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*Emergency* New Newsies Needed


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We seem to have suffered a bit of a staff crisis. A lot of the newsteam are out with exams or other commitments (this time of the year sucks), so we're looking a bit short on the newsfront. Hence, the lack of news recently on the front page.


If anybody could help us out, long-term or just for the short-term, please say so in here.


Thank you for your patience during this hectic time.

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well I can help, I'm really not up to much at all, just finishing up my last uni assignment this afternoon, then my time is my own...and can help long term... my html knowledge isn't too bad, although will have to read up on a few things...

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I'd really love to help, I'm totally free until September and even after that I can work for you if you want no problem. I get news just as fast or faster than Dante, I don't usually post them cause he will, but during E3s and such you can notice I can get stuff fast.

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Oh me me I'd love to help and be a newsie,even long term.


I already have experience with HTML aswell and I can re-write things and not just a copy and paste.


And I also find out news fast-ish and I can post up news on the main page quickly.

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Part of being a newsie is re-writing things. Giving it a makeover. That's why I'm not completely sold on Dante, it's not a simple copy and paste job.


True, without wanting to slag him off thats all he seems to do, whilst theres nothing wrong with it there are over ways to deliver news! anyway I find out news pretty fast, as can be seen by some of the threads I started such as the Resident Evil 4 (actually that might be the only example!)


Anyway, I'm just finishing my English degree and am interested in Journalism in general so would be very interested in filling such a post on the short term then see how it goes...

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True, without wanting to slag him off thats all he seems to do, whilst theres nothing wrong with it there are over ways to deliver news!


Thats all I do aswell. Its just quicker and easier to do that for the boards and I never try to hide it as I usually give a source from where I nicked it from. I let the news team change it and worry about getting it on the main site. : peace:

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Thats all I do aswell. Its just quicker and easier to do that for the boards and I never try to hide it as I usually give a source from where I nicked it from. I let the news team change it and worry about getting it on the main site. : peace:


oh yeah...theres nothing wrong with doing it for a forum, but for a front page you need to give your own spin on it! Like if I ever report news I will usually quote a source muhc like you do then say what I think on it!

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oh yeah...theres nothing wrong with doing it for a forum, but for a front page you need to give your own spin on it! Like if I ever report news I will usually quote a source muhc like you do then say what I think on it!


Totally agree, wasnt having a go at you or anything. : peace:

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