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A Day In The Life Of -


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I've been thinking about this alot, especially when people post about how their days have been and what their thoughts and feelings are in the meaningless post thread.


Basically, the idea of this thread is that you assume the role of another forum member - anyone. What sorta things you think that person would get up to that day, what things they would see, how they'd be feeling, etc.


In order for this to work, it has to be two things: fun and friendly. Make it amusing if you can, but also don't put the person you're thinking of down, etc. Common sense really.


Hope this takes off!

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i choose Ashley



wakes up, spends 15 minutes shaving etc, goes to work, finishes then goes to lectures, gets home does some reading for uni, relaxes to veronica mars or scrubs, while hovering over the forums.


soo.....work work work, uni work, scrubs/veronica mars, sleep

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This would be my vision for an average morning in the life of Fierce Link. Enjoy.


Flinky was awake and alert, the hum of the jet engines filling his ears. He looked down at the pretty young thing beside, still fast asleep, exhausted by last nights exertions. Feeling down underneath the bedclothes, he felt around and eventually pulled up his gigantic cock-action shotgun. Always good to carry an insurance policy with you.

Slipping it into the holster on his back, he slipped out of bed and started to tiptoe around the cabin, gingerly picking his way over the dead henchmen and other broken sex toys that lay strewn across the fine shag carpeting. From amongst the used batteries and well chewed lingerie, he recovered the tools of his trade; a shirt, a pair of trousers, some Kevlar, a gun and a blood stained pair of shoes. He robed himself in his uniform, his powerful biceps, toned six-pack and astonishing pectoral muscles now discretely hidden away. He was not proud, but Flinky was not averse to watching himself dress in the revolving mirror that revolved in the middle of the cabin. Indeed he was not the only one…

“No, wait, you can’t leave me!â€

Flinky turned from the aircraft door, the rushing air rippling across his tuxedo and racing through his dark, flowing hair. His piercing eyes shot a glance back at her through his flowing dreadlocks.

“What will I do now?†She cried, every fibre of her naked body pounding in agony, the very thought of her separation from him causing her pouting breasts to heave and swell. “I can’t go back to just any old man now. Not after you! Not after last night! You can’t just leave me, not after that!â€

His deep, impenetrable brown eyes bore into her very soul. Even in her grief she could not help but loose herself in their cosmic beauty. Across his powerful, stubbly jaw the slightest of smiles and a flash of brilliant teeth broke the gaunt purity of his face.

“Sorry luv, the ruggers on.â€

And with that he left.

Streaking downward towards the earth, his ears dimly perceived her cry, before the loud pounding explosion as the C4 detonated in both engines. As flaming wreckage plummeted around him he fished a pair of sports shades from his pocket and grinned broadly, his platinum watch glinting garishly in the unusual clarity of a Welsh spring sun. He was right on time…


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This would be my vision for an average morning in the life of Fierce Link. Enjoy.


Flinky was awake and alert, the hum of the jet engines filling his ears. He looked down at the pretty young thing beside, still fast asleep, exhausted by last nights exertions. Feeling down underneath the bedclothes, he felt around and eventually pulled up his gigantic cock-action shotgun. Always good to carry an insurance policy with you.

Slipping it into the holster on his back, he slipped out of bed and started to tiptoe around the cabin, gingerly picking his way over the dead henchmen and other broken sex toys that lay strewn across the fine shag carpeting. From amongst the used batteries and well chewed lingerie, he recovered the tools of his trade; a shirt, a pair of trousers, some Kevlar, a gun and a blood stained pair of shoes. He robed himself in his uniform, his powerful biceps, toned six-pack and astonishing pectoral muscles now discretely hidden away. He was not proud, but Flinky was not averse to watching himself dress in the revolving mirror that revolved in the middle of the cabin. Indeed he was not the only one…

“No, wait, you can’t leave me!â€

Flinky turned from the aircraft door, the rushing air rippling across his tuxedo and racing through his dark, flowing hair. His piercing eyes shot a glance back at her through his flowing dreadlocks.

“What will I do now?†She cried, every fibre of her naked body pounding in agony, the very thought of her separation from him causing her pouting breasts to heave and swell. “I can’t go back to just any old man now. Not after you! Not after last night! You can’t just leave me, not after that!â€

His deep, impenetrable brown eyes bore into her very soul. Even in her grief she could not help but loose herself in their cosmic beauty. Across his powerful, stubbly jaw the slightest of smiles and a flash of brilliant teeth broke the gaunt purity of his face.

“Sorry luv, the ruggers on.â€

And with that he left.

