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Rumour : More SEGA announcements on the way?


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Rumour reporter is reporting that it will be announcing a couple of Wii projects from SEGA,and finishes it's statement by saying " Let’s just say that DK: Bongo Blast probably won’t be the only Wii game you’ll be shaking beats to this year."


Possibly a Samba De Amigo sequal?


Full statement can be found below :

Lots of things have been confirmed as of late. More recently, my mentioning of 20GB PS3s no longer being sold. But come this Friday, I’ve got intriguing news on a couple SEGA-related developments… for Wii. Think NiGHTS was the only retro-game by SEGA coming back to life? Think again. Come Friday and find out what could be one of the biggest no-brainers in retuning franchises to Wii.


Let’s just say that DK: Bongo Blast probably won’t be the only Wii game you’ll be shaking beats to this year.




I have no idea how reliable these guys are so we need to wait and see.

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Fingers crossed. And I wish they'd think of bringing more franchises namely, Panzer Dragoon, Virtua Tennis, House of the Dead... hell... even Sega GT would be most welcome into a platform who lacks those games.


Sega is surprising me this gen, I'm very happy to admit that.

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There's also the recent patenting of the name "Sonic Rush Adventure", which could potentially either be a DS or Wii project.


I say Wii because a poster on another forum I go to (who's very cryptic and it's impossible to really tell if he's serious or not but he's a confirmed ex-Sega employee) seems to think there's a real "Sonic Rush 2" in development for DS and has been for a while and hence the recent patenting of the name "Sonic Rush Adventure" could potentially be the next Sonic Wii title, which might link with a Rush 2.


Entirely rumour and little to go on, but the patent exists at least.

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Yea I heard about the patent aswell,filed on the 2nd of April or something.I would love a second Sonic Rush on the DS.

Would be good if it's true and hopefully there won't be a bad Sonic game released roughly at the same time that would harm sales.


I really want that Sonic one to be true and a Skies of Arcadia sequal,I mean it was already in development so why not conitinue it.

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This is all very exciting. 'Sonic Rush Adventure'!! Potential 'Samba' too.


What I wouldn't give for Skies of Arcadia Wii! I didn't know it was already in development. Was it an unfinished Dreamcast project or intended for one of last gen's bunch?


I think it was when it was when the Dreamcast was still out but the last thing that was heard of it ,was that it was in "planning stages"


I hope they ressurect it though,really want a sequal.

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Samba de Amigo or Panzer Dragon Orta... want please!


We will have Resident Evil: UC.. who cares about The house of the dead! :heh:


Skies of Arcadia 2... sigh.. do i really have to say more?!? (Ok its awsome!)


Shenmue III will probabily end up at Xbox 720 and PS4! :grin:

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Come on Sega, is it so hard to make a new Streets of Rage?

I'd settle for a 2D version even, just make it!


Streets of Rage 4 was in the making a long time ago. However SEGA canned it as apparently 'there was no market' for another one. With business decisions like that it's no wonder they ended up the way they did.

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