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Mortal Kombat: Armageddon


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Good use of the Wiimote, but what I really want to know is how do you perform normal kicks and punches, and non-special moves. Such as various grabs, etc.


At the moment, we've pretty much screen character specific specials. I want to see more of the standard fighting, the kicks, the punches, etc.

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Standard kicks and punches are done with the normal buttons, gesture stuff is for the special moves and finishers.


I see, ok thanks.


Another question: I haven't played an MK game since Deadly Alliance, and in that game you had three sets of moves, one of which was a weapons-move..thing. Is this also featured in this game? Like, you'd have Drunken Stance, Taikwando (sp?), and then a weapon.

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I see, ok thanks.


Another question: I haven't played an MK game since Deadly Alliance, and in that game you had three sets of moves, one of which was a weapons-move..thing. Is this also featured in this game? Like, you'd have Drunken Stance, Taikwando (sp?), and then a weapon.


I think its just one fighting style and a weapon now, because of all the extra characters needing movesets.

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Yeah, just two stances total for each character now.


Darkspine Sonic: well, of course they're combo heavy, they're complex and difficult and rewarding. It's like suggesting every piece on a chess board could move like the Queen, because all those different pieces are confusing and annoying.

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Yeah, just two stances total for each character now.


Darkspine Sonic: well, of course they're combo heavy, they're complex and difficult and rewarding. It's like suggesting every piece on a chess board could move like the Queen, because all those different pieces are confusing and annoying.


Thats fair enough for those that give time to study the movesets and use them, but for people like me who want a quick thrill out of games like this, accessiblity is vital, and not just hoping in random button bashing.

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DOA or Virtua fighter could benefit from this system greatly.


Yeah, especially the weapon-based Soul Calibur would fit thr Wiimote pretty well. They'd have to make an accurate gesture -> movement system and change it to 3rd person like that DBZ game, I think.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Ive been reading reviews of this on various websites. The general consensus seems to be that its not an outstanding game, but if you havent played any of the recent MK's then this is well worth a look.


You can use it with the VC Controller/ GameCube Controller, so if the Wii specific controls arent what you're hoping for then you've no need to worry!

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I bought this before and have played it for about an hour or so. First thing i did was the training mode with the wiimote, and i must say i found it a little tricky to be honest. So i popped my classic controller in, and played the arcade for a little while, and i must say its really fun! I've not played any mortal kombat games since the original on the snes, so its really good seeing old charcters and what not!


I know theres loads more on the game i havent tried out yet, so i'm looking really forward to all that! I might even have bash at it later again with the wii controller.


Anyway all in all, i'm pretty impressed, if your worried about the wii controls not workin, then dont! Sure i found them tricky, but you might not, plus you can always use the classic controller on it like i did and still enjoy the game :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've highlighted so of the more interesting questions/answers of the interview...




Cubed³ Exclusive Interview | Midway Talks Mortal Kombat Wii, DS & Future Plans


Cubed³: Could you please introduce yourself and let our readers know what your role is on the project?


Shaun Himmerick: My name is Shaun Himmerick I am the Producer for Mortal Kombat Armageddon for the Wii.


C3: How large is the team that is currently working on the Wii version of MK and how long has the game been in development?


SH: This game has been in Development about 7 months. The team size is a hard number to lock down. We have 8 guys at a Developer in LA called JGI, doing most of the work in bringing MK Armageddon over to the Wii. However, we also are doing much of the game design work and additional art tasks with the original MK team here in Chicago. Additionally, many of the original team from MKA are also helping out in their areas of expertise for the Wii version. It is a big team effort.


C3: Previously it was claimed that fighting games such as Mortal Kombat might not work so well on Wii. What caused the turnaround in opinion?


