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Your First Love...


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I find it strange that the girl I love now doesn't have that much in common with with me. But still we are both madly in love an thinking about moving to Prague together.


But I had tons of things in common with my xgirlfriend, but I didn't love her as much as I love the new one.


yeah tell me about it. My girlfriend is really laid back about exams and doesn't care about what she gets (whereas I'm the opposite) and she has awful music taste...but we get on great (mainly due to the fact that we have the same sense of humour).

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Guest Jordan

My first love?

Well, i had alot of crushes and such... but Letty was definitly my first.


I love her to bits and when we're apart i miss her so much. We have very different tastes in particular interests (music, some movies etc) but we get on so well because we just somehow click. I love how she'll enjoy playing computer games with me and even enjoys just sitting and watching me play single player (which... confuses me!).


I'd pretty much do anything for her.

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My first love?

Well, i had alot of crushes and such... but Letty was definitly my first.


I love her to bits and when we're apart i miss her so much. We have very different tastes in particular interests (music, some movies etc) but we get on so well because we just somehow click. I love how she'll enjoy playing computer games with me and even enjoys just sitting and watching me play single player (which... confuses me!).


I'd pretty much do anything for her.


That is so awesome. My girlfriend loves Guitar Hero. I can't wait to get my 360 to play 2-player with her (going to be amazing).

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That is so awesome. My girlfriend loves Guitar Hero. I can't wait to get my 360 to play 2-player with her (going to be amazing).


I'll try that next time she comes round. Although guitar-hero is mainly what gets played when these other girls come round, why do they like playing plastic guitar instead of playing the wii :S

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My first love?

Well, i had alot of crushes and such... but Letty was definitly my first.


I love her to bits and when we're apart i miss her so much. We have very different tastes in particular interests (music, some movies etc) but we get on so well because we just somehow click. I love how she'll enjoy playing computer games with me and even enjoys just sitting and watching me play single player (which... confuses me!).


I'd pretty much do anything for her.


Teehee, my boy and I are kinda the same that way. He didn't like music at all (except videogame and film music), whereas I can't go without my music (I now got him addicted to two bands though, it's a start). Our movie taste isn't always the same either, as I'm not a big fan of violence. Even our game tastes can be quite different. Yet still we end up playing tons of games together, or he'll have me try out a game and just watch me play for hours. X3

*misses him*

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and even enjoys just sitting and watching me play single player (which... confuses me!).
Dude I've had that, what the heck is up with that? Watching single player is so boring, I don't care how cool the game is, it's not cool if you're not in control! I hate watching :heh:
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This thread is depressing. I kinda loved this one girl who decided after she showed interest in me that she didn't 'want anything serious' and she decided to stop talking to me. Brilliant. And my first girlfriend dumped me about 13 months a go now and I've been on 1 date since.


I haven't even fancied any girls for a while. I mean I've thought loads were good looking but not seen any that I've actually wanted to go out with.


Weird thing is, I don't care about my ex at all but I just have this feeling like I need... not revenge exactly, but to just be with someone else just to get her out my head entirely.

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Fell in love, went out with her for a year. It was amazing. Until she dumped me for no reason in the middle of my A levels (two days before C4 maths) last summer. If she'd done it afterwards and told me exactly why I would've taken it a little better. Now I'm incredibly cautious about committing to things as well as half losing my faith in love. I hope I get back to normal though. Just need to find the right person.


Unfortunately I have a habit of crushing on taken people. 3 people I'm interested in currently are taken. Plus I don't have the cojones to ask people out generally.

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Im a bit of a fool when it comes to love....:heh:


as is evidenced by my currant predicament;


I've known this girl for ages, and we absolutely clicked when we first meet. However, both of us are incrediably slow when it comes to love. Actually, this has to be the slowest relationship i've ever been in :heh: We've never been anything more than friends, yet we are much more intimate and close to be just 'friends'. She knows i've had feelings for her and i know she's had (note past tense in both cases) the same feelings for me, but this sort of lead to a break down of communications a while back. Anyways, we're back to be being just 'friends' again but im starting to develop the same feelings for her again and, through me playfully flirting with any chance i get, she knows it. But she also knows i wouldn't try anything unless im sure she feels the same way and i doubt that's gonna happen in a hurry :indeed: Despite her flirty, outgoing (pretty :heart: ) exterior she is quite slow in showing true affection. And so im stumped :heh:

Should i just remain her flirty little 'best' friend or should i try my luck next time i see her? :confused:



Oh........and here's where it gets a bit annoying;

There's also another girl i (dont) know

I've seen her everyday for the past four years and did take some notice of her, but nothing special.

But in the past year i cant keep my eyes of her at times

and its the same case with her

Major eye sex :blank:

But i know reli nothing about her and i doubt i ever will as she seems to be as shy as me. My fancy for her has (temporarily) fallen some due to my fancy for this 'friend' of mines but i saw this girl again on Thrusday at the park. MAJOR eye sex yet again :blank: but no actual words, of course.

Again, im stumped on what to do :heh:

Is it just some minor (year old) infatuation?

I could just ignore her and hope these feelings go away but if she does truely love me i dont want to upset her: and if this could truely turn into something more, i dont want to spoil my chance at happiness.


