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Well my love for the game died a little when my 200hr play time save was lost when my mem card died. But the last time I played I was trying to beat seles in the coliseum but kept getting owned because I can't remember where you get the Persian boots.

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I think that's a bit harsh at least there are no blocks to push or machine animations to watch countless times over and over again. Although I once did get screwed over by the dungeon. The floor limitation was set to random character no menu usage and I ended up with Genis stuck on the red floor where you have to kill all the enemies. Obviously that didn't last very long.

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I enjoyed that dungeon, a real test of will power and determination... least it was an optional dungeon so, like the 100 Cave thing in Zelda:TP, your not required to do it so you can't really complain.


Anyway I just realised I forgot something and can't go back, forgot to do the side quest with Yuan's Ring after the Gorge level and went straight up to Derris Kharlan, don't think you can do it anymore after that point, damnit

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I think that's a bit harsh at least there are no blocks to push or machine animations to watch countless times over and over again. Although I once did get screwed over by the dungeon. The floor limitation was set to random character no menu usage and I ended up with Genis stuck on the red floor where you have to kill all the enemies. Obviously that didn't last very long.


Maybe I was a bit harsh, but dammit, it should have save points!

Especially if it doesn't have chests... or the characters' attack is lowering as you proceed (that was the most frustrating trait on a dungeon ever)


I enjoyed that dungeon, a real test of will power and determination... least it was an optional dungeon so, like the 100 Cave thing in Zelda:TP, your not required to do it so you can't really complain.


A test of willpower and determination... I can agree with that. Maybe I just picked it up at the wrong time (real life).


And yes, mercifully, it's optional.

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WOOOT i was up till 4am last night finishing the game.


I I decided to go with the "Kratos Rejoins" ending, was hard to do as it was the 1st time i did that ending. I only did it because of that. Never did it before because I just hate the idea of Lloyd saving Collette and ending the game with her so always went with the Sheena ending before. But i figured I'll do it just this one so I can kick Zelos' ass six ways from sunday. :heh:


I saved in a different slot anyway after Flanoir so I'll go back later and do the ending with Sheena, cuz we all know that is the real ending ;)

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WOOOT i was up till 4am last night finishing the game.


I I decided to go with the "Kratos Rejoins" ending, was hard to do as it was the 1st time i did that ending. I only did it because of that. Never did it before because I just hate the idea of Lloyd saving Collette and ending the game with her so always went with the Sheena ending before. But i figured I'll do it just this one so I can kick Zelos' ass six ways from sunday. :heh:


I saved in a different slot anyway after Flanoir so I'll go back later and do the ending with Sheena, cuz we all know that is the real ending ;)


I think you should try it with everyone, especially if you ever want to 100% the game. I'd say the hardest one to get is the Zelos one. But gameplay wise the most annoying would be Regal because of the way the whole derris area of the game pans out. But it is cool to see different characters facing various different darknesses within themselves.


You can get Sheena at the ending even when Kratos rejoins can't you? Sucks if you can't cause I just don't like Collette...


It's been a while since I completed it, might try and get Regal or Genis at my ending and get all the characters done :heh:


Nope Colette is your girl of choice by default.

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I think you should try it with everyone, especially if you ever want to 100% the game. I'd say the hardest one to get is the Zelos one. But gameplay wise the most annoying would be Regal because of the way the whole derris area of the game pans out. But it is cool to see different characters facing various different darknesses within themselves.



I'd like to but i suck at manipulating the affection ratings, I always get the same 3 people. Sheena (well that's obvious of course i'm nicest to her), Collette and Genis.


And I can't seem to get Collette out of the top 3... is she their by default? Cuz in the prison break scene she acted as the decoy meaning she would have been at the bottom of the affection ladder but still ended up in the top 3 at Flanoir.


Might go looking for any missed affection skits from the save file before entering flanoir and see if i can get someone else other than Genis, I did do his ending once before

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The only person Collette needs protection from is herself, clumsy as she is, haha.


Lloyd and Sheena have far more chemistry as a couple, Collette comes off more like a younger sister figure for Lloyd.


But in terms of a g/f Sheena clearly is set up for that roll. When people are being lost one by one in the tower of salvation, in Sheena's scene her last piece of dialogue is a big hint towards her feelings for Lloyd. Even the skit outside Mizuho when Lloyd was asking about who knows Sheena's real name and you get that wonderful choice of getting Lloyd to say he'll marry her.... shame he's too dense to either know what marriage means or that Sheena was gonna say yes.


