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Tales of Symphonia Official Thread


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Was just wondering, how many episodes have come out and been translated, and how often do new episodes come out?


Which means you didn't read the whole of my daily digest post, apart from the bit with the links to the ova I think I said the next one is out sometime in August.


Woohoo, back from my little working trip and d/l'd the OVA 1 last night (3 hours :heh:) gonna watch it later.


Nice to see you back Mo. I was getting worried you were missing out on all the OVA love. And I know how much you love Tos. :D

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Downloaded it, but all Xvid's for me seem to be a little off sync, but I'm using WMP10, downloading WMP11 now.


Just got back from work and seen that you have the same problem as me, guess I will have to download the WMP11 aswell.


EDIT: Well that didnt work either. I even tried using Real Player and still its all out of sync, wonder if this is on youtube yet.....

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Nice to see you back Mo. I was getting worried you were missing out on all the OVA love. And I know how much you love Tos. :D


Yeah, when i was away, on the 8th i spent a moment in silence thinking about what i was missing.


Just finished watching it, it was pretty good, though not a good as i hoped for, but there's still plenty of time, this was just he first ep afterall.


I thought it was cool how they kept the story flowing in the same way as the game but still change a few small things, like at the start Lloyd giving Collette the birthday gift, where in the game he didn't finish it in time, and Collette meeting Remiel without Lloyd and co.


But i was disapointed they left out Marble, that was like a major character development point for Lloyd and Genis i felt, and what was up with that beam like blast from Lloyds exsphere? That never happened in the games? And did they actually kill off Forcytus already?


Also i found it kinda "jumpy" like how they seemed to quickly jump from moment to moment, for those of us who played the game this is ok, but for anyone who hasn't might find it confusing and disorienting.


And this was my biggest fear for this OVA, there's so much story to cram in i'm worried they might rush through it.


Oh and the hints that Kratos is Lloyds real father were so obvious, the kneeling at the grave, the voice at the end, again for those who played the game it's fine, but those who didn't can now see it coming a mile away.


What else?.... oh yeah the relationship with Collette, you can tell their setting it up for her and Lloyd to get together, i was hoping they have their relationship be more like brother and sister which is just how i think it should be, so later Lloyd and Sheena hit it off (ok i'm just a massive Sheena fan *drool*, can't wait till she finally appears in the OVA)


Oh but it was wicked cool to see Lloyds dad fighting in the village instead of just staying at the house.


hhhmmm... reading this you might think i didn't like it all, i did, but i'm a bit of a knit picker when it comes to things like this.




Overall i'd give it a 7 out of 10, but i'm sure as it develops it'll get better, when i first played the game i wasn't overly impressed with the beginning but as i went further I litterly fell in love with game, as ye know all too well by this stage.


So just need to wait till August for the next part i guess..... good thing we're Nintendo fans huh? Waiting is what we seem to do best :heh:


Does the website have updated sigs for OVA 2? I can't seem to find them?


Oh yeah, are they using the same voice actors from the japanese game version?

I hope when they get round to the english dub they get all the same voice actors from the game, that would be pants wettingly great!





Ok i just read on Wikipedia there's only 4 episodes planned? Is that right cuz i don't see if their only doing four 30min episodes there is no way in hell they'll cover the entire game properly


*Mokong is getting worried*

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I know what you mean Mo. I was just having an arguement with a friend over who is complete hotness Sheena or Presea*chan* as he put it. I just said Sheena is hotness in a bra and he gave up. No so far on the updated siggies but I'll get you a link if they ever do.

The thing Lloyd did on Forcystus, I like to think it was a glorified demon fang. Otherwise I can't see it being anything else. I really wish some of the original music could make it into this.



But anyway as news breaks I'll keep you all posted with another boring long update.

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The thing Lloyd did on Forcystus, I like to think it was a glorified demon fang. Otherwise I can't see it being anything else. I really wish some of the original music could make it into this.



But anyway as news breaks I'll keep you all posted with another boring long update.


Wait do you mean the early fire like move Lloyd used? That was a Demon Fang, i mean the thing that ended the fight, after he had that vision of his mother.


As for moves, can't believe i forgot to mention this, i almost wet my pants when Lloyd did the Tiger Blade in the first fight, it was awesome, i even rewound and shouted "Tiger Blade" for him, and again in the fight with Forcystus, after he was smashed into the house, i'm certain that jumping move was Rising Falcon, followed by the Demon Blade, again i shouted out both names when i saw them.... oh and seeing Genis use Aqua Edge was wicked too.




Oh and i only just figured out why the sigs for OVA1 didn't feature Sheena (which i really wanted), cuz she's not in it... so hopefully if they make ones for OVA 2 and she's on one that means she'll be in it, YAY.


*i wonder how much "bounce" they'll animate* :heh:

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I think we'll have to flip a coin to see who gets the Sheena one


Yeah I was talking about the flaming pillar before. As for that move your talking about now. No freaking idea. I suppose it was just the general power of the Exsphere. Which is why Forcystus said they won't stop coming after him as long as he has it, which is another reason why Lloyd got beaten up about it.



Anyway I'm off for a 4 hour tos gaming fest in my rather happy mood.

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I think we'll have to flip a coin to see who gets the Sheena one



haha, yeah, unless they make too.. unlikely though.


However if by chance they make one with her in her normal clothes and one in her ballroom dress, i'm calling the ballroom dress one, haha (if only i could get a replica of that dress for my girlfriend to wear........ woops did i say that out loud)

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Just got back from work and seen that you have the same problem as me, guess I will have to download the WMP11 aswell.


