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Am I a hero?


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Was he trying to hit you whilst you held him back?


Strangely, no, didn't even struggle.


Well I'm a sucker for heroes. Modest heroes that is. You're just braging.


Hey, I've got to tell somebody about it.


was he just a stanger or her dogey Boyfriend or something?


The babies father apparently, and he said it as if that gave him the right to abuse the mother, but you know how these babyfather types can be.


No, seriously, you just need a cape.


Not my style.


How did you manage to hold him there?


Right forearm at his throat with my left shoulder with 290lbs of weight behind it against his body


Unless he was sent back in time to prevent the birth of a giant monster that will kill us all.


Didn't seem the type to be honest.


Yes and no.


Yes = you stopped the evil.


No = no catchphase.


With good looks and charisma like mine you don't need a catchphrase.

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Can't blame you. If it was me I'd have created a new account pretending I was a friend of mine and told you of my heroic story. Then I would have logged back in as MoogleViper and acted all modest.


If a "new member" creates a thread about MoogleViper, ban them both for him having dual accounts!

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What's the point? It's not like this guy is going to live a life of crime anymore...especially with The Rokhed on the street. Prowling for villains.


This may come as a shock to you FliNky, but Rokhed is only human. Even if he is one of the finer of the species he is still human. He can't be protecting her all the time.

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This may come as a shock to you FliNky, but Rokhed is only human. Even if he is one of the finer of the species he is still human. He can't be protecting her all the time.


Pffft, and I suppose Superman is 'just' a man? :heh:


In all seriousness, it angers me to see blokes disrespecting women, so I hope the dude gets his just deserts.

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This may come as a shock to you FliNky, but Rokhed is only human. Even if he is one of the finer of the species he is still human. He can't be protecting her all the time.


Haha! Saying Rokhed is only human is like saying Hitler was just a bit bad. I've used that comparative waaaay too many times.

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The babies father apparently, and he said it as if that gave him the right to abuse the mother.


Someone needs a damn good slapping, due to lack of intelligence.


As for the hero stuff...I wouldn't say you're a hero, but you are a better bloke than most people, who would just try to ignore it. +500 respect points for that.

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