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ILoveBees parody/Matroid Prime advertising

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I created a new thread because it seemed vaguely sensible, if not, then mods: please feel free to merge with current Metroid Prime thread. I figured as this had little to do with the actual game, it could count a separate thread.



Ok, for some reason I was forcibly reminded of the old adverts for Metroid about an hour ago. For those who don't know, ILoveBees was a very cleverly constructed advert for Halo 2, including a very convoluted puzzle game, several different blogs and required incredibly lucky guesses (or a team of at least 4 geniuses working for you) to solve. The ultimate reward was a couple of sneak previews of Halo 2 and a couple of DVDs, t-shirts, etc. Anyway, Nintendo (or possibly a fan, I don't think it was ever announced as unofficial) as part of the run up to Metroid Prime (or 2, I don't remember) lauched a huge swath of websites that rhymed with ilovebees.com, such as iloveknees.com, ilovesneeze,com etc. On each of these websites was a picture of Samus and some text.


And it is this text that I am unsure about. I remember the text as something like "All Your Base Are Belong To Us. Never Send A Man To Do A Woman's Job." but I'd like to know what it as actually like. I've tried to get onto a few websites that rhymes with ilovebees, but apparently they no longer exist (whereas ilovebees does).


Any help would be appreciated.



P.S. I was originally hoping to use the websites as part of a prank on a 360 fanboy friend of mine (all in good fun course), but now am considering relaunching the websites in opposition to the Halo 3 launch coming soon. Or, if Bungie has thought of a similar advert to ilovebees, maybe a similar reply?



Edit: Gah! I read through the actual post, but not the title! I cannot believe I misspelt Metroid! If a mod could please correct (as I apparently cannot) it would be much appreciated!

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Cube: That's it exactly. Although one half of the picture is missing, but I can live with that.


Emasher: If I do try and bring it back, I'll have to see if Bungie are doing a similar sort of thing for Halo 3 and then maybe do a similar sort of thing for Metroid. As for web designers, while I may not be one myself, I am on a computer science course at uni - I'm sure there's plenty around me!


Does anyone know if this was an official marketing thing, a fan taking it upon himself, or something the developers did for a laugh? I'm kinda curious about that in general.

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