entirely in my eyes). As Aimless has already suggested there was far too much combat and due to the very simple nature of the combat it was tedious rather than interesting.


Oh yeah and no tombs....

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