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Metal Gear 20th Anniversary


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Metal Gear 20th Anniversary


According to the release schedule in the latest issue of Japan's biggest game magazine, Weekly Famitsu, Konami will be re-releasing all the main entries in the series from Metal Gear Solid on. This includes the Solid home console games as well as Portable Ops for the PSP.


The Famitsu chart lists the following titles: Metal Gear Solid (PlayStation, 1500 yen), Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty (PS2, 1800 yen), Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater (PS2, 2800 yen) and Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops (PSP, 2800 yen).


In addition to the individual releases, Konami will bundle all games together in the 6900 yen Metal Gear Solid Collection package.


All these re-releases will be prefixed with "Metal Gear 20th Anniversary" title, suggesting that Metal Gear fans can look forward to special packaging.



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I'm the proud owner of Metal Gear Solid on the GBC — it was subtitled Ghost Babel in the US, I think. It might not actually be that rare, but I've only ever seen one copy in a shop and I own it. It's also probably my favourite GameBoy Colour game, not least because of the amazing soundtrack; I spent an age getting 100% on all the VR missions so I could unlock the Sound Test mode. It's pretty obvious why it isn't being rereleased, but consider this a heads up to Metal Gear fans that have never played it.


IdeaSpy 2.5 is the best Easter Egg in any game ever.

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Whats ovverated about it? :smile:

Hmm, well I would say it's in need of an RE4 remix. For instance the CODEC conversations can go on far too long for a lot of people, so perhaps they should think about changing the way they work, such as having at least some of them superimposed over your in-game view so you don't have to be taken out of the game whenever you need to be taught how to perform a new action. The games tend to wrest control from the player a lot of the time too, so I think they need to work on that: some proper Shenmue-style QTE sections could work well, as whilst a lot of games have Simon Says cutscenes these days none of them work as well as in Sega's game.


I wouldn't say the games are broken, but they do have a lot of niggling little things which can sap peoples' enjoyment of the series and likewise put off a lot of players from persevering.

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I think the whole system worked well, I wasn't fustrated, the story line (If you can understand it) Is among the best of all time in terms of gaming.


It has a long history and has produced excellent games on which ever platform it has been on, and in my personal opinion MGS1 is the best game of all time, for me anyway. It excelled on the PS1 and took pushed the system to it's limits.

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I think the whole system worked well, I wasn't fustrated, the story line (If you can understand it) Is among the best of all time in terms of gaming.

Resident Evil fans said similar things about that series before RE4.


Personally I don't mind the CODEC conversations — they're almost like mini radio dramas — but a lot of people are put off by the staccato pace they force upon the game. I'm not saying it should be dumbed down exactly, just made more accessible for those that like the gameplay but don't want to have to sit through hours of radio chatter to understand what's going on.


I love the MGS series, but I don't think it's unfair to say that some streamlining could do it immeasurable good in the eyes of most gamers.

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Guest Jordan

The only thing that seperates MGS from other games of the genre is the story and the characters.


Only downside is, alot of gamers don't give a jack shit about that kinda thing.

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I think they should keep the story, and maybe improve the game mechanics a little bit, eg. How the fuck is hiding in a cardboard box going to be effective? Why can't that guard see me, even though I'm standing 15 feet in front of him?

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I think they should keep the story, and maybe improve the game mechanics a little bit, eg. How the fuck is hiding in a cardboard box going to be effective? Why can't that guard see me, even though I'm standing 15 feet in front of him?


It looks like you'll have to worry about that it in mgs4 :)

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Meh, it'll be a great game anyway, so I don't really care.


You forget that mercenaries, according to MGS games, all smoke pot and have a collective IQ of 12. :indeed:


I was watching the trailers for Guns of the Patriots yesterday, due to the "announcement" that it was coming to the 360. It think they may have done an RE4-style rework of the gameplay...

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Has anyone seen the MGS4 trailer where Snake appears young at the end?!


I wanna know what the hell's going on there, I hate how Kojima always messes with the fans.


I have a bad feeling I'm not gonna like MGS4, although I said that about 3 aswell and ended up loving it.

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Has anyone seen the MGS4 trailer where Snake appears young at the end?!


I wanna know what the hell's going on there, I hate how Kojima always messes with the fans.


I have a bad feeling I'm not gonna like MGS4, although I said that about 3 aswell and ended up loving it.


Cure for Fox Die maybe, anyway Linky that trailer!

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The Collection contains:


・Metal Gear [PS2]

・Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake [PS2]

・Metal Gear Solid [PS]

・Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Libery [PS2]

・Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater [PS2]

・Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops [PSP]

・Metal Gear Saga [DVD]

・The Document of Metal Gear Solid 2 [PS2]


It's a really good deal only 6900 yen, which is just uner £30!


I'm kinda confused about Metal Gear 1 & 2, they are just porting them over?

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