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Planning a holiday in Japan/Tokyo


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Guys, I don't care who's right and who's wrong in this, please leave it. This thread isn't designed for you guys to have a slanging match. It is for Ollie.


Here is his first post, again:




Either you help him, or stay out of this thread. Anymore shit stiring and I'll clamp down even further.


Sorry that I retaliated, for being provoked :p .

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Sorry that I retaliated, for being provoked :p .


Is that shit stirring?


Wait, did I just shit stir?


How does one stir shit?


I mean if you think about it, there are 2 ways around that question, External or Internal. I feel sorry for anybody who has to go through the latter.


Has this yet reached my 15 characters minimum quota?


Why am i still typing.


By the way I want to hit Japan one day too so any info that gets put up here is also greatly apreciated by me. So shall we get back on topic gents and ladies?



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Is that shit stirring?


Wait, did I just shit stir?


How does one stir shit?


I mean if you think about it, there are 2 ways around that question, External or Internal. I feel sorry for anybody who has to go through the latter.


Has this yet reached my 15 characters minimum quota?


Why am i still typing.


By the way I want to hit Japan one day too so any info that gets put up here is also greatly apreciated by me. So shall we get back on topic gents and ladies?




Hi wildo, and fierce link always gets us back on track thats why hes our god. And HoT is nearly a god. Now that makes me wonder will HoT become like Kratos in GoW to become an admin but then bans and admin then ....


I would finish off the story but for spoiler blockers I can't.


Anyway look at the time guess we should get this little train topic back on the tracks.

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I'm kinda dissapointed with the stoping of the arguement, but, I can live with it..... This isn't over though, this will never be over!:shakehead








Anyway, I guess I'll just make a post showing awesomeness.......


If you have been, where did you stay, what parts of Japan, and where abouts in Tokyo?


I stayed in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and a port city in Hokkaido called Hakodate.... All three places were awesome for different reasons...


In Tokyo I stayed in a hotel called the Ikebukuro Hotel Star Plaza..... It's in an awesome area as it's litterally minutes from Ikebukuro station which is on the JR line and can be used as a hub to pretty much anywhere in Japan.... That's right Japan, not just Tokyo... It's one of the stations and it's really helpful. If you have a JRPass you will get everywhere from here. :)


It is also very close to Sunshine City (the other half of Ikebukuro if you will where the station cuts the area in two) which is really awesome. It's got atleast 4 awesome arcades, some of the best restaurants around including a really strange themed restaurant where you can eat your food locked in a cell (I kid you not), 4 massive anime/manga shops (tbh Ikebukuro is considered Akihabara for girls, but, you can find a ton of awesome stuff as a guy as well lol) and the massive Sunshine Building which has a really cool aquarium on the top floor including live animal shows....


If you are interested in Ikebukuro Hotel Star Plaza be aware that it's down a side streat where there are lots of hostess clubs with guys standing outside to try to get passers by inside...... It's probably one of the most dangerous looking areas you will see in your whole trip to Japan at night (maybe if you go to Rapongi, but, I didn't go there) but it's really not bad. lol On the plus side you will be greated by 3 really pretty girls in a costume whenever you go back to your hotel past say 9pm. lol Oh and if you're lucky you'll meet Vegita from DBZ... Yeah there was a dude randomly cosplaying there. lol The hotel itself is really nice, they have a massive bath on the basement floor and a pc with internet for all to use by the reception. Rooms are pretty nice as well. :)





Where did you go when you were there, shopping, entertainment, etc, or if you havent been, where would you like to go?



