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Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock


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*whispers* I love your voice! :awesome:




I still don't get why everyone has an obsession with my voice :heh:

What about my ravashing good looks :heh::indeed:


.....oh that's right what i see in the mirror is not the same as what others see, i keep forgetting that :blank:


When are we getting downloadable content :'(


Hopefully soon, I waiting for some rocked up remixes of Mario, Zelda and Metroid themes : peace:


WiiWare should be out next month (or the month after for here knowing NoE) I'm hoping they will have sorted a section in that for 3rd parties to put DLC into their Wii games *fingers crossed*

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Ok so i've been playing this today, just trying to see if i could upgrade any songs to 5 stars on Hard mode.


Then thought i'd try and play Dragonforce on Hard mode to see how far i could get.


Here's how my percentages went


2%, 5%, 4%, 3%..... 100%


Yep that's F'ING right 100%


I couldn't believe it, a few times i thought i was about to fail but through some sort of ungodly power i pulled that meter back into green.


Coming up to the end of the song my hand was startin to feel real sore, but i kept going and finished it. WOHOO


Here's a photo of my tv for proof, scores not great but at least i finished it, yay :yay:



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I tried TTFATF twice today on medium(i suck)


1st- 95% :/

2nd- 99% :(:(:(


It was the third from last note that screwed me.

I was so pissed off lol :P


99%, damn that must hurt like hell, I've managed to beat it on hard once more since the first time, tried to got to 83%....still have not been able to repeat victory over Lou on hard too:heh:


I been playing mostly on Hard recently, entered a few tournaments (hard mode) on the guitarhero.com mostly coming in round 55th place (out of 250 - 300 people) which is actually better than i expected...yesterday i think i an 41st and today 46th last i looked.....will most likely never win one though, looking at the scores for the top 10 those guys must be hitting 100% of notes :heh:


Will try get back into expert in a few days and try again to break past Slipknot

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I got a few more songs in Hard Mode under my belt today!!!


I'm gradually making my way through it but some of the songs i'm hanging in on the red until the very end...just about making it!


I haven't even attempted TTFATF on Medium yet as even in that mode it's too hard for me.


Even though i'm not really getting anywhere i keep goingback everyday to have a go and try and improve! Now that's the signs of a great game. :D

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OK WTF is going on here?


I'm trying to take part in todays highscore tournament, i've played 4 or the 5 required songs, just Dragonforce left, i have just finished it for the 3rd time today but it's still not regestering on the website, WTF? I play another song and that song appears in my recent performances list, below should be Dragonforce but it's not, it's still the song i played BEFORE Dragonforce, this has happened 3 times, do you have any idea how sore my hand is now after playing that song on hard 3 times in one day...this is unnatural





OK FINALLY, it worked, on my 4th time beating the song it finally registered with the website. And i got to 39th place in the tournament, my highest yet, yay :heh:


Now when i say 4th, that's 4 times finishing the song, i don't know how many times in total i been playing it but i do know is i need a bloody ice pack for my hand


(failed twice at 90%, that was really annoying)

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I'm proper cheesed off regarding my groupies count. The fact that I played around 200-odd songs when I didn't have a Gold Live Membership, plus my old tendency to quit the song right at the end if I hadn't beaten my high score (before the "You Rock!" came up.) means I really ought to have well over 5,000 groupies by now.


But I don't. Ho-fucking-hum. :blank:

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You're on expert now? Well done man, we've gotta face off at some point.


Dude you lose some memory? I been on Expert since early January....and stuck on the Live in Japan gig for maybe 3 or 4 weeks now:indeed:


I've got you on my friend list so if you ever spot me online just send an invite...or PM me here to set up a time: peace:

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Doh, of course :D



I think I'm so used to everyone else just doing a difficulty then moving on instead of moving up when they got stuck that I got a bit jumbled :P


Will do, though I havn't played much since I got my 360, I'll be all out of practice...

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I got this over the weekend and am liking it so far. Got through easy, and started on medium. Gonna take me some time to get used to this, but I'm just having fun.

I really didn't think I'd like this at all, but I do.


I found the link for the NEurope Tour group and clicked to join, if you are still looking for people.

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  • 2 weeks later...
whatever was the outcome of the mono sound in wii guitar hero 3? is it now sorted if i were to buy a new copy?


I was wondering this recently too. In the US they are doing the whole replacement thing now (and have been for about a month)...So surely we will hear news soon. I would hope so as mono sound is really annoying.

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Picked this up again yesterday (well the Xbox version) as I hadnt played is since December, first try I 5*'d one on medium feeling rather chuffed I tried Reign In Blood I failed it :( Then I tried Holiday in ******* Cambodia on Hard which is where I got stuck and failed. Still I was pleased to 5 * One.

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