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One of Spores developers says "The Wii is a Piece of Sh*t!"


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It fits the desciption you posted.





So, Sim City, The Sims, Spore, Theme Park and all other similar "software titles" are, in fact, not video games?


do you not read things: I said if the characters/objects die or there is a game over screen.


Sim City the towns can be destroyed by natural disasters.

The Sims your characters can die

Spore the creatures can die

Theme Park the rides can break down, or die.

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game1 [geym] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, adjective, gam·er, gam·est, verb, gamed, gam·ing.

–noun 1. an amusement or pastime.

2. the material or equipment used in playing certain games: a store selling toys and games.

3. a competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more persons who play according to a set of rules, usually for their own amusement or for that of spectators.

4. a single occasion of such an activity, or a definite portion of one: the final game of the season; a rubber of three games at bridge.

5. the number of points required to win a game.

6. the score at a particular stage in a game: With five minutes to play, the game was 7 to 0.

7. a particular manner or style of playing a game: Her game of chess is improving.

8. anything resembling a game, as in requiring skill, endurance, or adherence to rules: the game of diplomacy.

9. a trick or strategy: to see through someone's game.

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do you not read things: I said if the characters/objects die or there is a game over screen.


Sim City the towns can be destroyed by natural disasters.

The Sims your characters can die

Spore the creatures can die

Theme Park the rides can break down, or die.


Laughable. You're talking like someone I'd expect to be sat in a sealed room, writing things on the wall with their own shit, eating flies.

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do you not read things: I said if the characters/objects die or there is a game over screen.


Sim City the towns can be destroyed by natural disasters.

The Sims your characters can die

Spore the creatures can die

Theme Park the rides can break down, or die.


What about minesweeper or solitaire?

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Just to jump in, uncaring of flames: What he said made sense to me. He's not saying this just to look cool, he's sharing his opinion - it's not going to be uninformed or a lie, is it? Nintendo aren't taking things seriously enough, they just don't seem to care enough about what we really want.


Thank you for understanding what I meant :bowdown:


@That Guy I'm doing a computer science with games development degree. And the development side is basically how to make sure you stay on a project on time/taking calculated risks on software/project managering/ and all that jazz

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game1 [geym] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, adjective, gam·er, gam·est, verb, gamed, gam·ing.

–noun 1. an amusement or pastime.

2. the material or equipment used in playing certain games: a store selling toys and games.

3. a competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more persons who play according to a set of rules, usually for their own amusement or for that of spectators.

4. a single occasion of such an activity, or a definite portion of one: the final game of the season; a rubber of three games at bridge.

5. the number of points required to win a game.

6. the score at a particular stage in a game: With five minutes to play, the game was 7 to 0.

7. a particular manner or style of playing a game: Her game of chess is improving.

8. anything resembling a game, as in requiring skill, endurance, or adherence to rules: the game of diplomacy.

9. a trick or strategy: to see through someone's game.


Look up videogame thats what these are now check the defination


What about minesweeper or solitaire?


Both are games, you complete solitaire the game by sorting the cards, and with minesweeper if you hit a mine you get an effective game over screen

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I'm doing a computer science with games development degree. And the devlopment side is baiscally how to make sure you stay on a project on time/taking calculated risks on software/project managering/ and all that jazz


Imagine typing some codes and making all those typos.... hell, this guy will get work at EA in no time soon! (either that or the local fast food joint)


Anywhoo... Speaking of duct-taping together game consoles, check this out...


Mueller, an associate professor of computer science, has built a supercomputing cluster capable of both high-performance computing and running the latest in computer gaming. His cluster of eight PS3 machines – the first such academic cluster in the world – packs the power of a small supercomputer, but at a total cost of about $5,000.

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I'm aware they are games, but do they die? Because everything in this world can somehow "die".


I know this is just a semantic fight now but, originally saying that only something that die can be considerer a videogame doesn't completly describes a the reward/punish system required to be one.


As far as I know Brain training completely qualifies as a videogame, because you get rewarded if you win and punished if you lose, but as most games now it isn't that linear.

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Imagine typing some codes and making all those typos.... hell, this guy will get work at EA in no time soon! (either that or the local fast food joint)



You changed what I had in the original post, sneaky ninja you. And I don't get what you mean by typing some codes.

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You changed what I had in the original post, sneaky ninja you. And I don't get what you mena by typing some codes.


Did I also changed that typo you just wrote?


How about the other typos in your past posts? Did I changed those as well?


Better be quick and correct them as well! : peace:

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Did I also changed that typo you just wrote?


How about the other typos in your past posts? Did I changed those as well?


Better be quick and correct them as well! : peace:


Yes you did, But what did you mean about typing in codes, or were you speaking jiberish

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Yes you did, But what did you mean about typing in codes, or were you speaking jiberish


Aren't you writing in codes just now? With all those typos?


And how do I change other users posts? I want to change Fierce_LiNk's recent posts. I don't like his constant whining.

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I'm bored of ZeldaFreak now.


So Shorty, why do you think Nintendo aren't giving us what we want?


Because it costs money. Money money money!




P.S. ZeldaFreak is amusing... Now I got him using a spelling program to avoid looking like a pre-school drop-out. : peace:

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Because it costs money. Money money money!




P.S. ZeldaFreak is amusing... Now I got him using a spelling program to avoid looking like a pre-school drop-out. : peace:


Me using a spelling program WTF! I wasn't using one before. I was simply showing you that you need to go on and read all the words on the web site


Oh and BTW this is the freaking internet. Or I thought you were the pre-school drop out for thinking that "spelt" was not a correct word.


Oh well go back to being a forum lurker please.


:mad: :mad: :mad:

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Let me get this straight, ZeldaFreak is on a games development course, and yet he's managed to prove that he wouldn't notice a video game if it slapped him in the face with a blue lobster?


Cube, are you really playing Super Mario Sunshine? Or is your sig just old as hell? Can you answer a question about that game if you're playing it?


And I'm also giving RE4 another spin.


Firstly I'm 19.


Secondly I've reported you for harassment


You can't handle me? You actually need help? At 19 years old?....are you a girl? If you are... Sorry for the heat.


If you are not a girl... I'm only messin' with your head. No need to get the vapors.

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Cube, are you really playing Super Mario Sunshine? Or is your sig just old as hell? Can you answer a question about that game if you're playing it?


Still playing it, at a rate of half an hour a week...I'm slowly forcing my way through it. RE4 I've kinda forgotten about..I've just got to the castle.

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