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Games are evil

Dark Wolf

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While I think that too many violent video games could have some sort of impact on a child (they are mostly all easily influenced, imo) I think its unfair to attack video games as a medium. It's also unfair to say that video games only exist to promote violence and all video games are violent/evil - it just isn't true.

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Famous quote from a Nintendo Rep :


If we were really infuenced by videogames, kids back in the 80's who played Pac-Man would running around in dark rooms, collecting pills and listening to repetitive music.


Just because there are some morons in the world who get influenced by videogames, that doesn't mean everyone is. Hell, I've played every Doom game, played Red Steel, and Perfect Dark, and GTA, and GUN, and so on, but that doesn't mean I want to run on to the streets with a chainsaw and start cutting up people and running around with their giblets as a trophey.


The people who made this video are, to be perfectly honest, stupid. Its obvious theres a lack a research in that video, and perhaps they should actually consider interviewing gamers before doing those videos.

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also the people in the movie must be incredibly stupid because they don't even know that there already is a rating system thats been around for ever.


a shingsy quote

video games are bad for you, bah thats what they said about rock and roll
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lol, watched the vid and find it amusing, to an extent. They do have a bit of a point though, sometiems theres those people who are easily influenced by it. I say develop a test to see how much of a weak minded sheep you are, and if you pass it, you get a flashy looking thing that says you have a license to play video games. I would really love to be able to say I have a license to play vdieo games, for some weird reason.

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lol, watched the vid and find it amusing, to an extent. They do have a bit of a point though, sometiems theres those people who are easily influenced by it. I say develop a test to see how much of a weak minded sheep you are, and if you pass it, you get a flashy looking thing that says you have a license to play video games. I would really love to be able to say I have a license to play vdieo games, for some weird reason.


he's one of them get him :horse:

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yea this movie is just about a bunch of morons who only look at the fpss and extremly violent fighting games pecimests


they shal all fall to the ground and die


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


See why they think this?


Linking it to terrorism though...that was utter crap.

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They are Christians! What do you expect?


The reason religious folks hate videogames is down to pure jealousy. The strong-influence on behaviour they purport games to have is exactly the amount of influence they wish their piddling religious texts had!


Envy. Plain and Simple!

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Hah, terrorism. Makes me laugh.


"if you use...your a Commie" used to be the perfect way to divert people's attention from a product now its "terrorists use similar products"


Sad though, some idiotic housewive will be setting fire to little Timmy's games and begging forgiveness from the allmighty after this.


And why are 9yr olds playing FPS? Sounds like a parenting issue to me. What would happen if you brought up your children watching Nightmare on Elm Street before bed every night? Age ratings for a reason mommy and daddy.

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They are Christians! What do you expect?


The reason religious folks hate videogames is down to pure jealousy. The strong-influence on behaviour they purport games to have is exactly the amount of influence they wish their piddling religious texts had!


Envy. Plain and Simple!



Thats pretty unfair Mr Do-ronron. :sad:

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Sure they are a bunch of "experts" you never even played a game and if so, they only looked at the bad parts but not how it actually felt.


I'm so sick of these arguments. But there are indeed people around (very few) that think what they see there also applies to the real world.

So wouldn't it be better to make an IQ instead of an age rating?


This game is rated R for Rocket Scientist :D

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They are Christians! What do you expect?


The reason religious folks hate videogames is down to pure jealousy. The strong-influence on behavior they purport games to have is exactly the amount of influence they wish their piddling religious texts had!


Envy. Plain and Simple!


Lol, good point.


I love the way they portray all games as being violent and as being full of 18-rated material.


Though on second thoughts they have a point. I've played a game, then gone out and killed thousands of people...:horse:

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