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If Metroid Prime 3 was running on GC dev kits...


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Why would Reggie say "As you can see, Revolution will hold it's own in the graphical department."?






In an interview they said that they had more footage of metroid prime 3, but decided not to show it in the last minute. I think what we saw was actually modified engine of MP3 for the rev. There is no way GC can produce those kind of GFX especially the textures.

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The lighting doesn't look really next gen to me, RE4 has similar lighting I think, however the polygon count is pretty high but I think this graphics could be achieved on GC Hardware if the background was pre-rendered and if it wasn't a complete level but only the part we see in the picture.

and this video didn't make me say "wow" so the graphics must be better :D

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They could just have it run on a Cube devkit at 5 fps in slow motion, record it, and then play it 12x faster. The MP3 teaser isn't reliable for indicating the Rev's power :hmm:
That's just cube graphics... about the textures... of course they are better than the cube ones, the first reason above all is because the cube only has 24 MB of main memory, but for example the triforce boards use cube development tools and have 48 MB of RAM the ports can be made direcly to the cube and without much effort, the packs are not blocked in RAM ammount, just done on-spec for the available memory.


the other reason is the space in the discs, Gamecube can only carry 1,4 to 1,8 GB per disc, a full flegged game wouldn't have that much space for textures right?


about the rest the poligon count... please... Gamecube did 21 to 30 million poligons per second at 60 frames per second in rogue squadron 3, with all effects applied (and some levels locked at 30 frames)


Rogue Squadron 2 (2002) pushing 15 million poligons per second @ 60 fps with all effects applied.



Metroid Prime 2 (Game Stars Live 2004) 15 million poligons? 60 frames per second



Metroid Prime 3 Demo (E3 2005) Gamecube hardware.




so... how why is it impossible? :confused:

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There is no way GC can produce those kind of GFX especially the textures.
Those screens really don't look any better than what can be seen in some of Metroid Prime 1 & 2 to me!

There are some absolutely amazing textures to some parts of Magmoor Caverns, that are some of the best graphics i've ever seen (such as when your in an outsidea area of the caverns climbing up the metal grate platforms set into the side of the rockface!)


I'd expect Samus to be much more detailed next-gen, with a shiny metal suit that reacts to light souces in game etc...


Hopefully Metroid will look like this one day!!!!;




(and to be honest i think with next-gen it's possible to achive something quite similar!)

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Woa, why couldnt we have that ad in Europe? Apart from looking kick ass to me all the chavs and half wits would have gone "Oooo Shiny robot and fire!" As for the demo, no way can it be revo graphics, samus looks axactly the same as on cube.

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Woa, why couldnt we have that ad in Europe? Apart from looking kick ass to me all the chavs and half wits would have gone "Oooo Shiny robot and fire!" As for the demo, no way can it be revo graphics, samus looks axactly the same as on cube.

Yeah...shame they didnt.


But they so won over the audiences with the metroid prime 2 ad over here (sarcasm!). Only thing good about that ad is that they deliberately show the girls ass.


Remember those images have been run on gamecube! Dont get scared of what revolution will be capable of, not like it matters if it isnt that much different from cube graphics.

And remember, it was a 5 second snippit that part with metroid at there E3 conference, so all gamecubes power into 5 seconds could produce some amazing things.

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Do you guys remember the Europe ad where this chick is walking down an alley way and chunks of armour flied onto her until she was full-on Samus suited? Fucking SWEET. She was hot too.

Suprisingly i mentioned a little bit of that ad in the post above yours, but yeah, she was hot, but a very crap ad.

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Hopefully Metroid will look like this one day!!!!;




(and to be honest i think with next-gen it's possible to achive something quite similar!)


Just remember that the "Samus", in that ad, really was a woman in a suit running around a film-set.

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I think it's a modified GCN Dev Kit, and since the Revo programing is said to be so similar to the GCN, I think that was an Alpha Dev Kit for Revolution, or just was a cutscene, like in RE4 or FFX the graphics improved on cutscenes, because of the close-ups and few elements on-screen, but I isn't any impressive in my opinion, that should be the reason of the little showing of it.

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Just remember that the "Samus", in that ad, really was a woman in a suit running around a film-set.

Yeah i know, but some of what Sony is managing to get out of the PS3 is amazing!

I'm not saying it has to be that good, but i wouldn't be suprised if we see those types of visuals in a few years!

Some things though such as Samus' ship flying in and landing at the start of that video, i'm sure could be done on next-gen consoles.

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Any way you put it, the teaser is something fixed up quickly to have some hyping material for the first Revolution revelation. They could've prerendered it, run it on Cubes, run it on actual alpha Rev devkits, it doesn't matter. They probably made it in a day or two.

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I honestly don't think those shots (from E3) are in any way pre-rendered. They look very similar to the GC Metroid games, and there's no reason why Nintendo would fake this. It's probably looking loads better at at Retro Studios by now with the extra power of the Revo. I would say it's almost certainly an early shot of MP3 - the idea of a big planet made entirely out of phazon would make sense.

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