URgghhh.... Very big question. lol


Ok I went to pretty much all the main districts in Tokyo... Depending on the type of clothes you want you will go to different areas. lol Harajuku in general is a good place to go shopping. There is also a shine pretty much right next to here so you can drop by for a look... It's no where near as nice as Kyoto's but it's fun to take a trip there. :) Akihabara is obviously good for electronics as you would expect... Most the people in shops I came across could speak decent English and some were willing to haggle (this might have been mentioned earlier :-/) and you can get stuff cheaper if you bring your passport.... I however didn't know this when I went. =P Shibuya and Shinjuku have lots of shops, department stores etc... Take a look... :)


Entertainment, well I went to Disney Land which is technically just outside Tokyo I believe, but, it's just a train journey... I found it really entertaining personally. lol You might have a hard time agreeing with it thinking it's for kids, but, the way people in Japan get excited about it really rubs off on you. hehe

I also went to a SMAP concert in the Tokyo Dome which cost a bomb buying the tickets from Daifuya... They even made us travel all the way to Akihabara (two stops lol) to pick them up. lol It was quite an experience though because I saw the person who is obviously the person higher above him outside phone him only to hold the phone to his side whilst this dude had a convo with himself. Pushed the price up a tiny bit that way but it was all good. =P Ended up with AWESOME seats which were near enough front row and the atmosphere was amazing. You can't really describe it. If you get the chance, it doesn't matter who for, try to go to a concert here!

If you really want you can make a day of it by going to the theme park just outside the dome as they have what looks to be an awesome rollercoaster.... I didn't get to go though. ; ;

There are obviously arcades around all the time, but, you don't need a big description for this. You will see if you're looking or not. =P

If you're there in September and a) willing to cue up or b) willing to cosplay and pose for tons of photo's then go to Tokyo Game Show.... This is another one which can't be described in words. :)

Night time Tokyo is a completely different place for me, you feel like you've changed locations somewhat and there is obviously tons to do.... Some forms of entertainment are (sometimes) Japanese only though (ermmm the kind I assume you won't be taking part in? o.O) for obvious reasons...... Although if you stay in Hotel Star Plaza, you'll be in a prime position... lolol

Really I don't really not what to say about night entertainment because I have no idea what you'd want. :-/


Etc....... Ermmmm I'll take that as food!


Ok, when you're in Japan, the one thing you need to know, don't be afraid to try new things OR ask for help ordering if possible! Some places give an English menu which is really helpful as well. ;)

If you go to Japan and don't try new things you will be missing out. Oh and if you're in Ikebukuro go to this place called MilkyWay, they have awesome deserts and the nicest milkshakes I've ever tasted. :)

If you want more recommendations on this subject just say. :)



What was the weather like, we are planning to go in October, which according to my research is a good time to go.


We went in September and the weather was awesome.. Shorts and t-shirt weather all the time... We were just missed by two hurricanes in our 3 weeks there (no joke lol) and even though it rained very heavilly at these times I was still loving my shorts and t. lol Never fear though, if it does rain umbrellas magically appear! They are only 100 yen as well so very affordable. lol Be prepared to feel very cold when you come home though. o.o;; I would personally recommend september still though as that's the month I know. lol I imagine things wouldn't cool down too much though as I was there till early october and the weather was still beautiful. lol


Anything else we should know?


If you haven't been on a plane for 14 hours before then prepare yourself.... It's horrid. lol I defo advise you bring some kind of face wipe because you start to feel really nasty and they can keep you feeling fresh..... I was not prepared to splash the water they store on my face so this was my option. lol Defo try to get a seat with a lot of leg room.. The front ones are best..... This is assuming econ class. ;) Bring entertainment, etc..... :)


Be prepared to be somewhat lost. lol It's hard getting round in a country where you don't know the language. XD Just don't panic, plenty of people have done the same thing before and got through with no Japanese so it's defo possible.. If you're really stuck, stand in the middle of the streat shouting "EIGO GA WAKARIMASU KA?" as loud as you can...... Well that will probably get some strange looks, people crossing the road away from you, etc but I'm sure someone will help as you just asked if anyone understands English. ^^d


If you want any more detailed info on Tokyo or any of the other places I went then feel free to ask. lol

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Darkcloud why do you come on at these weird hours is your baby giving you hassle?


Sounds cool I guess but lets assume my friends were talking bullshit and japan is the center of happiness, I'll never get over there.


1)Travel costs are pretty high for me

2)I can't speak any japanese

3)Assuming I could afford to go- it would be a waste of money seen as most people wouldn't understand you or opposite way round even.

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Darkcloud why do you come on at these weird hours is your baby giving you hassle?


