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Donkey Kong Country Series

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Nah, they were past it by then. I don't think Rare are even responsible for any GBA classics are they?

Dunno what you call classic, but they made some games. I have the portable Banjo-Kazooie, never finished it (yet! ;)), but it was decent enough, just some clunky 3D controls in a 2,5D environment. There was a Sabre Wulf game, which got a good review on IGN if I recall correctly, and then there's

, dunno if that one's any good, but should be a collectors item for any old Rare fan ;) (and perhaps normal collectors as well, it had a very limited print it seemed).


Edit 00: [Or perhaps not so collectible]

Edit 01: Banjo Pilot was relatively popular too I believe?

Edited by Sméagol
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Dunno what you call classic, but they made some games. I have the portable Banjo-Kazooie, never finished it (yet! ;)), but it was decent enough, just some clunky 3D controls in a 2,5D environment.

Interesting you never finished it - most people found it too short!


There was a Sabre Wulf game, which got a good review on IGN if I recall correctly


Now this i can relate to - remember thinking it was one of the best 2D games I'd ever played. Definitely a lost gem that didn't get the marketing it deserved. Wish there was a DS version (i'd be happy with the exact same game with touchscreen support).

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no more donkey kong country. if they make one youll only be disappointed


It can be good, only if people don't go uber hype shit crazy and obssessing about the game non-stop and dreaming it to be the greatest thing to being made before it comes out, but that would be impossible for most gamers.

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It can be good, only if people don't go uber hype shit crazy and obssessing about the game non-stop and dreaming it to be the greatest thing to being made before it comes out, but that would be impossible for most gamers.


Who would make it though? Miyamoto has been pissing and moaning about the gameplay in the past So I can't see nintendo themselves making it unless he stays the hell away from it ( and I hope he does). Rare certainly won't and the way they are these days I'd rather they didn't anyway.


It could be fun but it needs the right developer who understands. I just don't see nintendo in-house doing this justice.

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Who would make it though? Miyamoto has been pissing and moaning about the gameplay in the past So I can't see nintendo themselves making it unless he stays the hell away from it ( and I hope he does). Rare certainly won't and the way they are these days I'd rather they didn't anyway.


It could be fun but it needs the right developer who understands. I just don't see nintendo in-house doing this justice.


The team who did DK Jet Race (despite tons of bad THEY LOST TEH BONGOZ reviews i thought it was a great game) seem to know how to appreciate the licence... Jungle Beat had good gameplay but v little to do with the previous DK games.


Somebody needs to track down both teams, lock them in an office together for a year, and see what comes out :)

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Dunno what you call classic, but they made some games. I have the portable Banjo-Kazooie, never finished it (yet! ;)), but it was decent enough, just some clunky 3D controls in a 2,5D environment. There was a Sabre Wulf game, which got a good review on IGN if I recall correctly, and then there's
, dunno if that one's any good, but should be a collectors item for any old Rare fan ;) (and perhaps normal collectors as well, it had a very limited print it seemed).


Edit 00: [Or perhaps not so collectible]

Edit 01: Banjo Pilot was relatively popular too I believe?


I'm not a fan of Banjo-Kazooie so I was never interested in the GBA title- though I have played it and it didn't set my world alight by any means. Same goes for Banjo Pilot.


I've played Sabre Wulf too and to be completely honest I wasn't too impressed either. Graphically it was ticking all the right boxes but it somehow felt like Rare were trying to force the magic, if you know what I mean. ::shrug:


It's Mr. Pants never caught my attention. :heh: Anyone played it?


It can be good, only if people don't go uber hype shit crazy and obssessing about the game non-stop and dreaming it to be the greatest thing to being made before it comes out, but that would be impossible for most gamers.


Haha, nice try buster but haven't you noticed we have been hyping DKC 4 for years now and there's not even been a single announcement. If one were to come then we'd go into meltdown!


The team who did DK Jet Race (despite tons of bad THEY LOST TEH BONGOZ reviews i thought it was a great game) seem to know how to appreciate the licence... Jungle Beat had good gameplay but v little to do with the previous DK games.


Somebody needs to track down both teams, lock them in an office together for a year, and see what comes out :)


Tell you what, you're completely spot on. DK Jet might not be a classic game (I still like it) but Paon did a fantastic job of being faithful to the DKC license.

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Good time for a revive. I bought DKC the other day after being heavily impressed by Returns. Not terribly far into it yet, and while I haven't caught onto this monumental infatuation that I know many people have for the series, I am really very pleased with how well a 16 year old game still plays. It's so slick, and the charm really does take me back to a bygone era of classic platformers.


I'll play more of it when my new CC Pro arrives (hopefully Tuesday), as I've been hampered with a GCN controller so far. Not the most comfortable of experiences that, but I expect it to work a lot better with the CC. Maybe I'll fall completely in love with it yet :heh:

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Well tempted to play all three of these again back to back ready for the new at Christmas. Must do it now though, dont want to play it too close to the game...


