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The N-Europe Forum Awards 2006


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Months ago, you voted members for various categories, and were promised the results for January. Well, after doing a Nintendo....here they are.


It's a shame (well...mostly) that some of these members in the awards are no longer with us, some have left, some have gotten themselves banned.


I've counted all the votes up, and compiled a list of the winners, the runners up, and people whe just behind votes-wise. In the case of a tie, I've let both share the spot. As someone who has won nothing (I got 2 half votes, though) in these awards...I feel I'm in a neutral position to present them.


So.....let’s get started.


The 2006 N-Europe Member Of The Year


Winner: Fierce_Link


This was not a case of everyone licking the admin's shoes, Flinky is a valued member of this community, and I hope we've helped him with his unfortunate sting of problems. His posts in the Post your "Meaningless Post of The Day" thread are usually very interesting to read, and he's loved by just about everyone here. Good luck in the future, Flinky. We'll miss you.


Runner Up: The3rdChildren, Dante


The runner up position was a tie between The3rdChildren - who was a well liked character until he got himself banned, and Dante - who everyone loves for his newsbot-style posting. Both members deserve the acknowledgement (at the time of voting, anyway).


Almost There: Canand, Eenuh, Jordan, Ashley, TakeoMiyazaki, Hero-of-Time


Thread Starter Of The Year


Winner: Flaight


Oh Flaight...where are you? His idea of the Post your "Meaningless Post of The Day" is a massive hit - the thread has helped reduce a lot of what would otherwise be spam-threads, and made the community closer, as it's somewhere that we can use to get to know each other better. He hasn't made many threads, but Q: Where to buy Urinal Cakes and Your car falls in a river. What would you do? deserve to be remembered.


Runner Up: Fierce_Link


The Flinkster again (aka Mian Allah Rassi Mohammed Din Muzhar Jamal Rasool). As of now, 202 threads created. He created a ton of news topics in the early days (when only a select few could create topics), plus many entertaining threads (You And Your Hair, The Highs And The Woes Of Preordering, Flat/Housemates From Hell).


Almost There: Stocka, Tellyn!, Meik


Best Mod Of The Year


Winner: Hero-of-time


Mr HoT gets voted as Mr Popular Mod. Whether it be for his astonishingly good looks, good posting, or spot-on moderating (he does do some of that, right?), He's Number 1 on most people's lists.


Runner Up: Blackfox, Diemetrix


Another tie. Blackfox's and Diemetrix's prowling of the forums are both equally great. They both have the key ideas into knowing what threads to lock.


Almost There: Jordan, Shorty, Moria


Best Admin Of The Year


Winner: Fierce_Link


Mr Flinkington again. Without him as admin, we would we doomed (therefore, we are now all officially doomed); this place wouldn't have started too well without him here.


Runner Up: Ashley


Or [Girl's Name] (Which Is a great name because it remind's me of a FireFly quote) as (s?)he now calls himself. He has been essential to the running of the forum, he's also has a mighty presence in the Post your "Meaningless Post of The Day" thread.


Almost There: Platty, Mokong X-C, Tim


Most Helpful Member Of The Year


Winner: Dante


It had to be. He helps us out by C&Ping gaming news for us all (plus some random other bits), but he also has a few of his own helpful posts, too. A truly valued member of this forum.


Runner Up: Supergrunch


Supergrunch is also Mr Helpful (Happy Sandwich for yesterday, btw). Although I can't recall anything he did that was particularly helpful. Congrats, anyway.


Almost There: Jordan, Hero-of-Time, Fierce_Link


Most Respected Member


Winner: Fierce_Link


Despite everyone taking the mick out of his name by putting it into band names, film titles and anything else they think of, everyone flinkingly respects the Flinkster. I'll leave this entry short...I'll be writing more on him later.


Runner Up: Ashley


Mr Admin Ashley. Admins are always respected. In fact, "Though must respect thy admin" is the little-known 12th Commandment (the 11th is "Cubes Rule", if you were wondering).


Almost There: rokhed00, Dante, Stocka, Aimless, Platty


Best Newcomer Of 2006


Winner: Letty


Everyone loves Jordan's Girly. Everyone. So, it isn't surprising that she is everyone’s most loved newcomer. So, everyone, a round of applause for the Lovely Letty. And her artistic works.


Runner Up: The Bard, mcj_metroid, TakeoMiyazaki


Quite a bunch, these 3 all tie for the runners up position. All 3 are now glued into the working of the forum.


Almost There: Eenuh, Rummy, Fresh


Most Knowledgeable Member Of The Year


Winner: Dante


I myself don't see how the ability to press the keys Shift, C and V makes someone knowledgeable, but some people obviously think that behind the newsbot exterior, is a very smart guy.


Runner Up: pedrocasilva


Predro's Law of Stuff states that Pedrocasilva knows everything within the boundaries of space and time. And you lot all agree with the law. Rightly so.


Almost There: Ginger_Chris, Ashley


Funniest Member Of 2006


Winner: Dabookerman


For his many, many random comments which could be deemed at spam. Some loved it, others hated it. Those who loved them voted for him here. It's too early to say that those who loved him loved him more than how much those who hated him hated him.


Runner Up: Meik


I must say, when I was counting all the votes, Meik's entry made me laugh - his humour managed to infest itself into every one of his posts. He probably does it without realising.


Almost There: The3rdChildren, EEvilMurray, Nintendork


Best/Worst Negative Member of 2006


Winner: Solitanze


You all still remember him, and both hated and loathed him. He eventually got what you wanted, and is now no longer here. The Solitanze Zelda Criticism Index. - See this post for more.


