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Sam Raimi Confirms Spidey 4, 5 and 6


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At the Los Angeles press junket today, Spider-Man 3 director Sam Raimi confirmed that Sony Pictures is doing a 4th, 5th and 6th installment of the popular franchise.


We'll have his exact words shortly, but Raimi said that he hasn't had time to think of any involvement and he doesn't want to presume Sony would want him to direct.


He said there has to be a good story to tell and that "it'd be very hard to say goodbye to 'Spider Man.'"


Taken From Superherohype

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Not surprised, Sony want as much as they can probably get, and it's a big cash cow for them, but I don't care cos I love spider and have liked the first two installments from raimi immensely.


Oo, someone mentioned the kingpin, if they can get michael duncan clarke(thats his name right?) to reprise the role, it'd be very nice to see! I thought he was excellent in daredevil. Would be good, but probably too violent, to see some carnage, or even possibly some spiderman clonage?

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More Jameson, more Venom and for fucks sake introduce the King Pin.


The King Pin was in DareDevil so I don't think we'll be seeing him in the Spidey films.


Kinda depressing though that Venom, the best Spidey bad guy (IMO), will only apear in probably the last half an hour of Spiderman 3 instead of getting a whole film to cause hell.


I think Venom will probably be killed off in the end along with some other characters...


I think Carnage should be left out of the films though, even though he was an alright bad guy I think putting him in the films will probably make the plot very tedious.

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Yeah this isn't really a surprise considering how much money Sony make from these films!


On one hand I kind of feel quit while your ahead, but if they can keep up the same high quality have have great storylines then it should be alright!


Not sure how it will feel if there are new actors for Spidey and MJ, which is pretty likely!


The King Pin was in DareDevil so I don't think we'll be seeing him in the Spidey films.


I think Carnage should be left out of the films though, even though he was an alright bad guy I think putting him in the films will probably make the plot very tedious.



Venom if he makes it out of Spidey 3, would be good to have in 4.


I can see Lizard being a bad guy in Spidey 4, considering how his character is already around in the movies and it's been rumoured in the past and the actor is keen.


Also King Pin would be great in a film, or as a back ground character right across the next trilogy, like Harry has been in this trilogy.


I'd also like to see Scorpion and Rhino at some point, even if they aren't main characters just thugs disrupting the city for King Pin at some point.

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well thinking back to the comics, spideys biggest enemies were doc oc, the 2 goblins and vemon being a sub plot that developed after the secret wars, i think he should face the beyonder (he appears in almost every marvel comic) as the beyonders powers are like God basically =)

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Oh yeah, I remember, insted of white and fat he was black and mucley.


Yeah, stick Lizard in the mix!

He isn't actually fat, he is muscley. I dunno about the lizard, I've never been his biggest fan, I probably even prefer shocker over him! I reckon venom will make it out of spiderman 3, he's forever been hard to kill. I think for villains the likely choices will be;





Shocker?I meant electro here.


Chameleon maybe?

Doc Ock if he didn't actually die somehow, but that'd be a be corny to do.

Could do a Morbious character too, wouldn't be too tricky to have a vampire in a film.


I reckon Toby Maguire is perfect for the role, and if he got offered it he'd probably keep it, I mean come on, who WOULDN'T want to be spiderman given the chance??


EDIT: Had a little look through a book I have, and it reminded me of someone I forgot who I would really love to see make it as a bg screen villain, none other than...Mysterio! Also saw some other villains, but they don't translate to the screen so well I don't think, like Kraven, or the Vulture. There was one part of the comics where spiderman dons like 4 different costumes to hide himself sort of thing but still fight crime, that'd be pretty amusing to see, though not enough to build a film on.

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X-Men/Spider-man crossover =O

Blade/Spider-man crossover =O





ooh ooh, I hope there really is 3 more movies. Wonder if Maguire would keep coming back though, would be hard to imagine anyone else in the role now.

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nope, i think it was toby who was unsure about whether to go on and kirsten dunst said in an interview that she thought 3 would be the end which is why everyones surprised (i think) and i wonder if gwen stacy is gonna appear in these films at all...

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Didn't they mention 4, 5 and 6 years ago?
Yeah a trilogy of trology's has been mentioned in the past.


I reckon Toby Maguire is perfect for the role, and if he got offered it he'd probably keep it, I mean come on, who WOULDN'T want to be spiderman given the chance??
I thinks it's actually the other way around! I think everyone to do with making the films would be happiest if Toby Maguire and Kirsten Dunst stayed on, but I think both are saying that they are looking for new challenges now; with Maguire saying he feels as though everything is somewhat resolved for the haracters in Spiderman 3 and it feels as though it may be a good place to stop,


No More Webs for Maguire?




Lizard Leapin' Into Spidey 4?



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X-Men/Spider-man crossover =O

Blade/Spider-man crossover =O





ooh ooh, I hope there really is 3 more movies. Wonder if Maguire would keep coming back though, would be hard to imagine anyone else in the role now.

Heh, I thought crossovers then thought that'd be pretty unlikely.

I would like to see Tobey keep the role, he's a good actor in it, and in fact a very good actor across the board in everything I've seen with him, but I can understand why they'd want to not get stuck in it, does kind of limit their oppurtunities in some senses. I just feel like a cast overhaul would be hard to do without shifting the time period significantly, I dunno why but it'd just seem weird. The only other way I can think to actually replace spider would be to bring in the whole clone business, but I can't see that happening in the films.

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I think 4 will be more about what Spidey is. They have been setting the Lizard up for 2 films (he's mentioned in the first as well) and involving him is a very natural way for Parker to start looking into what his gift is. On the flip side I wouldn't be surprised if Riami leaves this well alone because he like to keep a bit of ambiguity about these kindof issues I think.

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Over the course of the next trilogy i'd like to them go through Venom (Eddie Brock), Scorpion, Norman Osborn, Venom (Mac Gargan).


Wouldnt mind seeing a version of the Sinister Six either, would give them a good chance to get some of the less major enemies out of the way (like Electro, Rhino, Mysterio and Shocker)


Then i think its time to knock it all on the head, or at least do a film based on the Civil War storyline to tie all the superhero films together nicely

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