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PS3 too expensive to develop for?


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OK, before any admin tries to go shifting this into the "Other Console" folders, don't. This is just something that potentially highlights the decision, by Nintendo, to produce a cheaper system to develop for.




Developers Migrating from PS3 to Xbox 360 Development?

By: César A. Berardini - "Cesar"

Oct. 12th, 2005 2:06 pm


PS3Today.com and PS3Focus.com have reported a recent Japanese article about PS3 developer support, which has an insider source claiming that the initial investment for PS3 software development it at least ¥2 billion (U$S 17.6 million), and that figure does not include the actual development costs associated directly with the title.


This initial investment, according to this insider source, is "nothing but a nightmare for many Japanese software development companies."


The article also reveals that the prevailing rumor in Japanese game development circles is that many companies may end up developing for the Xbox 360, which will lower R&D costs since the system shares many similarities with Windows game development, allowing developers to release a single title on both platforms.


Could Sony’s ambitious plans for the PlayStation 3 scare small game developers away and push them to towards Xbox 360 development? Only time will tell…


OK, so this editorial talks about the cost pushing developers onto the Xbox360, but then they are an Xbox site so that is the angle they will write from. However, their reasoning means that the same situation applies even more to the Revolution, even more so again when you factor in the anti-Western feeling of a lot of Japanese companies.


It is just more evidence that not only will the PS3 burn a sodding great huge hole in consumers pockets, it's going to empty developer's pockets too. All we need now is for Nintendo to realise they need to make their revenue by more sales with small license fees, not get the most they can out of each copy sold.

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I heard the PS3 development was easy but now I see that's false...


I think this will be an advantage for the Xbox 360, wich is even supporting small developers with it's Arcade Service, now with just $100,000 you can make a game for the 360, and sell it via marketplace or just let it be played free and the sponsors pay, is something like that and there are 21 games announced, now Microsoft just needs to have an old Sega classics library to download, also if the Revolution is cheapier and easier to program, more developers will make games on it, but since it's so different in terms of gameplay and horsepower, I don't see developers moving their projects to Revo.

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I don't develop but I manage a few projects and the Playstation 3 development could be easily very high. So far we have nothing solid yet but I am sure that next-gen development costs are sky rocketing especially with HD and more raw power. People want to see what is "better" in the next-gen and whereas 2 people developed Theme Park a few years ago - it takes many more people now.

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I can't speak for Bowser57's development house, but as far as we're concerned, we simply can't afford the dualcore hyperthreading modules used in the PS3 development process. With the Revolution, the Co-operative Unifying Nanosplit Technocoil takes care of the pixel confugulation, so we can use a single-core hyperthreading module (which halves the cost).


We're not developing for the 360, but I've heard that the Single Hexadroid Intel Transformer doesn't work well without X70 support. Hopefully we'll have the middleware to combat that pretty soon.

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Both ps3 and xbox 360 share similar difficulties in that they both contain multi core architecture, which can be difficult to program for.

So you're implying that the Revolution is not multicore? Wait, don't answer that.

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I will anwser that, no im not implying anything about the revolution, as i dont know anything about its architecure.



But I think it is safe to assume that the Revolution will not have more than 2 cores and so far dual-core coding is easier because its growing in the PC market aswell.

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