If you talk with Sheena in Flanoir, that scene is full of romance hints, but again Lloyd is not picking up on the hints. Same if you talk to Sheena at the dinner party. But the best is talking to Sheena in Heimdal before fighting Kratos. By the end of that Lloyd finally seems to have gotten it.


Sheena: ...I...I want to be with you.


Lloyd: ...S...sure, I want to be with you too.


None of Collettes scenes, even the one at Heimdall when she asks to join Lloyd finding expheres, have any romantic undertones.




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I'd like to but i suck at manipulating the affection ratings, I always get the same 3 people. Sheena (well that's obvious of course i'm nicest to her), Collette and Genis.


And I can't seem to get Collette out of the top 3... is she their by default? Cuz in the prison break scene she acted as the decoy meaning she would have been at the bottom of the affection ladder but still ended up in the top 3 at Flanoir.


Might go looking for any missed affection skits from the save file before entering flanoir and see if i can get someone else other than Genis, I did do his ending once before


I'm pretty sure Colette can be kicked out of top 3 affection, since I think I got her as one of the bottom two :P


I'm thinking of playing this again... All of you going on about it makes me want to play it... But I just COULDN'T BEAT SELES! The stupid game wouldn't give me Zelos' second most powerful weapon :(

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I'd like to but i suck at manipulating the affection ratings, I always get the same 3 people. Sheena (well that's obvious of course i'm nicest to her), Collette and Genis.


And I can't seem to get Collette out of the top 3... is she their by default? Cuz in the prison break scene she acted as the decoy meaning she would have been at the bottom of the affection ladder but still ended up in the top 3 at Flanoir.


Might go looking for any missed affection skits from the save file before entering flanoir and see if i can get someone else other than Genis, I did do his ending once before


Come closer my child. Not that close, ok. I shall lend you all my knowledge : peace:


It comes down to how you even select your answers in various places like for example. Say the choice was to save someone, you can reply yes or you can reply we have more important things to do. According to how a particular character thinks your choice will boost or lower their affection. Colette, Genis, Sheena and occasionally would normally wish to help while Raine, Kratos, Zelos and would normally be more concerned with other matters or how dangerous things would be / at a cost to them.


Presea and Regal vary so its basically whether its beneficial to them.


Section 2: I choose you


At certain events you will have to choose who goes with you and who doesn't. If there is a particular person you wish to boost the affection of bring them along with Lloyd into battles where the team will split up, this will boost their affection. An additional chance to boost affection in this way is when you go to save the pope's daughter named (insert name here its something weird I think) this will boost affection. Finally by having a particular character in the battle party this will also boost their affection and greatly increases your chance of triggering the combo skit (Combo Lloyd and XX)


If triggered before the Flanoir scene (can't remember if they are all possible) Affection can be boosted when obtaining the glamorous outfits for characters (in this case Lloyd says I wonder who is waiting for me on the balcony I hope its xxx) A similar effect is triggered when obtaining the swimming costume outfits.


Section 3: How are you?


At various times in the game the party split up to check out the town or place they are in. You will be running around as Lloyd and the various other party members are scattered around the place. By talking ONLY to the person you wish to raise the affection of you will increase that character's affection while everyone else's will remain the same. By talking to each character they all receive an affection boost.


Hope that helps have fun.

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If triggered before the Flanoir scene (can't remember if they are all possible) Affection can be boosted when obtaining the glamorous outfits for characters (in this case Lloyd says I wonder who is waiting for me on the balcony I hope its xxx) A similar effect is triggered when obtaining the swimming costume outfits.


Pretty sure the dinner party only happens after the Flanoir scene (at which point affection levels are irrelevent), as the dinner party only happens after you do the "Save the Princess" side-quest, which only becomes available when you get the Derris Emblem.... correct me if i'm wrong but i'm pretty sure I only ever did it after that point... the bathing suits one in Altemira too.


Section 3: How are you?


At various times in the game the party split up to check out the town or place they are in. You will be running around as Lloyd and the various other party members are scattered around the place. By talking ONLY to the person you wish to raise the affection of you will increase that character's affection while everyone else's will remain the same. By talking to each character they all receive an affection boost.


Hope that helps have fun.


Ah, k, everything else I already knew, this must be where i'm going wrong I have a habbit of talking to everyone at those parts, because I wanna hear what they have to say :heh:

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Did you do the 'pay now' option? I want to get it soon. Like this instant since it's a bit close now :heh:




oh yeah i used the Pay Now cuz my mothers card expired end of Oct, so it wouldn't work if they tried to take payment on the games release

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