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should you buy?? wii thread


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Hmm.. off topic I know (sorry) but I bought Need for Speed Carbon with my brother just for the sake of having a racing game really.. but haven't played it that much (only got it last friday aswell) and I'm kinda wondering if I traded it into GAME or Entertainment Exchange now, how much do you think they would give me for it? (if they are taking Wii games that is..)


Has anyone else traded in a Wii game yet? I'm kinda thinking no.. but if anyone can help me that would be great..


..and another thing off topic :red: ..if they did give me a decent amount for it, would I be better getting Fire Emblem or Paper Mario on the GC (each of which are £30)?

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Im wanting either Rayman or Monkey Ball, if anyones got both which one would you think was better?


Madden is also very tempting, did ANYONE buy this??


I bought Madden and its actually a very good game. I would recommend it to any Sport fans even though the learning curve is quite steep. The Multiplayer is the best reason to buy it to be honest, If you have an extra Wiimote and Nunchuck and a good supply of friends/family it is a very entertaining experience.


However to anyone unfamiliar to the world of American football it can be quite confusing so most of us will have to try to find out the ins and outs of the rules and logistics. But the Ask Madden feauture helps to lower the learning curve if you have the patience.


I recommend a RENT at least. :)

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