Streaking downward towards the earth, his ears dimly perceived her cry, before the loud pounding explosion as the C4 detonated in both engines. As flaming wreckage plummeted around him he fished a pair of sports shades from his pocket and grinned broadly, his platinum watch glinting garishly in the unusual clarity of a Welsh spring sun. He was right on time…



Haha, and that's just the morning!


A day in the life of...ViPeR:


Wake up, at 6am. In order to cram so many things into his day, the vipey does not require the art of sleeping.

He wakes up, and crushes 6 eggs into a glass. He then proceeds to down the glass of eggs, and puts on his jogging clothes. He starts running in the city, alone, and returns home at 6:15.


What? The guy has no stamine. It's blatantly obvious.


Vipey hitchhikes his way to college, as he lives in Cornwall, and the closest college is in London. Yeah, it really is in the middle of nowhere. His tractor is broken and is in for repairs, and all the taxis have ceased to be used since the old foot and mouth outbreak.


He gets a lift to college off a mate, and he arrives. All day long, he shouts at drummers. Today, the drummers do not fight back, but one day they will. Secretely, without the knowledge of ViPeR, a secret army are amassing to end the rule of this tyrant. Oblivious to this, he heads to the canteen to eat his dinner.


It is now 5 oclock. The rest of the day is uneventful, as he has working in the evening. He heads to work at Morissons, and prepares himself for the workout he shall receive. Other workers slowly move the trolleys, but Viper is not an ordinary worker. He dashes in and out of the isles, in and out of the traffic of old people and fat ladies (who were on a protest march after hearing eenuh's slanderous post earlier).


Now that the trolleys are done, he then dribbles the fruit and vegetables into their rightful places. The customers are in awe of his awesomeness.


It is now 6 oclock, and he is tired from his antics and decides to go home. What can he do now?


I know! He can play diddy kong racing DS! however, viper holds a not-so-secret hate for this game. DAMN UPGRADES! he bellows as he loses yet another game online.


His mother asks him what is the matter. ViPeR retaliates and says "A CHOIR BOOOOY!!! I HOPE you have enough room for my fist!"


His mother slowly but surely backs off.

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Haha, and that's just the morning!


A day in the life of...ViPeR:


Wake up, at 6am. In order to cram so many things into his day, the vipey does not require the art of sleeping.

He wakes up, and crushes 6 eggs into a glass. He then proceeds to down the glass of eggs, and puts on his jogging clothes. He starts running in the city, alone, and returns home at 6:15.


What? The guy has no stamine. It's blatantly obvious.


Vipey hitchhikes his way to college, as he lives in Cornwall, and the closest college is in London. Yeah, it really is in the middle of nowhere. His tractor is broken and is in for repairs, and all the taxis have ceased to be used since the old foot and mouth outbreak.


He gets a lift to college off a mate, and he arrives. All day long, he shouts at drummers. Today, the drummers do not fight back, but one day they will. Secretely, without the knowledge of ViPeR, a secret army are amassing to end the rule of this tyrant. Oblivious to this, he heads to the canteen to eat his dinner.


It is now 5 oclock. The rest of the day is uneventful, as he has working in the evening. He heads to work at Morissons, and prepares himself for the workout he shall receive. Other workers slowly move the trolleys, but Viper is not an ordinary worker. He dashes in and out of the isles, in and out of the traffic of old people and fat ladies (who were on a protest march after hearing eenuh's slanderous post earlier).


Now that the trolleys are done, he then dribbles the fruit and vegetables into their rightful places. The customers are in awe of his awesomeness.


It is now 6 oclock, and he is tired from his antics and decides to go home. What can he do now?


I know! He can play diddy kong racing DS! however, viper holds a not-so-secret hate for this game. DAMN UPGRADES! he bellows as he loses yet another game online.


His mother asks him what is the matter. ViPeR retaliates and says "A CHOIR BOOOOY!!! I HOPE you have enough room for my fist!"


His mother slowly but surely backs off.


I wish my day really was as exciting as that. I could do you but it'd just be


Jim gets up at 11 after staying up until 6 playing shit games and watching bad comedy (he doesn't like Family guy). Doesn't shave or wash, he then has a fucking huge breakfast. This can be anything from a mountain of toast or curry. He'll then spend his day coming on MSN and bugging me, playing bad racing games and eating more toast. The end. However, I won't do you. I'm gonna do my other mate on here Katemon (Katie)


She gets up at 6 and already panics because she's worried about the day ahead. Will Tim talk to Jenna behind her back, will she have to answer the phones, or will she have to make coffee for everyone in the office. She moans to Micheal who pretends to listen through a series of nods and one worded replies. She makes her super healthy breakfast consisting of a cornflake and a glass of water. She'll then spend 2 hours in the shower and getting dressed, deciding what shoes to wear. Walks to the bus stop listening to Weezer in her earphones. She finally arrives at work where her boss confronts her


"Katie, where are those GODDAMN FILES you were supposed to do last night!!"


