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Manhunt 2


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And it's a PS2 and PSP game.


Is he talking about the PS2 and PSP version? No, because it's not his job. He works as part of the Wii version of IGN, so he's going to talk about that. Also, the Wii version is the definitive version of the game; Nintendo need to get it out there.

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yes.. but then it's up to their "sony people" to bash sony.. Matt is as far as I know it their nintendo man.. I want this frigging game and I want it uncensored.. and please.. this is hopefully not the George Bush version of a gaming homepage.. "Your either with us or your against us".. nintendo does stupid things.. sony does stupid things.. Microsoft made the xbox360.. god bless them


Not at all, but it would be a bad business decision on the part of Nintendo to allow this game to go into production. It would harm their public image and put off a lot of people who they are attracting with their new take on gaming.

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ha ha love them.. and yes.. the original was not that good.. pretty fun for some hours but nothing more.. once the "oh my god" factor wore off it was pretty dull... my problem with this "banning" is that I don't get to choose.. somone does it for me..

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I really, really, really don't know why anybody even cares about this game.

The original was shit, this doesn't look any better, wacking some motion sensing controls on it doesn't make it a good game, people praising EAs rehashes for their controls are just as bad.


Everyone who played the game says it's good, so excuse me for trusting their opinion on this more than yours ;)

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Now I dont have proof. But when i was working at gamestop.


i went to check release dates for wii... and it has


games name price esrb rating. Well i look down and saw manhunt 2 rating M.


??? is it true or not i beleive it is. Since gamespot has no rights to do anything with an esrb rating. as thats ESRB job to switch them.



now if someone else works at gamestop and see the same thing please post.


Just take it as a rumor now ^.^


I really, really, really don't know why anybody even cares about this game.

The original was shit, this doesn't look any better, wacking some motion sensing controls on it doesn't make it a good game, people praising EAs rehashes for their controls are just as bad.


the first manhunt score i the 8... i dont call the shitty :|


who said it dosent? just beaucse you dont like it dosent mean its a bad game either...


yes.. but then it's up to their "sony people" to bash sony.. Matt is as far as I know it their nintendo man.. I want this frigging game and I want it uncensored.. and please.. this is hopefully not the George Bush version of a gaming homepage.. "Your either with us or your against us".. nintendo does stupid things.. sony does stupid things.. Microsoft made the xbox360.. god bless them



this has nothing to do with persidents :|


oh and Sony, Microsfot, Nintendo dont allow AO games... on there system its there policy there a private company they make there own rules up.


before making a comment like that please learn before typing

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Don't know if anyone's posted this but here's a link to a petition on the Number 10 website to restrict the powers of the BBFC with regards to preventing over 18s choosing whether to buy the games.


I don;t know whether these things ever achieve anything, but I signed anyway! Maninly because I hate the BBFC!

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this has nothing to do with persidents :|


before making a comment like that please learn before typing


i didn't type anything about persidents...


and why the hell are there new pictures if this game is vamping?

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Oh wow... this bandwagon apparently just has too much room! Lets get a party started, WHOOO!


The mother of Stuart Harling, the 18 year-old convicted of stabbing nurse Cheryl Moss to death, has claimed that his violent behaviour was triggered by playing videogames such as Manhunt.


Speaking to the News of the World Lorraine Harling said, "I knew he was playing the video games but we didn't really know what went on in them, how brutal and graphic they were.


"Stuart was 11 or 12 when I bought him the PlayStation. For a long time I didn't even realise games had age limits on them. We'd just buy him the game that all the other kids had. I didn't really know what they were about. I think most parents are the same."


Stuart Harling was recently given a life sentence for his random attack on Moss, who he stabbed 72 times - according to the NOTW, "Just like he'd PRACTISED on the PlayStation in his bedroom."


"Every night he would retreat into his darkened bedroom at home in Rainham, Essex, and enter a grisly virtual world that revelled in sadism, ritual blood-letting and death. Just like millions of other youngsters," the article reads.


"One of baby-faced Harling's favourite games was the notorious Manhunt, where players SLASH and SLICE their victims with meat CLEAVERS, cheese WIRE and CHAINSAWS, or suffocate them with plastic bags."


Harling's mother is quoted as saying, "I know these games are played by kids across the world, but some are truly horrific. And if they can cause a trigger to be pulled in someone's head they should be banned."


Wow. Another parent not taking responsibility for their actions. Shocked? Noooo.

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Wait millions of youngsters went into his bedroom in Rainham and entered this dark world? Must be a huge room.


Regardless. It does seem like shes saying "look how ignorant I am to what my kids are doing. But its not my fault!"

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I've played Manhunt 1 and can honestly say it gave me no motivation to go out and kill someone with a cheese wire, meat cleaver etc..I'm sure nearly all of the people who played it would agree.


The game itself does indeed look a bit..graphic...but it's trying to create a gritty atomosphere and for the players OVER 18 to be become someone they shouldn't and wouldn't be (in nearly all cases) in real-life.


It's quite a touchy subject though. Obviously it's a sad fact that the parents didn't see this boy becoming extremely unhappy and helped him before he commited this murder.


Also, the parents didn't know that games have certificates? Oh please...Most repsonsible parents know this.


The front cover of the first manhunt isn't exactly a fairy tale either is it? Also 'MAN-HUNT', kinda gives it away...although it could be a dating sim or something.

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Oh wow... this bandwagon apparently just has too much room! Lets get a party started, WHOOO!




Wow. Another parent not taking responsibility for their actions. Shocked? Noooo.


LMAO, seriously, what an idiot. She didn't see the giant M on the front of the case? That's like saying 'I gave my child this Ecstasy tablet, I didn't know what it was but all the kids were taking them'.


Bit extreme but you get my point...


It's called MANHUNT you retard.

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Wow, so she thinks they should be banned because of her ignorance and failure as a parent? It's like these people can't face the harsh reality of making decisions on their own and want the government to handhold them through life. This is just pathetic, and her words enlighten me to how these parents actually think. The article's absurdity appears almost satirical, yet it isn't. Frightening.

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LMAO, seriously, what an idiot. She didn't see the giant M on the front of the case? That's like saying 'I gave my child this Ecstasy tablet, I didn't know what it was but all the kids were taking them'.


Bit extreme but you get my point...


It's called MANHUNT you retard.


Actually in England it would have been a big "18+" symbol..... The same symbol used for 18+ films.


Got damn it, thi skinda crap just boils my blood.

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