EDIT: Well that didnt work either. I even tried using Real Player and still its all out of sync, wonder if this is on youtube yet.....


Funny thing is at home I watch all of my XviD's with WMP11, and they work perfectly... This computer I'm using now has been nothing but trouble so far. Maybe I'll try a restart it's been on all day


*edit Well fuck a duck it still doesn't work. But I guess there could be a bunch a reasons it won't work.


1. It's off a CD, on a slow CD drive.

2. This computer sucks.


Weird though, I'll have to try it on a different computer to really see if WMP11 won't play it or not.

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Haha Genis... I thought he was a girl for ages way back when I first played this! :bouncy:


I'm looking forward to the next OVA installment to see what makes it in, what they add and what they cut. Should be heading through the Ossa Trail soon for our first encounter with Sheena, who we all love. (Though obviously a few are a little more obsessed than us others!)


Then theres Palmacosta, the ranches... the seals... poor wee Collettes Angel Toxicosis and generally a whole lot to get through! :p

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Hey guys, i can't believe I forgot to post this,


Remember back in April I was on holidays in the Philippines, of course while i was there I had one of my custom t-shirts made up, one with Lloyd on it, of course I wanted Sheena, but couldn't find a picture on the net that i thought would be cool enough.


Here's the front, just the TOS logo, as you can tell this part was just scanned and printed onto the shirt.




And the back of the t-shirt which was as always airbrushed on by hand. However you might be able to tell it's not quite right.... you might recognise the picture and wonder... "Where's the second sword in his left hand?"




I gave them two pictures, the picture showing the full body with the second sword was only a small one (couldn't resize without losing detail), was the only one i could find too, so i found a bigger picture to make sure they could see enough detail, but it was missing the left hand (as in the shirt), So i explained to them (well i explained to my cousin, and he explained to them) why there was two pictures and what i wanted.


Obviously something went wrong, but was still cool, cuz when my cousin went to collect the shirt and saw it he told them he wouldn't except it and why, and they ended up giving a massive discount, haha.



I'm looking forward to the next OVA installment to see what makes it in, what they add and what they cut. Should be heading through the Ossa Trail soon for our first encounter with Sheena, who we all love. (Though obviously a few are a little more obsessed than us others!)


Then theres Palmacosta, the ranches... the seals... poor wee Collettes Angel Toxicosis and generally a whole lot to get through! :p


Not to mention a whole other world to explore, the renegades, Chocolat, The Mana Cannon, Mithos the Hero.


I don't see how they plan to get it all into four 30min shows:blank:

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God that shirt was AMAZING! How much it cost?


Well normally these shirts cost me the equivilent of about 15 - 20 euro, which is really cheap considering its airbrushed by hand, you try to get something like this made here they'd just scan the picture and print it on an iron-on and chrage like 40euro or more.


But thanks to the discount due to the shop forgetting my instructions this one cost me 5 euro : peace:

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Just watched it, and since i actually started playing ToS again a week ago, it's all so familiar. I love it!


When they said 'Protect those dearest to you.' all i could think was how they were supposed to make Collete's affection go down after this first episode.



Another thing i noticed was that Genis was more of a clown compared to Lloyd, what with the backpack and all.


What about the exspheres though? I don't remember the things themselves being seen as evil by anyone, just the way they're manufactured. Also, without the Marble storyline, Genis is probably still without an exsphere. Where did Raine get hers from anyway?


If this really is only 4 episodes, my guess is that they'll just go to the fire seal (since that one was mentioned), then do a little montage for the next couple of seals. Skip chocolat, dorr etc and introduce Sheena in Luin. That way, Asgard ranch would be the first one they'd visit and they could go straight to the tower of mana once they're done there.



Can't wait for the next episode! :bouncy:


Genis FTW.

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Anyone know of any fansubs for the OVA? I wanna watch it. bit I don't know a word of Japanese...


Should have checked the previous page


Direct download from megaupload 2: English subs v2


Failing that another direct download from anikei which you will have to sign up for to get the download: English subs v2





When they said 'Protect those dearest to you.' all i could think was how they were supposed to make Collete's affection go down after this first episode.



Another thing i noticed was that Genis was more of a clown compared to Lloyd, what with the backpack and all.


What about the exspheres though? I don't remember the things themselves being seen as evil by anyone, just the way they're manufactured. Also, without the Marble storyline, Genis is probably still without an exsphere. Where did Raine get hers from anyway?


If this really is only 4 episodes, my guess is that they'll just go to the fire seal (since that one was mentioned), then do a little montage for the next couple of seals. Skip chocolat, dorr etc and introduce Sheena in Luin. That way, Asgard ranch would be the first one they'd visit and they could go straight to the tower of mana once they're done there.




Ah yes i forgot Genis got his exsphere from Marble... i wonder if maybe they might skip everyone having an exsphere, and make Lloyd's unique, i just took a look back and couldn't see any indication of an exsphere on both Kratos and Forcystus.


That would be a huge let down if they do, the whole mass production of exspheres was a major story arc in the games and provided a lot of moral questions about the meaning/value of life in it's different forms.


(In terms of the game, Raine got hers after Lloyd was captured by the Renegades, it was embedded in the staff of the boss character of the level (damn forgot the name... i feel so ashamed))








Oh yeah almost forgot.


Not totally about the game or OVA, but i uploaded a video from my trip to Lourdes to my Youtube channel and used some TOS music for the background.

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