"I.. I emailed them.. i'm sure!" she stammers.




Katie slumps to her desk and confides in her friend. "I'm sure I sent those files, but then again I did spill coffee all over the laptop, you think that might have affected it?" Her friend blankly stares at her. The rest of her day is spent hurriedly working away catching up to date. She says goodbye to her colleagues and slinks off home. She tells Micheal of her day, he's busy engrossed completing various games and answers with a grunt. Again she makes a super healthy dinner, a lettuce leaf with grated carrot. She'll then cheer herself up by watching House till it's time for bed. Rinse and repeat.

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I'll go for the thebenmaster:


His pasty white ass wakes up in the morning, only to discover that it was just as pasty and white as he left it the day before. Has a pasty white breakfast of eggs on toast, eaten with a knife and fork, like a pasty white man. Drives to school with his "dogs" listening to Fallout Boy with a side order of DMX, in a failing attempt to seem "hip" and "fly." "Brah."


When asked by The Bard what his favourite alcoholic beverages are, he responds with "baileys" and "wkd" trying for all his life to help us discover for ourselves that he is a rampant homosexual, rather than him having to face the discomfort and most probably, immediate dismemberment through having to explain it himself. Tells people freely that he likes department stores, and the way Vaseline feels against his buttocks.


When playing The Bard at Guilty Gear, he is unable to discern the fact that the strategy by which The Bard has beaten him the last 600023 times is by sweeping and following with a 5 move combo. Ben breaks down into tears and asks his big gay bear, the chan man, to comfort him. Immediate hilarity ensues when Ben bends over and the the Chan man inserts his 10 foot quivering spike. Masculine moans emanate (which, quite frankly is surprising, considering the source) as Ben and his "life partner" the Chan man make the beast with two backs. Asks The Bard to be his best man at his commitment ceremony, and when told by The Bard that he deeply dislikes him, he breaks down screaming "why do you hate me when I show you nothing but love."


Comes on MSN in the evening, though never really having anything interesting to say, and thus maintaining whatever facade of conversation there may be by posting meaningless one word answers :heh:.


Cries self to sleep knowing that he was born a n00b and thus he can never be as awesome as The Bard :heh:.

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i choose Ashley



wakes up, spends 15 minutes shaving etc, goes to work, finishes then goes to lectures, gets home does some reading for uni, relaxes to veronica mars or scrubs, while hovering over the forums.


soo.....work work work, uni work, scrubs/veronica mars, sleep


Close. I don't do any double dayers any more, nor do I ever read for uni. I tend to come home and cook and do some housework-ey stuff. Or sometimes I actually go out too, crazily.


And I watch more than Scrubs and VM :p

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Doesn't get up in the morning, he's already up. Dante doesn't need sleep as he is not human. He sits at his giant mainframe computer, which he uses to analyse the data he is constantly collecting. His entire days consists of being at his PC non-stop, he doesn't get up to use the otilet, inhuman people don't need to use the toilet. All day, he sits there, scouring the web, collecting info from thouthands of sites, and posting it on N-E. Until one day, he is obsolete, and a new model is put in his place.

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I wish my day really was as exciting as that. I could do you but it'd just be


Jim gets up at 11 after staying up until 6 playing shit games and watching bad comedy (he doesn't like Family guy). Doesn't shave or wash, he then has a fucking huge breakfast. This can be anything from a mountain of toast or curry. He'll then spend his day coming on MSN and bugging me, playing bad racing games and eating more toast. The end. However, I won't do you. I'm gonna do my other mate on here Katemon (Katie)


She gets up at 6 and already panics because she's worried about the day ahead. Will Tim talk to Jenna behind her back, will she have to answer the phones, or will she have to make coffee for everyone in the office. She moans to Micheal who pretends to listen through a series of nods and one worded replies. She makes her super healthy breakfast consisting of a cornflake and a glass of water. She'll then spend 2 hours in the shower and getting dressed, deciding what shoes to wear. Walks to the bus stop listening to Weezer in her earphones. She finally arrives at work where her boss confronts her


"Katie, where are those GODDAMN FILES you were supposed to do last night!!"


