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Wii In Different Colours???


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MAAAAAAD DAAAAAAAAAAWG. The Wii console hasn't actually been confirmed to be released in a different colour... yet. We've had E3 prototypes of other colours of the console and remotes though, and like Cube said, we're getting different coloured Wiimotes and Nunchuks, so that could be preluding something big.

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Guest Stefkov
And differant is spelled different.

: peace:

I don't think it will come out in any different colours for a long while.

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  • 7 months later...

Big bumpage.


This is just in from GoNintendo.


Reader Andy sent in some interesting info. He works at a Target, and he’s been noticing something interesting with the Wii SKU. He explains the situation much better than I could have, so I’ve included a portion of his email below.


I work in the Electronics Department at a SuperTarget. Everything in Target has a DPCI number, which is kind of like a sku number. (For example, The number for the Wii is 207-25-0001) When an employee enters this number (either by hand or by scanning a barcode), it will give them the name of the item, price, location in the store, and a number of other details.


Here is what I find interesting: Before Christmas, when an employee would scan the Wii, “Wii Console†would come up as its “titleâ€. However, I noticed that when scanning the Wii barcode, that, instead of “Wii Consoleâ€, “Wii White†would come up as the title instead. Attached is a picture of a location print-up which illustrates the “Wii White†title. I find this interesting because what made Target change the title from “Wii Console†to “Wii Whiteâ€, unless there is another color coming soon. When a Playstation 3 is scanned, it doesn’t say “Playstation 3 40GB Blackâ€, it just says “Playstation 3 40GBâ€. I’ve found Target to know about many things before they are released, such as having the iPods listed as “Discontinued†a week before the new ones were announced.


Its certainly a possability given Nintendos history with the N64/Cube and DS its just a matter of time really.

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I don't think you could unless you hacked it/officially went through Nintendo. You could just put the hardware from your existing Wii into the new shell, but that would be pointless, you might aswell just paint your existing Wii rather than shell out £179 for the shell.

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Say you did want to buy another colour Wii how would you get your VC games onto your new console?




N-Sider: If someone acquires a different Wii console down the road—after their warranty expires, or perhaps just because they want a different color console, will they have any option for transferring their right to paid Wii Shop downloads or Wii Points to the new system?


Nintendo: The consumer can contact Consumer Service to determine the best options at that point.


What the hell kind of answer is that?? People dont want to haggle with Consumer Service over the phone just to get their games back. DO BETTER!


Since your Wii 'account' is your machine number, Nintendo is very capable of simply tieing your account to a 2nd Wii machine number. This would require you to download the games again (for free) from the Shop Channel, which is better than having to rebuy them

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I don't think I'd be fussed about different colours - I think it's kinda iconic in white and helps it stand out against the competition - certainly not enough to be interested in buying another system but, as someone else said, its a good business strategy to boost sales. I've seen a lot of 'skins' for the Wii and remotes so I'd probably think of shelling out pennies for them before buying a whole new Wii. Colours? Blacks a must. Blue would be cool, green even better. Silver, maybe.


As for the whole VC issue i think thats a real shadow over Nintendo. Its unfair. You buy a new iPod and all your old iTunes purchases go on it!! It's a shame that a great company like Nintendo can be so stingy....

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Perhaps nintendo will release a special USB device that copy's and reformats the system memory then when you plug it into the new Wii it copies the data over and then reformats the device. It will also write a file that will tell the Wii (both of them) to send a message to the internet the next time it connects to tell the Nintendo servers about the change.

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