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Clinton For President!!!


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i dont know, i dont want her to win as it will be bad for iraq. i think she will start supporting talks with ex-saddam party members to bring back a dictatorship into iraq, thats what she "hinted" after visiting saudi arabia.


What a load of shite, especially as she supported the war you topple him in the first place.

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Fox News is hilarious, i wish i were American so i could watch it during there prime time.


You can watch it here on Sky Digital channel 510, it's most excellent. (In a completely scary way).


My pick for the most excellent president would be Oprah Winfrey.

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What a load of shite, especially as she supported the war you topple him in the first place.


she supported it because all the democrats actually bought the WMD story. the democrats in no way wanted to topple saddam.


eg.in 1998, 2 months of non stop bombing "militery" tagets in iraq. Bomb but dont remove the dictator. a pointless stratigy that killed 100s without achieving anything.

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Yes, that'd mean we'd finally get a Democratic president in the White House, it's about time. It seems the Democrats have lost a lot of popularity among the American people, so this should revitalise that. Obviously Hillary Clinton would win the elections due to her name and gender.


It's a shame they have to rely on name and gender for this one, but in this case I wouldn't say it's a bad thing. I trust the Democrats a lot more to run the most powerful nation in the world than those redneck Christian fundamentalistic Republicans.

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David Cameron just pays lip service to these kind of things to appear progressive without any intendtion of changing anything - much like his green gubbins.


I like the way he pretends that he's all new and fresh and nothing to do with the unplesant Team Evil Tory party of the past, inspite of writing Micheal Howards "Ship em back, hang em high, more power to big businesses" manifesto last time around.

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Yes! Yes oh yes!


I think America needs a black president, but maybe 24 is just seeping into my head.


Well, it's bound to hapen eventually, and who knows, we may see Obama be the one. Vice president now, or president in another 8 years I reckon. Be nice to see more Hispanic Senators and Congressmen while we're about it too.

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Although Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are the clear favorites right now on the democrat side, don't count Al Gore out yet! He's been having quite some good publicity lately, especially with that movie...So if he decided to run, he would definitely have a great chance of winning. After all, he did have more votes than Bush that other time (although he never officially won, go figure...). So if Hillary Clinton has the vote of many women desiring to have a female president and the pity vote from those who see her as the betrayed woman in all the Bill Clinton's affair and Barack Obama gets the black vote, Gore would get the "OMG! The apocalypse is coming and only Al Gore knows how to get us out!" vote (the way people talk about him sometimes, it almost seems he's the only one in the world that knows about environmental policies) and the pity vote from those who see him as "that guy who was screwed some years ago". So it's pretty much neck and neck between these three.

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black dude, coz we all know he must hit the bong. Legalise it!


and gud on david cameron saying if science proved cannabis helpful for medical reasons he would back it, someone had the balls to say it at last.


Hmm, I think you just proved the link between cannabis and a decline in mental function.


David Cameron just pays lip service to these kind of things to appear progressive without any intendtion of changing anything - much like his green gubbins.


I like the way he pretends that he's all new and fresh and nothing to do with the unplesant Team Evil Tory party of the past, inspite of writing Micheal Howards "Ship em back, hang em high, more power to big businesses" manifesto last time around.


Amen to that. Its a shame most neo-Tories don't realise this. Tories are becoming the new Liberals, (i.e. opposing the unpopular/necessary view). Its actually digusts me that they hide their Right wing big business, fuck the poor by trying to care about the environment.

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I reckon she'll pull it off, although they should just get Dennis Haysbert to be president.


Isn't that guy from the production team for 24? Only reason I remember is cos my cousin always says "Hey's Bert!" Earnie style whenever that name appears in the opening.


But on to the subject. It's nice that people have their seemingly strict views on what should or should not happen in the election but I have very little faith in any candidate doing the right thing. As we know, there is very little chance that the elected will actually move towards their goals, their agendas will change mid term. If I had a crystal ball (and if I was a US citizen) I would vote for the candidate who could get all allied forces out of Iraq while trying to restabilise it, regardless of whether that meant the loss of democracy or not. Countries need to mature to having that government system, it can't be enforced upon it.


Slight rant ended.

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