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Gates: "Nintendo is standing still online"


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Apart from adding free downloadable demos, trailers, TV shows, movies, Xbox Live Arcade games (most of which feature online play, leaderboards and downloadable content - and many of which are cheaper than VC titles), video chat, achievements and picture messaging?

This additional content is unlikely to attract people with different tastes in gaming. And people not interested in gaming are unlikely to buy an expensive games console just for its non-gaming features.


Microsoft are still focused on having a PC-like gaming experience on their console, regardless of the extras the service now provides. It's not broadening the appeal, just strengthening it for the type of customers they already have.

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This additional content is unlikely to attract people with different tastes in gaming. And people not interested in gaming are unlikely to buy an expensive games console just for its non-gaming features.


Microsoft are still focused on having a PC-like gaming experience on their console, regardless of the extras the service now provides. It's not broadening the appeal, just strengthening it for the type of customers they already have.


Completely agree here. I find it strange that both Sony and MS still think that they can widen their audience by the spread of their reputation alone and just wait for the current gamers to get older and just pull in those people's children. I am SO glad Nintendo have taken such an aggressive stance on trying to change the industry.

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But changing is one, maintaining the best from previous generations is another. If you do that, it's better when you revolutionaize. We all agree when we say Nintendo should have bein a PS3 (it's an example! I'm not actually meaning a real PS3, but the same powers) with Wii adidtion. But again, that would make it costy. But that's not the topic.


Nintendo will be fine someday. Online. First thing to do: give the nintendo-europe website a update that can't be believed. Make it look slick, modern and efficient and get it to be something that Nintendo fans can love. Then start you Wii and DS's online services to work and then build a great games-based system.

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In the end all it is is that Wii has yet to get a proper, exciting online game. Pages of criticisms seem a little over the top to me. Nintendo is behind in this way, but PC is the pioneers in online interactivity. All consoles have some way to go to catch up, you can construct any criticism for any of them by putting on a spin.


Also, expect to see Gates and Moore do more Nintendo bashing once Sony goes further down the pit - they have no need for Wii60 once Sony is heavily disadvantaged.

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I never understood the bashing. If something is proven, ti's that if you want to look good, you might jus want to acknowledge competition. On the other hand, there's something called FUD and it talks about making other's products look bad. Here's a full article blaming Sony for their own mistakes in an objective way: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=22334 . GameIndustry.biz rocks.

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In the end all it is is that Wii has yet to get a proper, exciting online game. Pages of criticisms seem a little over the top to me. Nintendo is behind in this way, but PC is the pioneers in online interactivity. All consoles have some way to go to catch up, you can construct any criticism for any of them by putting on a spin.


No shit Sherlock....However, there's a difference between online interactivity and online GAMING. There's nothing a PC can do that the 360 can't for that.

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