SH: The Wii remote gesture system caused the turn around. A Fighting game for the Wii needs to approach fighting games from a different angle, it could not just be another version of the same game on other platforms. When we connected quick, simple gestures to the super moves we immediately started to feel how cool this was going to be. These motions replaced the previous (button combination) attacks from the past and are much easier to execute. The direct relationship of the gesture to the move on the screen makes it feel much more like you are incontrol. Suddenly we found people throwing spears, teleporting and freezing people who previously couldn’t perform any super moves. It is a completely different away of fighting when you are using gestures.


C3: How exactly will the control scheme work? And have there been any problems with translating moves to Wii control manoeuvres?


SH: When approaching a fighting game on the Wii there are many challenges to the project. The biggest challenge and concern most people see is determining what the BEST use for the Wii controls would be. Most people assume “wouldn’t it be cool if you could punch and kick by using Wii motions”. Yes, that would be cool. For about 1 minute. Then you would be exhausted and go back to the standard controls. So as we mentioned before we use the gesture system for Super moves as well as fatalities. You control your Character’s movement with the Stick on the Nunchuk. The attacks, throws and blocking are on the button of the controllers. We are not 100% locked down on which buttons will do which right now but we have some favourites we’re balancing.


C3: Aside the differences in control, can we expect to see any improvements or changes from the PlayStation 2 version?


SH: Armageddon for the Wii includes a number of exclusive features not found in previous versions. An exclusive character called Khameleon is in the Wii version of Armageddon as well as our ENDURANCE mode. Endurance mode is where you try to defeat as many opponents as possible using just one life bar. It’s a great extra single player mode. Finally the biggest reason is because you’ve never played Mortal Kombat like this. The Wii remote makes for the most insane 2-player Versus matches that has ever been in an MK game. You won’t believe how crazy it is to be firing off so many special moves in the heat of the battle. This just wasn’t possible without the Wii’s unique controls.


C3: Do you have any plans to implement online play (as recently rumoured)? What about WiiConnect24 usage?


SH: The online functionality of the Wii was not ready for us when we needed it in development of the game. From what I understand it still isn’t ready.


C3: Aside Mortal Kombat Armageddon, do you have any other ideas for Wii games at this stage?


SH: Of course! You cannot develop any game for the Wii without having a hundred other ideas of things to do with the controls. The Wii controls are so different it is really exciting to have something new to work with.


C3: Is there a chance we could see some of the Mortal Kombat spin-off games make an appearance on Wii in the future?


SH: A chance? Yes. Can I tell you about any current plans? No.


C3: How about the Nintendo DS – fans are crying out for a strong fighting game on that system. Despite recent negative comments, could you envisage the team doing something with the portable (considering its vast userbase)?


SH: We like the DS. I could foresee something MK on that possibly in the future… [ since this interview, Midway has now announced Ultimate Mortal Kombat for DS ]


C3: What do you make of Nintendo's strategy to prioritise methods of input over upgrades in terms of presentation?


SH: I think it is great. Many people don’t need or care about the huge graphical upgrades other platforms have made. It doesn’t matter how good a game looks if it isn’t fun. However, when people see MK Armageddon for the Wii come out, I think they are going to be surprised at how good it looks.


C3: And have you found the Wii to be as underpowered as some sources are claiming?


SH: The Wii isn’t underpowered. It just isn’t trying to do the huge graphical upgrades that some other platforms are doing.


C3: We have already seen older Mortal Kombat games appear on XBLA. Can we expect Midway to bring over its classics Mortal Kombat titles to the Virtual Console as well?


SH: That is something we plan on looking into.


C3: Finally, what games have you been playing lately? And is there anything in particular you are looking forward to getting your hands on?


SH: Excite Truck & Rayman for the Wii are big hits in the house right now. I’m very much looking forward to this game called Stranglehold…have you heard of it? It’s going to be great. Tell your friends.

Looks like online play would have been included if Nintendo had its act together with Third Partys!


Seems Midway have numeruous plans for Wii,

and we may see some other Mortal Kombat/spin-off games on Wii.


Looking into MK on Virtual Console!

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