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Celebrity Big Brother


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I think they shouldn't let people quit the show once they've entered the house. They know what they're getting themselves into it, and it really is a pain in the arse to see so many 'stars' "chickening out" after coming on stating that they would cause a stir.


I don't think it's possible for them to do that legally, or probably to get housemates to agree to it, it'd be a quite a big deprivation of human rights in my view. Whilst this sounds quite extreme, I couldn't find a more mild way to express my point, if you get me.


Just seen that Leo exit again. What an arse.


I still think it was absolutely brilliant!

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yes i saw it also


Leo: Fuck off you psychiatrist


Producer: i'm a producer




The best bit was his comeback which was bascally 'Well...I hope you're making lots of money!' in a pretty darn angry tone. I feel my last post gave the opinion I disagreed with him being an arse, he is indeed an arse, but a real entertaining one to watch! I find him extra entertaining because everything, seriously everything, reminds me more and more of that guy.

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Afraid not, was and still am watching Terminator 3. Now I just need to see the beginning of 2, and all of 1. I'm probably watching it in the most backwards way ever.

Does anyone think that people were being a bit harsh on shilpa last night? Danielle was being right bitchy, and as far as I can tell Shilpa hasn't really done anything to warrant it. I've seen clips of Jack talking about her too(I think it's shilpa he was talking about), and he seemed unneccesarily harsh too.

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Please tell me you guys have watched tonights episode. The Jackson 5 revival was hilarious, Dirk was awesome.




Well done to the Steps tribute band as well, i mean Jack is a really shy bloke it seems and to dress like that and sing was brave of him!


Both bloody hilarious, loved it. Also i can watch this without getting annoyed (i've only watched yesterdays show so far) which is good.


The Winner? Not sure.....


Still liking Ian though and most of em. So yeah....:D

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Yeah I found it very hard to watch, I felt like punching either Dan or Jade (especially Jade) I can't honestly explain my anger with sheer words.


I feel very sorry for Shilpa, she is such a nice person and really throughout asia she is very well known for ebing genuine and honest and now, she comes to the UK and it takes chav scum like Jade and Dan to bring Shilpa to tears but thankfully not down to their level.


As Jermaine said "You can't reason with stupidity" and "She [Jade] can't read you [shilpa] because she is not up to your level"


Jermaine, Dirk or Shilpa to win, 3 of them are great :D


Edit: Shilpa is closing in on being the bookies favourite very soon!


cleo is getting shorter and shorter,

she is 7/4,

shilpa is 9/2,

still quite wide,

why are they backing the spineless one?

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Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks she's getting a completely unneccessary amount of hate. I'm warming to H too, looks like Dave Gorman's theory might be right(if you saw CBBLB yesterday, he basically said Cleo or H will win).

Dyson, are you saying that the public don't like Shilpa? I should think people would be hating Danielle for her incessant bitchiness more than they would Shilpa, for whatever she's done.

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Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks she's getting a completely unneccessary amount of hate. I'm warming to H too, looks like Dave Gorman's theory might be right(if you saw CBBLB yesterday, he basically said Cleo or H will win).

Dyson, are you saying that the public don't like Shilpa? I should think people would be hating Danielle for her incessant bitchiness more than they would Shilpa, for whatever she's done.


The girls in the house wouldn't be hating her if she wasn't Asian, si what I'm saying. The public, too. I bet if it was between Jade and Shilpa for evictions, Shilpa would go.


Speaking of Dave Gorman, I'd love to see him in the house.

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Leicester East MP Keith Vaz said he tabled the Early Day Motion after being contacted by his constituents.


More than 4,500 complaints have been received by both regulator Ofcom and Channel 4, which broadcasts the show.


Housemates Jade Goody, Danielle Lloyd and Jo O'Meara have been seen making fun of the Bollywood star's accent.


On Monday night's episode, O'Meara reportedly suggested that Indians were thin because they were always ill as a result of undercooking their food.

A row over remarks made to Celebrity Big Brother's Shilpa Shetty will be raised in Parliament after thousands of viewers complained to the TV watchdog.



Show's influence


The trio also complained that Shilpa had touched other housemates' food with her hands.


Lloyd said: "You don't know where those hands have been."


Mr Vaz said the motion, designed to raise matters of concern, emphasises the influence the show has on viewers.


"We would not tolerate this kind of racism on other types of television programme and we should not do so on a programme that is watched by millions of people," he said.


Shilpa's UK manager, Jaz Barton, told BBC Radio Five Live: "She didn't come into the house to have that sort of harassment.


"She came in there with the full intention to actually embrace the public at large and to be proud of her culture and her heritage and who she is, and now she's faced with all this sort of harassment."


'It is a game'


Her mother, Sunanda, told the BBC Asian Network her daughter was tough: "I hope that she will be able to handle the situation. It is a game and there is a life beyond that.


"I understand her emotions but I really hope that she is not going to get too affected by this treatment that is being meted out to her."


Channel 4 had earlier described the incidents as "girly rivalry", but on Wednesday said it was taking the matter seriously.


"Big Brother does not tolerate bullying or racist abuse in any form. Big Brother is closely monitoring all the housemates and will take appropriate measures to reprimand such behaviour where necessary," a spokesman said.

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Yeah, this was front page of The Mirror(and a worthy front page, instead of stupid sideline articles) and appparently C4 are being investiagted by ofcom who've requested to see unedited tapes of footage, there's been speculation that Jack called her a Paki at one point, but it was censored. Channel 4 denied him saying it but said he did use another offensive 4 letter word. She has just been a bit of a tit and blocked the toilet though, dunno why the hell she poured soup down the toilet, she isn't having much luck with that toilet, apparently last night she was the cause of a lurker.

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I'm finding big brother a bit boring this time round and opted for the baby borrowers. But from the highlights I've watched a few times, its like they women are constantly ganging up on Shilpa, and then the next day they would be all "Oh like I'm so sorry." Jade needs a slap, she just gets on my nerves and I think she's leading people down the anti-asian road. Worst BB so far. But has some interesting highlights.

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I half watched the first episode of the baby borrowers, as a result I didn't bother watching again.

Does anyone here watch Big Mouth? They just showed a clip on it of what looked to be a rather huge arugment between Jade and Shilpa, over some pointeless thing such as OXO cubes, and Jade was the one doing most of the aruging, whilst Shilpa was trying to say it was pointless, though not in the politest of ways, and it does take two to argue. I dunno if it'll make it to the C4 show given the number of complaints they've recieved over the whole Shipa issue.

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Haden showed me a recent clip with an argument between Shilpa and Jade.


Then, Shilpa, in a moment of brilliance said : "oh yeah, well your claim to fame is this!" (meaning big brother)


Nice one.


I did used to fancy Jo, but now I've gone off her completely. Pretty person, but ugly attitude. I really loathe Jade.

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is it really racism? lets be honest. If this woman were white and acted in exactly the same manner people would be saying the same things, and it wouldn't be racism.


Is the deffinition of a racist someone who doesn't like some one because of the way they act but just happens to be a different colour?


Bullying Yes racism i think not.

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