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Who is the most annoying games character?

THE ganondorflol

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I've always hated melodramatic twats, he's no exception. The whole dark and shady past and other overused generic character traits that he's made up from put him on par with Shadow the Hedgehog as far as i'm concerned.
Fair enough, but as for the part in bold, I'm going to have to steal Shorty's smiley: argwq0.gif
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Yeah, still not as annoying as Tingle though. He was probably the crapest character in a game. And the Skedar were crap enemies too.


Arn't there ways to avoid Tingle...like not play the second half of WW!:p


I forgot about the Skedar. They really were crap! Does anyone know if they made it into the 360 PD?


The was one good thing about Elivs. He made you appreciate the fact that, at the moment at least, humanity is alone in the universe...


I feel he is the Jar Jar Binks of videogames!

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I've always loved Tingle; he's just funny. Funny and gay. That combination just screams awesome to me.



Reading this topic brought back some bad memories of that Tricky dinosaur thing though. Gah. He could probably get my vote, especially as I can't think of anyone else right now.

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No, i said he gets alot of praise for being a 2D character. I simply put what he was in a plain and simple way to understand. And as usual Mike just turns everything around so that he can argue...




Please Sephiroth is one of the most in-depth villains ever created, you see how he becomes the psychotic monster he is, in one of the most effective flashbacks ever, and you the player can actually grow to hate him because of what he is, but if this did happen then you will eventually love him for the awesomeness he is.


I remember posting some massive bio on him a while ago, lemme just find it...




Looking back at the thread I posted that in though I saw that Jordan made quite an anti-FF7 post, so if he really did hate the game then there's nothing I can do except say why I loved it.

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Please Sephiroth is one of the most in-depth villains ever created, you see how he becomes the psychotic monster he is, in one of the most effective flashbacks ever, and you the player can actually grow to hate him because of what he is, but if this did happen then you will eventually love him for the awesomeness he is.


I remember posting some massive bio on him a while ago, lemme just find it...


I'm not going to deny that. I can see how many, many people could love/hate the character. Something just didn't click for me. But I can certainly see why you'd see the appeal :)

(I know your post was aimed at Jordan, I just felt like answering :P )

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