Its always a good time to play through the trilogy. I do an annual play of DKC 3 every Christmas.


Good time for a revive. I bought DKC the other day after being heavily impressed by Returns. Not terribly far into it yet, and while I haven't caught onto this monumental infatuation that I know many people have for the series, I am really very pleased with how well a 16 year old game still plays. It's so slick, and the charm really does take me back to a bygone era of classic platformers.


I'll play more of it when my new CC Pro arrives (hopefully Tuesday), as I've been hampered with a GCN controller so far. Not the most comfortable of experiences that, but I expect it to work a lot better with the CC. Maybe I'll fall completely in love with it yet :heh:


Great stuff with downloading it at long last. Its high time you caught up! :grin:

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Good time for a revive. I bought DKC the other day after being heavily impressed by Returns. Not terribly far into it yet, and while I haven't caught onto this monumental infatuation that I know many people have for the series, I am really very pleased with how well a 16 year old game still plays. It's so slick, and the charm really does take me back to a bygone era of classic platformers.


I'll play more of it when my new CC Pro arrives (hopefully Tuesday), as I've been hampered with a GCN controller so far. Not the most comfortable of experiences that, but I expect it to work a lot better with the CC. Maybe I'll fall completely in love with it yet :heh:


the second game is WAYYYY better though :D. Use this one to get used to the gameplay and style but it's defining moment is the second game. Your mind will be blown! The variation is the gameplay is excellent. I remember the first DKC going a bit too mad on the barrel puzzles.


underwater theme in DKC1 is awesome though

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the second game is WAYYYY better though :D. Use this one to get used to the gameplay and style but it's defining moment is the second game. Your mind will be blown! The variation is the gameplay is excellent. I remember the first DKC going a bit too mad on the barrel puzzles.


DKC2's way better, but mostly if you've played DKC1 first. Funny enough, Banjo Kazooie/Tooie has the same condition (same dev team).


Don't make the mistake of playing the 2nd one first - you won't appreciate the improvements, and the extra moves, etc will likely make it too complex. That happened to me on BK/BT, and i witnessed it happen to someone on DKC1/DKC2/DKC3.

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I absolutely adored this track from the second game - so epic.


I'm so darn tempted to download one of these off the VC. I've played through DKC and DKC2 fully before so perhaps I should give the 3rd a go (I've only played some of it) - I know it got probably the highest rating for any SNES game ever but is the third still awesome if you've played the other two already?

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I absolutely adored this track from the second game - so epic.


I'm so darn tempted to download one of these off the VC. I've played through DKC and DKC2 fully before so perhaps I should give the 3rd a go (I've only played some of it) - I know it got probably the highest rating for any SNES game ever but is the third still awesome if you've played the other two already?


Oh yes. the third is the biggest donkey kong country game, also features the best graphics. It does lose the darkness of the second game but it's certainly a lot better than DKC1.


I think it's a great game still.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Oh yes. the third is the biggest donkey kong country game, also features the best graphics. It does lose the darkness of the second game but it's certainly a lot better than DKC1.


I think it's a great game still.


Whilst it's still a good game, I wouldn't say it's lot better than the first DKC. I liked the simplicity of the first game. DKC3 has the best graphics but it has the weakest soundtrack (though it's still incredibly good) and I think it suffers in the atmosphere department as a result.


When playing through Snow Barrel Blast, you can feel the cold - DKC3 doesn't suck you into the world on that same kind of level.

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DKC is also the best for me. Simplicity, atmosphere, soundtrack, overall quality... it has it all.


DKC2 features my favourite pairing, and some of the best level designs and gameplay in the series, but it's not as atmospheric.


DKC3 is an odd one. A more cartoony style, slower gameplay, and the two Kongs are more different than ever. However, this was also the game where Rare went crazy with their ideas. It felt like every level had a gimmick. Not that it is a bad thing.

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Cheers for the info chaps, I think I'll probably not download it - I seem to recall not liking Kiddy Kong on my initial play anyways.


DKC 2 is probably my fave although the first is incredibly close, mainly for the reasons that Jonnas lists.

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The second game is by far the best! I don't know why but I could never really get into the third despite loving 1 and 2. I think it was the slower pace and a strong dislike for Kiddy Kong mainly. I also much preffered the darkness of number 2!


Webwoods is one of the most atmospheric levels ever.



Incredible music

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DKC 1 all the way. I still remember being 5 or 6 enjoying my first co op experience with my brother. Unlike alot of games that I look back on now it hasn't lost that charm that my memory leads me to believe it had, something McKids failed to do.

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Lovely black CC Pro arrived today (which is sexy, by the way), so I've been getting back into DKC. Really getting into the flow now, and loving every level!


... That was until I got to Snow Barrel Blast :blank:


Still stuck on that particular bitch, but can't wait to complete it so I can download that allegedly brillianter DKC2 :D

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