Sounds cool I guess but lets assume my friends were talking bullshit and japan is the center of happiness, I'll never get over there.


1)Travel costs are pretty high for me

2)I can't speak any japanese

3)Assuming I could afford to go- it would be a waste of money seen as most people wouldn't understand you or opposite way round even.


Pretty much my baby yeah. lol Basically at night me and my girlfriend sleep in overlapping shifts... She starts sleeping reletively early whilst I go to bed at around 3am.... She wakes up early whilst I wake up at 12.... If I have to wake up earlier we do the opposite. lol



1) Travelling to Japan as in the plane ticket, yes it is pretty damn expensive... Me and my girlfriend got a pretty nice deal though.... £900 return for both of us... This was because we got the tickets from a certain place during a certain month.... Normally it's a bit more expensive.... The flights were with BA...

Travel inside Japan is expensive only if you're going to use the bullet trains really.....


2+3) Well it can be a problem sometimes... I had my girlfriend with me which made some things easier, but, quite a few times I was out on my own... I guess it's all down to having the right mentallity about it. Really there were a lot of people willing to help to there best abilities..... There are also some people you can contact online who will be like a pen pal and when you go to Japan they will show you around. They do it pretty much cause they want to practice there English. :-/


Really, if you want to go to Japan, the language barrier shouldn't stop you. I have heard some horrid stories from people who were too affraid to ask for help and stuff, but, these are in the minority and aslong as you are willing to maybe embarres yourself a bit you will be fine. lol


Oh and I'd recomend learning some basic phrases anyway... Just to avoid sounding rude. :-/

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Pretty much my baby yeah. lol Basically at night me and my girlfriend sleep in overlapping shifts... She starts sleeping reletively early whilst I go to bed at around 3am.... She wakes up early whilst I wake up at 12.... If I have to wake up earlier we do the opposite. lol



1) Travelling to Japan as in the plane ticket, yes it is pretty damn expensive... Me and my girlfriend got a pretty nice deal though.... £900 return for both of us... This was because we got the tickets from a certain place during a certain month.... Normally it's a bit more expensive.... The flights were with BA...

Travel inside Japan is expensive only if you're going to use the bullet trains really.....


2+3) Well it can be a problem sometimes... I had my girlfriend with me which made some things easier, but, quite a few times I was out on my own... I guess it's all down to having the right mentallity about it. Really there were a lot of people willing to help to there best abilities..... There are also some people you can contact online who will be like a pen pal and when you go to Japan they will show you around. They do it pretty much cause they want to practice there English. :-/


Really, if you want to go to Japan, the language barrier shouldn't stop you. I have heard some horrid stories from people who were too affraid to ask for help and stuff, but, these are in the minority and aslong as you are willing to maybe embarres yourself a bit you will be fine. lol


Oh and I'd recomend learning some basic phrases anyway... Just to avoid sounding rude. :-/


See we can get along oh yes does your japanese girlfriend have any 'free'* sisters?


*I mean of course are they seeing other people.

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Wow, so you guys can be told and settle things maturely after all, and here I was all ready to flex my "ban user from thread" muscle ^^



Japan, eh? Don't think I'd be confident enough to go there until finishing my Japanese course. The culture shock might be ok if you have no trouble communicating. I've been to China, Hong Kong and Macau, and there I think I was only OK because I was nearly always with someone who could speak English and Cantonese (and some Mandarin) very well. The idea of going out on my own was somewhat daunting. I do look forward to it in the future though :) Looks like a cool place to go.

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Wow, so you guys can be told and settle things maturely after all, and here I was all ready to flex my "ban user from thread" muscle ^^



Japan, eh? Don't think I'd be confident enough to go there until finishing my Japanese course. The culture shock might be ok if you have no trouble communicating. I've been to China, Hong Kong and Macau, and there I think I was only OK because I was nearly always with someone who could speak English and Cantonese (and some Mandarin) very well. The idea of going out on my own was somewhat daunting. I do look forward to it in the future though :) Looks like a cool place to go.


See we can all act maturely if a person understands your views, even if wrong, so we can drop get past it.

