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How do i get a girlfriend?


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:weep: i thought we had somthin special.


lions and tigers and bears oh my!


IQ excellent those with intellegens would no you dont need any to fight or are you saying ur one of those i would fight with lo iq


dont put yourself down mate its not funny


I feel very sorry for you, you obviously suffer a horrible learning disorder which i do not wish upon anybody. I hope you can find some help, as growing up like that would give you no quality of life

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Been watching Predator 2 recently have we :heh:


it's been about years................but it stays close to my heart like the rib cage


and jon when you have finished pubertey then come and speak to me


the only thing that can hinder me at this age is a loss of an eye


so havin a career in somthing that dosent need short hand type skills is well........a winner realy :p

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Haha, those two are actually pretty funny...


*puts mod cap on*

Stop it, now :P Or i'll lock this thread and i really don't want to because its pretty neat!

*takes cap off*

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hey hey chika dees only me! :kiss:


so who would like dating advice. come on dont be shy i mean we already gave syco link

the ammo to go into the big wide world with.

only fare to share the love


no hard feelings john

(that was a joke) :woops:


love the sig athriller. have you seen were the buffalo roam?

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Girls are evil!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so depressing. Two of my close friends (who are girls) pretended to be a girl i like, over MSN (I should have taken all your warnings). So they start saying that "ooooo Tom, your such a sxc beast and i've always wanted to hold you in my arms" I couldnt reply, i was litteraly paralised. Then they say "Are you getting excited?" I nearly died from shock. I calm down and ask her if it really was her cause i she never usually acts like that. I asked her some questions that i thought only she would know. Those damn lucky bitches knew the answers so i was still thinking it was her. I was on the verge of asking her out when they reveal that girl i think im talking to is away in portugal, and its my two friends, who are sitting in a room full of people. I blocked them havn't really signed in sinse. I think i might just forget about girls for a while.

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Guest Offerman
Girls are evil!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so depressing. Two of my close friends (who are girls) pretended to be a girl i like, over MSN (I should have taken all your warnings). So they start saying that "ooooo Tom, your such a sxc beast and i've always wanted to hold you in my arms" I couldnt reply, i was litteraly paralised. Then they say "Are you getting excited?" I nearly died from shock. I calm down and ask her if it really was her cause i she never usually acts like that. I asked her some questions that i thought only she would know. Those damn lucky bitches knew the answers so i was still thinking it was her. I was on the verge of asking her out when they reveal that girl i think im talking to is away in portugal, and its my two friends, who are sitting in a room full of people. I blocked them havn't really signed in sinse. I think i might just forget about girls for a while.


You live in Aldershot...I live just down the road. Man we have so much in common.

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I feel that I am only doing my duty to protect this place from the n00bs, there comiing more and there attcks are harder to deal with, but ill bear with it.




Yeh keep those troublemakers out, close the borders down the RNP is here to stay!

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*big admin voice*


stop the arguing! we was all n00bs once. leave them alone, however if you are new to the forum dont be annoying as some of you are. just get on, post and have fun.


now back onto topic please.


well said.


syco link........... man that was harsh u should get your sweet reveng on your own sweet time with thoes two girls. but like i said you SHOULD NOT ASK A GIRL OUT YOU REALLY LIKE AND CAN SEE IN THE FLESH ON MSN OR ON ANY OTHER MEDIA DEVICE.

not cool. but your still young mate plenty of time! you should probably use the time to play a musicle instrument of some kind or learn how to hack or somthin! or just wait till the lady comes back off her holls :grin:

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You live in Aldershot...I live just down the road. Man we have so much in common.


Do you know where there that big gas tower used to be in Aldershot used to be? I live on the other side of the road from there. What part of Basingstoke are you from?



syco link........... man that was harsh u should get your sweet reveng on your own sweet time with thoes two girls. but like i said you SHOULD NOT ASK A GIRL OUT YOU REALLY LIKE AND CAN SEE IN THE FLESH ON MSN OR ON ANY OTHER MEDIA DEVICE.

not cool. but your still young mate plenty of time! you should probably use the time to play a musicle instrument of some kind or learn how to hack or somthin! or just wait till the lady comes back off her holls :grin:


How would i get revenge? I can't think of anything >.<

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well it depends on how good these people are to you as mates! i mean if ther quite close u dont want to do somthin that will loos friends but on the other hand they did catch you while you were quite vunerable, takin full advantage of a situation.

so the best thing to do is catch them in a situation and take full advantage at least then ur playin them at their own game :awesome:


i can only give u a battle plan, u will have to fill in the details as u know them and what they get up to and it doesent have to be an imediat reaction.so dont worrey if nothin comes to mind at the mo their will be an oppertunatey.


aahhh play ground war fare takes me back it does!

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Guest Offerman
Just yesterday I showed a girl my penis then we had sex. There's something to be learned from that lads.


Dear pissing christ Odwin, thats abit graphic. I mean...there is so many things wrong with that...


A) Did you show her symbolically, or actual in-the-flesh.


B) Can you back up this claim with evidence?


C) Is this a generic practice?


D) Did you in anyway force her to see your penis, for yours or her sexual gratification?

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Dear pissing christ Odwin, thats abit graphic. I mean...there is so many things wrong with that...


A) Did you show her symbolically, or actual in-the-flesh.


B) Can you back up this claim with evidence?


C) Is this a generic practice?


D) Did you in anyway force her to see your penis, for yours or her sexual gratification?



aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahahaah, i think i just wet my self. ask him if he swung it round?.. :shock:

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Guest Offerman
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahahaah, i think i just wet my self. ask him if he swung it round?.. :shock:


You can get panty liners for that. :eer: :no:

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