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Racism: Your View.


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I think this is what Jade Goody did its a very stupid thing to do but I think is different to pure racism. But is bad in a different way.


The front of the Mirror says "Yes my Jade is racist - By her Gran" and the front of the NOTW saying "Yes, it was racist and I am a bully - Jade's shock confession". Whether she actually said that or it's newspaper spin I dunno, I didn't buy either of them.


I don't see how anyone can say she didn't say anything racist at all in the house (whether she her self is racist or not) Would anyone do Jade's "paki voice" with an asian guy in ear shot, or around people you didn't know very well?


I did like her "I can't be racist I eat chicken curry" line.

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People need to realise that by saying a rascist comment (if it's interpreted as such) does by no means make you a rascist. Take Ron Atkinson, who called Marcel Desailly a "stupid "n*****". People then started labelling him as a rascist, as if he utterly dispises and has a profound hatred for black people, which is completely ridiculous, especially given Ron's managerial history.

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I'm sure Jade is loving the millions of pounds and offers of cash "I'm not racist, I've got black friends!" interviews in OK magazine for doing nothing but being an idiot. At least Shilpa had to learn to act and dance for her fame, if Jade learnt anything before her catapult to the D-list she would have faded into obscurity along with the rest of the less sub-normal BB1 labrats.

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How can it be racist to do a paki voice?

That's like if you quoted a welsh person and did it in a welsh voice. Its not fucking racist. Shilpa is manipulative and always after attention imo, that's why everyone was getting so pissed off with her. Not because she comes from a India. Oops, I said India, IM FUCKEN RACIST!!11

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I was only saying it tounge in cheek to describe Jade's impression. Some one on another forum was trying to claim that "paki" wasn't racist. he said "I go down the paki shop (yeah, I know they're indian) Then someone was trying to claim it was just like saying "Brit or Aussie" Except we've already established in the previous post that it's a (highly offensive) term for a race and not for a nationality, you mong.


EDIT: Wayhay! Even as I was typing someone was repeating the situation.

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It's NOT like saying Brit, because it's a term used for indians, pakistanis, arabs - it's a term for a race, not just a shortening of a country - No mopre than you could claim it was OK to call people "Nigger" and say it was short for nigerian, even though it's a blanket insult for all black people (Attempts to 'reclaim' the word aside).


Just for reference, from a legal stand point:



Ratcliffe was in a crowd of fans of second division Port Vale who used a chant containing the word "Paki" at Oldham Athletic supporters during a league match at the Port Vale ground at Stoke-on-Trent in October last year.


Lord Justice Auld, sitting with Mr Justice Goldring, said it was clear the word "Paki" - short for Pakistani - was "a slang expression which is racially offensive".

They dismissed any suggestion it could be used affectionately in the manner of "Aussie" or "Brit".


The judge said: "It is odd and a shame that this is so in this country, but the unpleasant context in which it is so often used has left it with a derogatory or insulting, racialist connotation."


The ruling overturned a decision by Stoke-on-Trent Magistrates' Court district judge Graham Richards in January to acquit Ratcliffe on the basis the chant was "mere doggerel" and need not be classed as an offence.


The judges also took the unusual step of telling the magistrates' court to pay the estimated £1,000 costs of the appeal by the Director of Public Prosecutions.


After the hearing, Maureen Shea, head of trials for the Crown Prosecution Service in north Staffordshire, said: "It is clarification of the fact that 'Paki' is derogatory and racialist within the terms of this Act.


"If any football crowd is chanting, and the word Paki, or Pakis, is in the chant, it is going to contravene the act."

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How can "paki" be racist? It's just a shortened version of pakistani. It's only like shortening Briton to Brit.


Its not racist when you refer to a Pakistani person, but it is when you use it to refer to any North African/Arabian/anyone from the Indian sub-continent.


Calling Britons "Brits" is fine, but calling Scots or a Welshman "English" is suicide...


Americans who call a posh English accent "a British accent" (in a general, taking-in-all, sense) should be shot. They fucking piss me off. And no, I'm not anti-American, I'm anti-moron.

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Any Pakis care to put their two cents in?


I think I'd be classed as a Paki, I dunno. Kinda complicated.


Anyway, about the use that word: I've always thought it's more than just the words you use, it's about the tone and the way you say it. Like, to me, it really is just a shortened form of Pakistani. However, if somebody suddenly shouts in your face "you fucking paki!", then...we have a problem.


So, to me, its not the words you use. Its the way you use them.

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I highly dissapprove of the word myself, it IS a racist word, as explained by the fish. I'm a pretty easy going guy, and often to subject of jokes and such from my friends, but most of them know that even if they call me a Paki in a joking way, I'm actually going to punch them in the face.

I also can't help but think Apple NdiB's post was a little less than innocent in using the word.

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So, to me, its not the words you use. Its the way you use them.


That's the same with everything I think.


I highly dissapprove of the word myself, it IS a racist word, as explained by the fish. I'm a pretty easy going guy, and often to subject of jokes and such from my friends, but most of them know that even if they call me a Paki in a joking way, I'm actually going to punch them in the face.

I also can't help but think Apple NdiB's post was a little less than innocent in using the word.


Are you from Pakistan.

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