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New Trailers


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I was looking at the Fantastic Four Teaser thread and I though it would be a good idea to have a general trailer thread! :idea:


I though I would start with an interesting trailer for Jim Carrey's new film 'The Number 23'




I'm a sucker for these wierd films plus I like Jim Carrey's more serious role's, (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and The Truman Show to some extent!) What does everone else think? Look interesting?:hehe:

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That looks effing AWESOME!!! Is it 2 short films to make one big one...I don't get it!


Im not sure how long each film is but they're rumoured to be at least an hour and a half each with spoof trailers for other films in between them. Basicaly Quentin Tarrantino and Robert Rodriguez decided to pay homage to the "Grindhouse" style of films from the 70's. Think rubbish B-movies. The films are completly different Rodriquez's is about a zombie outbreak in a sleepey american town and Tarrantinos is about a psycho (Kurt Russell) that kills people with his car.

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I really like Jim Carrey films. The number 23 looks quite good but it does seem as though it's a bit obsessive. '14 + 9 = 23!' '3 + 20 = 23' its aiming to make the viewers feel like its really creepy. Oh well it appears to be cool.

Epic Movie looks sad. C'mon, enough with the same jokes repeated over and over. You could tell that 2 of 6 writers from the Scary Movie team made this. Abysmal. But hey, itll still attract the masses.

Good thread idea by the way. The board needed one.


P.S I usually like bean movies but this looks awful. And the trailers narrator voice gets on my nerves.

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That first trailer that was posted really creeps me out.....not because of the film it self but because my friend has recently started getting an obssession with the number 22 and so i see it as almost a parody on his life :heh:


How obssessed can you be with a number?

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I'm really looking oward to 'The Fountain'! The trailer looks awesome:




I love these sorts of films!


Firstly great thread! That Jim Carey film looks great I love the Truman Show.


Secondaly if you like that film check out Pi and Requim for a dream they are by the director of the fountian. Hes a legend.

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Another film....Hannibal Rising. :sad:






WTF its true!


DAKOTA Fanning, 12, who survived a Martian invasion in "War of the Worlds," has endured a rape scene in "Hounddog." Director Deborah Kampmeier, who had to hire an assistant to handle all her hate mail, tells Premiere magazine that Fanning's "mother, her agent, and her teacher/child welfare worker were all present for the filming of the scene, which was carried out exactly as we discussed it."

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