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Help - About to be kicked in !!


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i used to have a big mouth on me at school and got into a load of shit lol. all you need to do is take the beaten it wnt be that severe body ain;t made of glass and thats that live rest of days in piece


But why should he if he's done nothing wrong?

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How old is this guy?


Usually the best way out of stuff like this is to befriend someone bigger. Works like a charm, either the guy wont touch you because he's scared or he'll get thrown out of a window 3 floors up


BTW, if someone blocks you from MSN you can still email them. Try that

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emaileds her, no reply, i'm 15, have quite a few friends that are larger than me, he's 16, and also has quite a few friends that are larger than him lol


And, yeh, why should i "take a beating" if i've done nothin wrong?


16?!?! Meh, shouldnt be difficult finding someone to put the frighteners on him then


Or you could play the psycho route, make it sound like you'll mess him up so badly it would make Quentin Tarantino blush...

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I'm considering freeing up a GLA gunship for anti-fucktard purposes, so if you want an air strike, just shout.


On a more practical note, don't take any shit from them if you come across them, just ignore them and walk on, and go around in a group.

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Apparently only like 2% of people can actually kill another person, so there's a pretty good chance you'll live through it.

In all seriousness though, it seems you have managed to get by fine so far, just keep doing whatever you're doing til he gets bored, and if he doesn't, then try and sort it out how people have been suggesting(I'd have said to just stand up to him, but I don't know you or this guy, and it could have terrible consequences). When you say he's a dealer, what's he been dealing?

Best advice in my opinion so far, would be along the lines of what the fish posted right above this. Maybe he's not actually going to do anything to you at all, and just wants to see you running scared?

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I'm considering freeing up a GLA gunship for anti-fucktard purposes, so if you want an air strike, just shout.


On a more practical note, don't take any shit from them if you come across them, just ignore them and walk on, and go around in a group.


I'd be much obliged if you could schedule a napalm attack on my school sometime in the near future.

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i broke up for my easter holidays yesterday, so for the next 2 weeks i should have any trouble, hopefully lol. Though i went to the cinema with my best mate and a couple of girls last night, we saw him. He saw me going into the cinema, when we came out, he threatend me again, but didn't do anything because my best mate is about half a foot taller than him lol

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If he didn't do anything at the cinema last night then you've probably injected some fear into him. You say your friend is taller than him. You must stay with that friend if ever you go out somewhere where you know he'll be, or just stick with him at school. He's obviously scared of your friend, so work on that.

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Hey, just been reading the thread, don't live your life in fear of this bloke, seriously. I, like someone else said on here, had a bit of a big mouth at school which was like 6 or 7 years ago now, and last week I went to a pub in another town about 15 miles away and ffs someone recognised me and started giving it mouth. Not like I care these days, I have grown up enough to handle myself if I need to, but these horrible chavs will hold a grudge, get it sorted out now, don't let him think he can bully you forever, just give him a black eye and be done with it.

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I gave good advice, I justified why he should get this sorted now and not let it haunt him. Don't take a fraction of my post and turn it around on me, be constructive or dont bother.


If he lashed out at this guy, his mates in the year above will undoubtedly seek revenge. There's no point getting involved with this guy, it will only make matters worse and trigger of other events.

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