I have had many dreams about being with both of them (not at the same time but):heh:

In the dreams about the first person, im happy and relaxed

Yet with the secound person, my feelings are more like one would associate with 'true love'; tenderness, mysteriousness, mutual care and consideration, etc.


Newho.......longest post by me EVAH :yay:

and i wouldnt mind some advice:smile:

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Guest Jordan
Im a bit of a fool when it comes to love....:heh:


as is evidenced by my currant predicament;


I've known this girl for ages, and we absolutely clicked when we first meet. However, both of us are incrediably slow when it comes to love. Actually, this has to be the slowest relationship i've ever been in :heh: We've never been anything more than friends, yet we are much more intimate and close to be just 'friends'. She knows i've had feelings for her and i know she's had (note past tense in both cases) the same feelings for me, but this sort of lead to a break down of communications a while back. Anyways, we're back to be being just 'friends' again but im starting to develop the same feelings for her again and, through me playfully flirting with any chance i get, she knows it. But she also knows i wouldn't try anything unless im sure she feels the same way and i doubt that's gonna happen in a hurry :indeed: Despite her flirty, outgoing (pretty :heart: ) exterior she is quite slow in showing true affection. And so im stumped :heh:

Should i just remain her flirty little 'best' friend or should i try my luck next time i see her? :confused:



Oh........and here's where it gets a bit annoying;

There's also another girl i (dont) know

I've seen her everyday for the past four years and did take some notice of her, but nothing special.

But in the past year i cant keep my eyes of her at times

and its the same case with her

Major eye sex :blank:

But i know reli nothing about her and i doubt i ever will as she seems to be as shy as me. My fancy for her has (temporarily) fallen some due to my fancy for this 'friend' of mines but i saw this girl again on Thrusday at the park. MAJOR eye sex yet again :blank: but no actual words, of course.

Again, im stumped on what to do :heh:

Is it just some minor (year old) infatuation?

I could just ignore her and hope these feelings go away but if she does truely love me i dont want to upset her: and if this could truely turn into something more, i dont want to spoil my chance at happiness.


I have had many dreams about being with both of them (not at the same time but):heh:

In the dreams about the first person, im happy and relaxed

Yet with the secound person, my feelings are more like one would associate with 'true love'; tenderness, mysteriousness, mutual care and consideration, etc.


Newho.......longest post by me EVAH :yay:

and i wouldnt mind some advice:smile:


1 word.


Egads, I honestly can't bring myself to read that.

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I hate love. It tears you up inside, it makes you feel the saddest person in the world, like you're all alone and nothing is ever going to be right again and everything is over, like you just want to be alone and cry forever.


The if onlys race across my mind, again and again and again. And they say drinking helps you forget about it, it just makes you dwell and think even more.

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tis not my fault you stupid english dont speak french :indeed:


but even if you did my grammer would still be as bad :yay:

And just becuase you spend your whole day in front of a computer screen and write stupid wishy washy reviews it doesn't mean you can use the stupendous word "Egads". But ur a big bell end so i suppose it doesn't matter.


FITE MEH :angry:


i wov you rly :heart:

I wish i was a bell end

would be madness

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Im irish yhoo smeely, lovely, little boy. :angry:

God only knows why im better at french than english

probably to do with both mey dads being french (but not ghey like you :love: )


considering neither the irish or the french (watevah i am) have i great history of victories


I should just offer you the title of teh 'bigger man' :red:

you win. i lose. I'm ghey. You aren't.


Im just sorri incase i've now killed the intimate mood of the thread

But you started it jordan :angry:

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That's hilarious, I didnt know about that!


Actually, I have a better one. You know how in Star Wars Han Solo is so persistent with Leia even though she shows NO sign of being anything but repelled by him? He carries on trying anyway and eventually gets the girl.


Its gonna sound silly but for a long time I thought that a girl would go out with a guy as long as he showed that he was devoted enough; she would end up liking him as long as he cared for her enough. It took some very painful lessons for me to learn that simple fact that you cant make someone like/love someone, no matter how much you want it.

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That's hilarious, I didnt know about that!


Actually, I have a better one. You know how in Star Wars Han Solo is so persistent with Leia even though she shows NO sign of being anything but repelled by him? He carries on trying anyway and eventually gets the girl.


Its gonna sound silly but for a long time I thought that a girl would go out with a guy as long as he showed that he was devoted enough; she would end up liking him as long as he cared for her enough. It took some very painful lessons for me to learn that simple fact that you cant make someone like/love someone, no matter how much you want it.


But then a little bit of persistence is generally necessary - if you don't even have the courage to ask someone out then you'll maybe never know their feelings.

My first love was a girl I met when I was 17 - we dated for a short time and then we stayed friends for about another year. I always regretted not asking her out again - I know she would have gone for it but I was just too chicken. I've changed a lot since then and wouldn't ever let myself get into the friends-but-really-in-love relationship of pain again.

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To be honest, love can be a right pain in the arse. Is it really that much better to have loved and then lost, than never to have loved at all. I'd say maybe it isn't that bad not having it in the first place, because then it doesn't seem so painful when you don't have it anymore.

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