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Be prepared to be somewhat lost. lol It's hard getting round in a country where you don't know the language. XD Just don't panic, plenty of people have done the same thing before and got through with no Japanese so it's defo possible.. If you're really stuck, stand in the middle of the streat shouting "EIGO GA WAKARIMASU KA?" as loud as you can...... Well that will probably get some strange looks, people crossing the road away from you, etc but I'm sure someone will help as you just asked if anyone understands English. ^^d

I know it's a good idea, but lol at the thought of someone shouting "EIGO GA WAKARIMASU KA" in the street.


By the way, if you don't want to sound like you're attempting to imitate non-Tokyo dialects, that's pronounced "A (the letter) go ga wakarimass ka".

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Very good point..... I should have said so myself. o.o;;


So darkcloud could you give us comparative prices of things like food in both pounds/yen just to see the comparision



URgghh..... ermmmm......... Comparative prices of food? Well if you want to know the price of Japanese food in Japan compared to London you can problably divide it by 3 if not four..... Seriously... Okonomiyaki in London = £8 for one which isn't even that big..... In Japan you could get a big one for £3..... Technically though you could get all you can eat Okonomiyaki with all you can drink as well, which includes alcohol for like £10 I think..... I'm a bit fuzzy on the prices now though. I'm sure I said in another thread......



In general though things are quite a bit cheaper.... McDonalds was like £2 something for a meal.....


The thing is though everything depends on conversion rates..... Things were cheaper anyway, but, when I went they were even cheaper as the pound was well up on the yen... I think it's even better now though so really cheap stuff in comparison. ;)

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So darkcloud could you give us comparative prices of things like food in both pounds/yen just to see the comparision
The only thing I'd worry about is the accommodation cost in Tokyo (since Ollie said he's going to Tokyo). Outside, it's like in the UK.


As for the "maintenance" cost like food, don't worry about it. It's stupidly cheap there. Then again, UK has gone through a major inflation in recent years on top of being rip off Britain... so I guess anywhere would feel cheaper than the UK.


In absolute terms, if you spend £2.00 you would get a good meal. If you want to go overboard, you'd spend 500 to 1000 yen, which is about £2.50 to £5 (pound is strong atm so it'd work out to be less). Personally, on average I spent about 600-700 yen last summer but thats because I try all sorts :yay:


If you are a more exotic sort, like a sushi fan, expect to spend around 1000 yen (£5) per meal if you want to stuff yourself with it. It is a more expensive part of their food industry, but if you go for generic stuff it's so cheap, you'd feel the pain once you're back in the UK.

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Flaights got it right..... With some of my guesses I was actually overshooting the mark a bit.... I was thinking back wondering if it could really have been that cheap....


Now, if you want to get REALLY fancy food you can obviously go crazy spending hundreds, but, most won't be... I think the most we spent on a meal was £90, and that was amazing. XD For comparisons sake, a general meal eating out here in the UK we spend around £40 and that's no where near the same standard as I'm talking..... Oh and that £90 meal was 5 people compared to the couple we normally are. =P o.o;;


I do think in general we spent around 4000/5000 yen a meal though as we were kinda living it up..... I mean I spent 100,000 yen on concert tickets....... =P


I forgot to mention.......





These are very good prices for HOTELS in Tokyo.... Not all that cheap, but not too bad either..... You have another option though of Hostels..... Being Japan they are apparently very clean (if you don't understand this, well basically Japan is just really clean lol) and worth the money, they also tend to be quite a bit cheaper...


I'm not to helpful in the hostel department, but, it's aparently a very good option... The only reason I didn't take it is because I wanted to have a room with my girlfriend and most kinda seperate sexes as far as I could make out.


Like I was saying though if you want to take a hotel, Hotel Star Plaza is very good, very clean and in a very good location despite being met by massive crows every morning. XD




atleast 5 of these in the streat outside every morning. hehe

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By the way, rough and ready conversion from yen to pounds is quick and easy- simply divide by 200.


I assume (and hope) that ramen is cheap... am I correct?


I tried ramen at Wakamento(sp??) and I have to say it was god awful, I like lots of food but that yuk!

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