Runner Up: Nintendork


For someone who made the "clever" name from "Nintendo" and "Dork", he seemed to loath Nintendo, and was essentially just an annoying troll.


Almost There: ZeldaFreak, arab_freak, The Bard


Spammer Of The Year


Winner: Dabookerman


I mentioned before that there were those who loved him, and those who hated him. This is where those who didn't find his posts funny come into play. He's just like marmite.


Runner Up: Caris


Caris, seen as a spammer by all the staff. Or it could be that he's the poor guy they pick on and blame everything on. We love you, really.


Almost There: Hiyaz!, Solitanze, TakeoMiyazaki


Most Missed User Of The Year


Winner: Offerman


This guy was a legend, and was probably God in n-europe member form. He's now gone, but just like Christianity's Jesus, he will always be with us in spirit.


Runner Up: Athriller


He came, he posted, we camed. We loved him, and we still do. Please come back.


Almost There: Stranger, Flaight, Sprout


User With The Best Sigs Of The Year


Winner: Fresh


His style is amazing (even today they smell fresh - and everyone seem to be following his recent tutorial), and this just proves it. His signatures will never decay.


Runner Up: RedShell


Most noticeable is his mixture of cartoon and glass effects. His signatures have always looked amazing.


Almost There: Dabookerman, The Twilighter, Shorty


User With The Best Avatars Of The Year


Winner: RedShell


[insert what I put in the last award. Replace "Signature" with "Avatar"]


Runner Up: Fresh


[insert what I put in the last award. Replace "Signature" with "Avatar"]


Almost There: Letty, Jordan


If You Were Stuck In A Lift With An N-Eer...Who Would It Be


Winner: TakeoMiyazaki, Eenuh


Lets just say, this award was very close. Only a few votes separated the winners and the people who didn't make the "Almost There" position. Then again, this is probably the most personal award. Takeo and Eenuh are both great people for getting stuck in a lift with. In fact, I would prefer getting stuck in a lift with these two than win the lottery.


Runner Up: Fierce_Link


Getting stuck in a lift with this guy is also great. I've probably said enough already...everyone here loves him.


Almost There: Retro-Lover, Dabookerman, Letty, Sprout, rokhed00, ViPeR


The Taciturn Award


Winner: Bowser57


Bowser57 doesn't post much, but when he does/did, it was certain to be worth reading - our anticipation for his next post is greater than a 12-year-olds anticipation for the next Harry Potter Book.


Runner Up: Mr Odwin


Mr. Odwin. A fabulous member, his posts are always great to read. Hopefully his child will become as great a person as himself.


Almost There: Aimless, Sprout, Haver, CooInTheZoo


The User Who Spends Most Of His/Her Entire Life On Here


Winner: Jordan


Does he ever leave? Over 7000 posts suggests that he doesn't. Still, that ain't a bad thing - we love having him here all the time.


Runner Up: Dante


He always seems to give us the latest info 24/7...which suggests that he never sleeps.


Almost There: Retro-Lover, Ashley


Best Forum Moment of 2006


Winner: Wii Name Announcement


Just over a year ago, Nintendo announced that the Nintendo Revolution would be called the Wii. Now, we say the name like it's just any old name, when it was announced there was much, much commotion over it (a clever advertising stunt, it seems). Over the next few days, we made all the jokes and gifs that could possibly be made based on the name. Twas funny.


Runner Up: Jordan Avatar Revolution


I can't remember who started this, but one day I logged on to see half the forum merging their avatar with Jordan's Avatar. It was hilarious - we should do that again to someone else.


Almost There: Colour War, E3, First Revolution Screens (Red Steel), Sony E3 Conference, Isketch, "Get The Stick Figure to The Other Side"


The N-Europe 2006 Award For Personality Of The Year


Winner: TakeoMiyazaki


Personality is probably the most important thing about a person. So, this award means that Takeo is a truly amazing guy. Well done!


Runner Up: Rokhed00


What a guy. You can tell he has a great personality, and he's a hero. "Imperfections" (like his total hate for New Who, yet still watching it) just make someone's personality more interesting.


Almost There: The3rdChildren, Jordan, Nintendork


Best User Ever


Winner: Fierce_Link


Who would of guessed....well..everyone would of guessed. Flinky is our blood, our reason for still visiting these forums. God forbid what would happen should he leave. Hang on.....


Runner Up: Bowser57


Bowser57 again. 56 and 58 are idiots, yet 57 manages to be almost perfect, and is a form that every member should aim to become.


Almost There: Tim, Letty, Canand, rokhed00, Athriller


The N-Europe 2006 Lifetime Achievement Award


Winner: Jordan


This forum wouldn't be the same without him. The Legend of the Jar shall live with us throughout the rest of our lives. He accounts for half of this forum's posts, and we love him for it.


Runner Up: Fierce_Link


He made this forum what it is - thank you Flinky, we'll be here, waiting for you to return. Good luck in your life.


Almost There: rokhed00, Ashley, Platty


EDIT by Jordan: Sorry... having my name spelt wrong drives me insane.

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Guest Jordan

My name is spelt wrong! Everywhere! T_T

Thanks for the awards, i can't believe i lost out best mod to HoT :D

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Awards Thread Poster of The Year


Winner: Cube


For a while it looked as if we would be in for a rollover awards ceremony, but someone finally decided to do something about it. That someone was Cube.


Bask in the faint praise.

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