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Gates: "Nintendo is standing still online"


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Nintendo believe more in playing with your friends on the same sofa than online, and it shows. Xbox might be your first choice for playing with others by yourself, but when the lads are over after a few beers what's gonna be played more? Xbox with Halo and Rainbow Six or Wii with Smash Bros, Mario Kart and Mario Party? Gamecube always smacked Xbox around in the party games department and the exact same thing will be the true of Wii and 360.


Nintendo really just built online multiplayer into Wii to throw the more hardcore gamers a bone. They know most gamers don't want to pay for an online service so they did the best they could do with a free one. Surprise surprise, the Xbox brand still ain't making money. It's over $4 billion in the hole.


How's that for some spin?

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The way Gates uses the phrase "Standing still" does put things into a strange light for me. I feel like the Wii launch has become a total crawl, sometimes I think there's only 20 people working at Nintendo or something. They occasionally move very slowly. Why aren't they working on two or three excellent games and giving us some footage to get our hopes up? Why is SSB so far in the future? Why aren't there questionnaires: what do you like about Miis? What do you want to see changed in the online interface? - and promises to do something about it....


Nintendo really need to pick up their pace (without sacrificing quality) to stay with the competition.

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Remember people, wii is only a month old. There will be online gaming on wii within the first 6 months of a console thats going to last 4 or 5 years. It took them a year to get DS online and wii is going to come much sooner.


Regarding the quality of the online service I have my doubts, but Nintendo should know better not to balls it up.

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I've had a 360 since September and owned an Xbox for several years yet the only times I have used Xbox Live have been to download demo's off marketplace. Playing online games against strangers has little appeal to me and managing to fit in the time to organise online games with my mates around our working hours and own schedules is difficult, its easier to organise a much more enjoyable night in playing split screen together.


In terms of online I'm using my Wii more than the 360 for the simple reason that it can connect wirelessly out of the box, expecting you to pay £65 for the privelege of going wireless in this day and age is outrageous. Microsofts Live System may have a lot of good points but the system still needs a lot of work in my opinion to make it appealing or worthwhile to me (and I know I'm not the only one) so they should correct that before they start making accusations in my eyes.

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In terms of online I'm using my Wii more than the 360 for the simple reason that it can connect wirelessly out of the box, expecting you to pay £65 for the privelege of going wireless in this day and age is outrageous. Microsofts Live System may have a lot of good points but the system still needs a lot of work in my opinion to make it appealing or worthwhile to me (and I know I'm not the only one) so they should correct that before they start making accusations in my eyes.


Very good point my dear friend.: peace:


Consider this thread succesfully spun.


Yaaay :yay:

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All in all, I think Gates is jumping the gun a bit here. If this was a year down the line, and things were still the same, then I could understand and fully agree with what he's saying.


However, nobody really knows what's going on with Nintendo right now. If they really didn't give a toss about online play, they wouldn't have implemented it in Mario Kart DS, or Animal Crossing, or said that they were planning to take the super smash bros games online, either. We're playing the waiting game.

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It's pretty funny how the DS was being glorified as having the best online userbase when it Mario Kart came out with it last year.


Now even less than 10% of DS owners use the Wi-Fi connection.


The Xbox 360 dominates Console online play, but the PC still rules over all.


(The awesome people on this forums will know where I've ripped this off from if they're truly awesome...)


P.S. I really hope Booker's avatar isn't what I think it is, otherwise goddamn man you look at some of the extreme stuff.


hellow fellow edge reader. I was shocked when i read them stats about the NDS wi-fi usage.

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If I record correctly Microsoft also stood still when they launched XBOX. I don't want Nintendo to make a crappy online service just because some fans wanted them to rush things. ANd bookerman fcol, change your sig it's spoilertastic.


And if I remember correctly Xbox launched 5+ years ago. Nintendo online is crap, simple as. Everything Gates says is true. Don't see why anyone cares about it connecting to Windows though.

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Nintendo COMPLETELY pwn Microsoft on one aspect of online anyway - Price.


XBOX - £40 a year


Ninty - Free


XBOX - Wireless 360 to Router = £59.99


Wii - Free, or if not possible = £25.99


I cant believe I have to buy a wireless adapter for my 360 next week. This is the next generation! In my opinion Wired controllers shouldnt even exist, Even on a Core system. Especially internet connection! Soon most people will have a router.

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In terms of online I'm using my Wii more than the 360 for the simple reason that it can connect wirelessly out of the box, expecting you to pay £65 for the privelege of going wireless in this day and age is outrageous. Microsofts Live System may have a lot of good points but the system still needs a lot of work in my opinion to make it appealing or worthwhile to me (and I know I'm not the only one) so they should correct that before they start making accusations in my eyes.


And what is it exactly that needs correcting?


Nintendo COMPLETELY pwn Microsoft on one aspect of online anyway - Price.


XBOX - £40 a year


Ninty - Free


XBOX - Wireless 360 to Router = £59.99


Wii - Free, or if not possible = £25.99


I cant believe I have to buy a wireless adapter for my 360 next week. This is the next generation! In my opinion Wired controllers shouldnt even exist, Even on a Core system. Especially internet connection! Soon most people will have a router.


Wifi is over rated anyway, wired connections are much more reliable.

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I think the big problem with Xbox Live for online gaming is that it's mostly the same kind of gaming you can get on PC. It needs to offer more varied online gameplay types that the PC doesn't have, or doesn't do so well at, to distinguish itself and - more importantly - to draw more interest.

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And what is it exactly that needs correcting?




Wifi is over rated anyway, wired connections are much more reliable.


Well not in my experience.


Also its a lot less of a hassle - If a PC and router are downstairs, and you want to play 360 upstairs it makes it *Impossible* unless you have routers/Wireless. Tis the future.

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Gotta say rokhed is right, i seldom try to use anything that uses wireless.


Its jumpy, unreliable, skips every so often and believe me i've used alot of different access points, including my own personal one at home.


Data (on the Wii anyway) can't be transfered as fast as it could from a wired connection... not to mention the slight chance of increased lag if your wifi point is far from the console.

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Wifi is a terrible piece of shit.

It took me less then 5 mins to get on Xbox Live.

Nintendo wifi had me going to the shop to buy extra shit just to play unreliable online on a crappy service. Who cares if its free, the service is bollocks.

With xbox live, you get what you pay for and much much more.

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