"I.. I emailed them.. i'm sure!" she stammers.




Katie slumps to her desk and confides in her friend. "I'm sure I sent those files, but then again I did spill coffee all over the laptop, you think that might have affected it?" Her friend blankly stares at her. The rest of her day is spent hurriedly working away catching up to date. She says goodbye to her colleagues and slinks off home. She tells Micheal of her day, he's busy engrossed completing various games and answers with a grunt. Again she makes a super healthy dinner, a lettuce leaf with grated carrot. She'll then cheer herself up by watching House till it's time for bed. Rinse and repeat.


Haha that really made me laugh :heh: I thought oh good he's done Jim and then it turned on to me. You've got my all wrong anyway, I don't take that long in the shower.

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I'll go for the thebenmaster:


His pasty white ass wakes up in the morning, only to discover that it was just as pasty and white as he left it the day before. Has a pasty white breakfast of eggs on toast, eaten with a knife and fork, like a pasty white man. Drives to school with his "dogs" listening to Fallout Boy with a side order of DMX, in a failing attempt to seem "hip" and "fly." "Brah."


When asked by The Bard what his favourite alcoholic beverages are, he responds with "baileys" and "wkd" trying for all his life to help us discover for ourselves that he is a rampant homosexual, rather than him having to face the discomfort and most probably, immediate dismemberment through having to explain it himself. Tells people freely that he likes department stores, and the way Vaseline feels against his buttocks.


When playing The Bard at Guilty Gear, he is unable to discern the fact that the strategy by which The Bard has beaten him the last 600023 times is by sweeping and following with a 5 move combo. Ben breaks down into tears and asks his big gay bear, the chan man, to comfort him. Immediate hilarity ensues when Ben bends over and the the Chan man inserts his 10 foot quivering spike. Masculine moans emanate (which, quite frankly is surprising, considering the source) as Ben and his "life partner" the Chan man make the beast with two backs. Asks The Bard to be his best man at his commitment ceremony, and when told by The Bard that he deeply dislikes him, he breaks down screaming "why do you hate me when I show you nothing but love."


Comes on MSN in the evening, though never really having anything interesting to say, and thus maintaining whatever facade of conversation there may be by posting meaningless one word answers :heh:.


Cries self to sleep knowing that he was born a n00b and thus he can never be as awesome as The Bard :heh:.


The Bard:

Wakes up in the morning wondering how he got back to his bedroom last night as all he can remember is GUINESS and the phrase 'don't you just hate people'.

He then discerns whether it is a week day or the weekend. During the week he gets out of bed, sticks on the cube playing smash bros muttering to himself 'must beat Ben, must beat Ben' as he knows when he gets into school Ben will have his cube with him and they shall play smash alllllll day and if he loses to Ben he will be mightily pissed off as he thinks himself pro at games and cannot handle the mental strain of losing, yet he does lose and publicly expresses his hate for Ben and relying on the line 'samus's missiles are cheap' to console himself. However, if swayed by onlookers to play double dash (the more popular game at school) he gives his excuse for losing before he even has done, something like 'its the most broken mario kart game and i hate playing it because it requires no skill', he fails to see that video games are often played for fun. He then goes on to lose against people inferior to him at other games. He becomes sad. He leaves school hating everyone and wishing he had some GUINESS or even better some jaegermeister in which he could drown his sorrows of losing to n00bs. If neither is available he sticks on his cube playing smash bros muttering to himself 'must beat Ben, must beat Ben'.


If it were the weekend this is a different story, he gets out of bed sticks on 3rd strike muttering to himself 'must beat Ben, must beat Ben' as he knows Ben will probably come over to play 3rd strike and he must beat Ben otherwise he will be sad and angry and declare his hate for Ben. When he loses to Ben he becomes enraged: cursing and throwing things around/at Ben. He comes up with the great excuse 'I'm playing with an arcade stick which is harder to play with than a controller so i'm still better than you'. Ben offers to swap, he declines saying he has lost the ability to play with a controller because of his excessive use of his arcade stick.

After a hard day of gaming Ben returns home content at beating The Bard approximatley half of the matches. The Bard sits at home hating Ben because he cannot handle losing a single match and hating everyone else purely because they exist. His house being devoid of alcohol he lies in bed and watches scrubs and/or stargate SG1 untill the early hours of the morning to make himself feel better, writing down quotes so he can learn them so the next time he sees Ben he can confuse him with Jafa language or Dr. Coxisms.


Repeat untill dead.

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