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EA & Take Two to fill the gap in Wii library


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In an interview with Newsweek, Nintendo’s Reggie Fils-Aime says that the company’s work in attracting third party publishers to the Wii is still ongoing.

At this early point in the Wii's life, Nintendo has done a decent job of bringing third parties on board. Ubisoft, THQ and Midway offer substantial support, and megapublisher Electronic Arts went as far as announcing a shift in resources to Wii development after realizing the appeal of the unique console.


But there’s still more that can be done, according to Nintendo of America president Fils-Aime. “…We need EA, Rockstar, all of the various entities, because they bring content that we just don't do,” he told Newsweek’s N’Gai Croal during March’s Game Developers Conference. “In the case of Take-Two and Rockstar, it was a series of conversations, predominantly with Paul Eibeler, around what made sense for them, what makes sense for us, and frankly, those conversations continue” [Eibeler has since been ousted as Take-Two CEO].


Manhunt 2 is one notable Rockstar title coming to Wii whose violent content is a far cry from WarioWare’s nose-picking.


“I fully expect we will see even more support out of Take-Two in total. They have fantastic capabilities in sports--sports other than the Mario genre of sports Nintendo doesn't do--so it's a match that needs to happen,” Fils-Aime added.


He also came clean about the need for Nintendo to open up lines of communication between first and third parties. “We acknowledge that Nintendo needs to do a better job sharing technical expertise and sharing insight from our own creative process, especially with key publishers that are choosing to invest and partner very heavily with us,” he said.



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Good words, Reggie, now make sure that every single one is put to action. :)


I definitely think the Wii has got a far better start than the Gamecube and DS did, now it's up to Nintendo and the third parties to make sure that Wii doesn't lose momentum and also boasts a wide range of games from all sorts of genres.

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So a financially dead publisher should help out the Wii ... with sport games. Yeah I can read goods news into anything. Again no solid confirmation of anything intereseting. Reggie again said nothing really important or new. It would be insanse for Take2 to miss out the Wii - so a few sport games to make some quick cash on a console without a strong lineup for the next few months makes even sense to a monkey.

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I want the Take Two and the rest to release something more serious on the Wii like they do on the other consoles, because if their only contributions to the Wii are these small minigame collections and sports games it will look really deserted on the Wii. Wii can't pull off graphics as good as Xbox360 or PS3, but I don't see a reason why they couldn't release the same game on Wii (if it isn't exclusive) with "worse graphics". I don't know if GTA4 is a PS3 exclusive or not, but I sure would love to see that one on Wii.

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Me too - I'd love to see this game on the Wii.


I don't see why it wouldn't work either...would be interesting to see what they could do with the graphics, obviously they would lack the HD polish, but the animation should remain intact and the tight compact (and lack of) environments should still see great graphics...

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I think Reggie-san has hit the nail on the head! Bring on Red Dead Revolver Wii! :grin:


I don't know if GTA4 is a PS3 exclusive or not, but I sure would love to see that one on Wii.


It's not. It's coming on Xbox 360 as well.


I doubt it would be released on the Wii due to the downloadable content functions.

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i don't think its sports games and fps's that we need there are already some of them out or in development. i think we need more "hardcore" platformers and rpgs.

Hardcore is the word I was looking for earlier, and it's kinda depressing that Konami (or was it Capcom) said that they have a bunch of games coming to to Wii, but they're not really aimed for adults. I hope the other developers would take a more serious attitude when developing games for Wii despite Wii's "lack of power", it's not like it's impossible to make a visually good looking game on the Wii.

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I am sorry but that comment is so true! I believe nothing will happen, its just words after all.


i don't either. I believe EA will deliver the goods but never at this time of year. Ugh and no good nintendo wii games for the next 2 months.


Well at least Nintendo are addressing the games drought and trying to bring in publishers. If nothing happens, well at least they tried.


Not good enough though. The wii was a long while coming. Ps3 has it's reasons but for the wii what's the excuse with no REAL games? What ever happened to smash being a launch title with zelda to follow later? I think the reason for the lack of games is not nintendo's fault entirely but where the hell are the japanese third party publishers. We have heard NOTHING from Namco and i'm not including bandai crap. Sega release one quality game every so often and where oh where are capcom? Konami? What's going on. The wii is killing in japan and yet they are just going to miss out like they did at the beginning of the ds's lifetime? Do they ever learn

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