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Emergency Mayhem


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From GoNintendo:


Codemasters is working on a game called Emergency Mayhem for the Wii, PSP, and PS2. The title is like Crazy Taxi, but with emergency vehicles. Arcade style racing and missions, mini games thrown in as well (is this a Wii requirement!?). The name of the game is reaching locations and completing a mission to save people. Really, it pretty much sounds exactly like a Crazy Taxi clone.


Hmmm might be good ;)



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I am very chilled.

Codemasters would go apeshit if someone copied the Micro Machines formula.. what makes it okay for them to take a Crazy Taxi formula and merge it with some GTA mini games?


It's a stolen idea, which will be a shitty port.. and I don't want these kind of games to thrive on my Wii.


People who support this are basically saying to developpers I want shit games on Wii. Please give us the sloppy seconds.

See UbiTrash.

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It's not the visual aspect- it's the fact that they're not willing to invest new ideas in a console- it is a desensitised play it by numbers decision.


They know Wii is going to be hot with the same kind of market that the PS2 has, very casual.. new and older gamers. They aren't making particularly educated decisions and they'll pick stuff off the shelf and take risks.


As newer gamers they have lower standards than us, they have a higher tolerance of bad game design.. and as older gamers they can afford to spend £40 on a shit game.

It is going to destroy the market that I want to be varied and provoking.

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I'm personally thinking that 'UbiTrash', as Nintendork so 'adequatly' refers to, is not doing things all too bad. They're defenitly one of the only developers devoting to the Wii. This game looks liveable, but I didn't really like Crazy Taxi on GameCube. So i'll leave this one in the retail.

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Assasin's Creed + Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter + Brothers in Arms = Rayman Raving Rabbids + Prince of Persia port from the PSP + Far Cry Wii.


Yeah, you're right. How absolutely foolish of me.


If you're going to do the whole 'smart' thing then please spell it correctly. I won't quote to embarass.

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Ah well, again, you have gone down in my appricitation. It's almost as if you want to be hated. Maybe some things aren't quite correct, but my opinion is. Even if they port, at least they try to do a decent job on the ports. Au contraire to EA, who make shady ports with louzy controls. At least Ubisoft made omse great franchises in the past. it's sad that gamers rather chose for the known ones than Beyond Good and Evil. Ah well, I'm not responding to this anymore since you do want people to be annoyed anyway. Don't be fraking alternative just to be alternative, Nintendork. If there's one thing you learn from Art School - you're thought of as the freak, but you don't need to live up that image. Don't maake an image just to be special. I'm not studying art to be special, either...

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EA have done a fucking fantastic job so far- while they are not to my taste I acknowledge this.

Stop trying this au contraire stuff.


The Godfather on the Wii will be the definitive version probably.. it is a shame that the 360 and Wii versions came so late- because everyone has played it on the PS2.

The Sims JP will use a completely remastered style to be more compatible with the Eastern market- that is a very tactile way of making sure their biggest franchise doesn't bomb in the East.

The Tiger Woods game isn't for me for other reasons.. but it will probably be the best golfing videogames experience in the World- it is not a port.

Finally SSX Blur is a Wii exclusive title- showing EA acknowledge that the Wii is not a dumping ground for titles, it uses the control scheme in a very thoughtful way. Again not to my taste but this is much better than making Raving Rabbids for every damned platform. (I do realise that this was originally intended for the Wii)


While EA are running the launch sprint off their bad foot, they will have a much greater quality to quantity ratio- especially when Spore Wii comes.


Basically your comparisons to Ubisoft and EA are wrong.

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what makes it okay for them to take a Crazy Taxi formula and merge it with some GTA mini games?

Do you know, you actually make it sound quite appealing. They've made some decent rally titles before, would be quite interesting to see what they can do. Crazy Taxi with a little more depth could be quite fun. I do hope they give the graphics at least a once over for the Wii version, naturally. PS2 just won't do!

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The point of Crazy Taxi was that it had no depth, it was an arcade game.

It doesn't need depth in the same way that Tetris doesn't need a plot.


Graphical touches will probably be minor because porting from the Wii (GameCube) to the PS2 is an absolute bitch as I'm sure the Capcom port team will tell you.

I would say that it will go from PS2, downgraded to PSP and upgraded to Wii marginally each way.


Codemasters are not the kind of people who will bother- they didn't even make a GameCube title as far as I know.. so they're going to be pretty new to the system (eg. Lazy/reckless)

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Wii will never get better original/port titles until Third-party games start to sell more. It's been a huge problem for Nintendo's Third-party support for years. It may not sound appealing to most Nintendo fans but we need more casuals on board to pump up the sales of these 'average' titles before Developers will devote more resources to Wii development.

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Codemasters are not the kind of people who will bother- they didn't even make a GameCube title as far as I know.. so they're going to be pretty new to the system (eg. Lazy/reckless)



All they did for the cube was publish free radical's second sight.

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Yes, nintendork is right about that. I'm still sure that most game companies are getting better lately. They seem to start to understand that the consumers aren't buying crap that easely anymore. Good games do sell and it makes your rep points jump great height. THQ has bein seen as a bad company for development, since most of their games are average and standards. Ubisoft has bein praised for trying new thing (though, okay Nintendork, mixed with some crappy franchises and perhaps shady ports) and EA has bein improving on their 'mediocore'games image. The big uns are certainly improving, because else you won't keep up with the competition...


Not buying this load of bullocks, though.

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