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Why you hate GAME


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My local Game rocks, hence why I got a job there. I know several people who work there and went bowling with some staff last week. The manager even knows about the crazy shit that went on with Woolworths and doesn't mind. Looking forward to working there as of Monday 24th.

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The manager at my Game fixed my computer and gave me loads of demo discs and such, we talk about gaming a lot when he should be working, pretty freindly staff at mine - and can you blame them for having a small GameCube stand, seriously...


I like Gamestation more though...

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Guest DS MaNiAc

Some of the people at mine just dont have a clue. And the thing is the shop is massive, very big, and they just dont take advantage of it, theres so much space, I would understand if its always busy, but its nearly always empty. Gamestation on the other hand, make the most of what little space they have, they are always full, the ques go down fast and they know what they are talking about. When we went in while chatting on pictochat the man asked me in pictochat "Can I help you?" And I replyed saying "Do you have roject rub?". he produced Project Rub from behind the counter and I was well chuffed.

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My local Game rocks, hence why I got a job there. I know several people who work there and went bowling with some staff last week. The manager even knows about the crazy shit that went on with Woolworths and doesn't mind. Looking forward to working there as of Monday 24th.

ooh, excitement! what crazy shit?

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But mine isn't full fledged bad words.

[edit] but you shouldn't of looked at it should you? You seem to hate nintendo


I will happily put my hand up and say Im a nintendo fanboy and I think your sig is pretty bad(not the bit with DSs but the bit about sony and M$.


And I am pretty sure that there is a sig size limit and then 2 lines of text on top of that unless it changed when the forum moved from xsorbit.

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I actually quite like their 10 day no hassle returns policy.



What you should do is if you want Trade in prices but in cash for your used games is Buy a New Game from GAME and trade your old games in with it. Then after a few days return the game and ask for Cash.

Not only do you get cash for trade in prices but get to rent a game for free. :wink:

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GAME is rubish, there games are really expensive and when u trade a game they always scruw u over. i think gamestation is the best u can find anything in there even nes games. plus they don't charge much


It depends whrether you want a used Game or a new one. If your buying new your best going to GAME optherwise Gamestation are much cheaper. :smile:

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I don't mind game, but the vast majority of my planned purchases are done online as it's just that much cheaper.


Impulse purchases are usually done in game, and I have never recieved looks of dismay when buying titles like Nintendogs, Harvest Moon, Mario and Luigi........One thing I did like was when the guy behind the counter said


'seriously miss, Fifa street is rubbish....i'd reccomend not buying it'


She didn't listen, but at least he tried.

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Guest Ford Prefect

all "high street" shops suck, not just game. online shops are much better, fair enough you have to wait but not long. you don't have to deal with useless fucking staff, **** people who walk about 1mph infront of you as if they've got all the bastard time in the world and just the general unpleasent looking & smelling masses known as the public.

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