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Your First Love...


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Just figured it'd be good to have a thread about this!


When did you first fall in love? What was it like? Are you still with that person now, and if not, what happened? Would you change anything?


I've been with my girlfriend 7 weeks and i've never been happier. I've known her for years but since we've been going out everything is perfect. I really do love her with all my heart, but it's strange to think that realistically, despite how much i would love to be with her for years and years, we won't be together for that long (i mean, i'll go off to Uni next year and we could just drift apart). Or even worse, she could just lose interest in me, who knows...?

That said, it really is an amazing feeling to wake up in the morning knowing that there's someone out there who loves you as much as you love them.


So yeh, talk away!

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Her name was Zoe.....somthing, it was a while ago so i really can't remember her full name. We fooled around a bit, i got boob, (oh yeah) then after a couple of weeks she went to England without telling me and i never saw her again. Also i guess i'll never find her again either, and if i did i doubt she'll even remember me. *weep* ITS NOT FAIR DAMN YOU! WHY DID YOU LEAVE MEEEEE!!

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Bah it was 2 years ago, We where pretty close, went to family does, spent alot of nights together, Not gonna mention her name don't think its right..


But it was Love in many ways, until things went horrendously pear-shaped and it ended in quite a few cries down the phone with eachother...


Had a few run ins in the past but I think we have grown apart so much we hardly acknowledge eachother any more, which saddens me..


I wish we could talk about what went wrong, coz it still hurts me sometimes..




Love is indeed shit

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Love, that chemical imbalance which is the cause of thousands of rubbish songs and paintings?


It's over-rated.




I think that the English language needs a do-over. Like the Italians, we should have more than one word for love. I love my friends, I love my family; hell I even love my dogs (but not in that way...). I have been in love with someone which ended last year. It completely over rated as the only time thats it is good is when you're in love.


On a different point, people say it far too quickly. Next relationship I am in I will hold off on saying it for quite some time.

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The first and only person that I think I have ever fell in love with is a girl that was at my hotel on a holiday in the south of Spain. She was half english and half japanese, and from the moment I saw her everything about her just seemed perfect for me. Problem was I never got to talk to her or get contact details or anything, and still regret that majorly today.

People might say that you can't love someone when you've never even spoke to them but there was this feeling that was just magic which had to be love.

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Her name was Zoe.....somthing, it was a while ago so i really can't remember her full name. We fooled around a bit, i got boob, (oh yeah) then after a couple of weeks she went to England without telling me and i never saw her again. Also i guess i'll never find her again either, and if i did i doubt she'll even remember me. *weep* ITS NOT FAIR DAMN YOU! WHY DID YOU LEAVE MEEEEE!!

That's not love...at all


Meh! A girl who I became close friends with in Form 4 and 5 in secondary school. Fell in love with her, and she secretly loved me I was told, but nothing happened. Ah well, I got over it quickly, when she moved away to Oxford anyway :love:

Neither's that


Misty from Pokemon.

Jessie's hotter


The first and only person that I think I have ever fell in love with is a girl that was at my hotel on a holiday in the south of Spain. She was half english and half japanese, and from the moment I saw her everything about her just seemed perfect for me. Problem was I never got to talk to her or get contact details or anything, and still regret that majorly today.

People might say that you can't love someone when you've never even spoke to them but there was this feeling that was just magic which had to be love.

That's just loving how someone looks, like they're perfectly shaped blah blah. Not Love.



I'm in love right now, with my gf, we've just got back together after a 2 month break up, we've known each other 4/5 years and i've been in love with her for 2, been out with her about 1.

We're best friends, but only get to see each other properly a few weeks a year; we've been through all kinds of shit but always bounce back, we trust each other, love each other & lust each other.

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I aint been in "love" but i think i've been as close as you can get without loving someone.


I'm with this dude!

Although i thought there was this girl named Alice, i still work with her, and i still think i like her, i thought i loved her then she ended it.


Now I have a new gf who says she loves me but i still haven't said it back properly. Why does saying i love you so serious when you like 16?

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That's just loving how someone looks, like they're perfectly shaped blah blah. Not Love.

That's not true. I did not look at her at all in a sexual light and it wasn't just her beautiful looks that got to me, but just watching the way she was and general personality from what I could see I felt in love.

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When did you first fall in love?

November 2005 hehe


What was it like?

id been with my boyfriend almost 3 months ( i know i know early!).. but just one day something in me felt a lot different from before. One night he was at my house and my mum got a bit tipsy ( a bit more than a bit).. and we kinhda had an argument and i felt really *low*. And even tho we hadnt been going out long, my boyfriend took me outside and gave me this massive hug! It was that night that i realised that i never wanted to be apart!


Are you still with that person now, and if not, what happened?

Yes i am! 20 months in 8 days... woop =)... the love has changed from then to now.. its deeper / more real and mature i think... still love him to pieces tho!

Would you change anything?


nothing.. maybe the way i found out i was in love ( family arguments are never a good thing) but i wouldnt change our relationship for the world

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That's not true. I did not look at her at all in a sexual light and it wasn't just her beautiful looks that got to me, but just watching the way she was and general personality from what I could see I felt in love.

Well I felt like that towards someone too, and it wasn't overly sexual. It definatly wanst love.

Edit: Although I thought it was at the time.


Sounds like Kurlte is The Law when it comes to love.

No....I just hate the word being thrown around, as it especially is in teenage relationships.

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The first and only person that I think I have ever fell in love with is a girl that was at my hotel on a holiday in the south of Spain. She was half english and half japanese, and from the moment I saw her everything about her just seemed perfect for me. Problem was I never got to talk to her or get contact details or anything, and still regret that majorly today.

People might say that you can't love someone when you've never even spoke to them but there was this feeling that was just magic which had to be love.

Sure I've heard you tell me this once. It rings a bell.

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No....I just hate the word being thrown around, as it especially is in teenage relationships.


Well since you're Eighteen wouldn't you say you're in a teenage relationship?


You can't tell people that they haven't felt what they've felt, just because other's haven't been as devoted to their loves as you are to your girlfriend doesn't mean you can dismiss their opinions/feelings.

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