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I finally bought a ps2


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I haven't, but I'll buy one in a couple of days. Why? Because I'm weak and I'm buying the console just to play Yakuza and Yakuza 2, because the games have a few small similar things to Shenmue, my favorite game series. :hmm:

As soon as I saw Yakuza for less than £10 I couldn't resist and I ordered it.

At least it makes me somewhat happy to know Sony will be losing some money with the console I'll purchase... :laughing:

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But damn it has so many great games. I'd certainly give it my vote for it's awesome game catalogue. Oh exclusives like God of War,

Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution, Final Fantasy X, Suikoden, Devil May Cry, Okami, Guitar Hero, Gitaroo-Man. I could go on and on really.


I really do feel sorry for all the people that miss out owning such a good system, especially the people that don't look deep into it's catalogue, some gamers eh?

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well all consoles should be owned.I mean they are succesful for a reason.but my favourite is still the gamecube followed by the xbox followed by the ps2(not including dreamcast)Just felt like every game the ps2 could do the gamecube and xbox could do better with better grapchis for the same price so why bother

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Yes thats right folks but anyway some games for it are like gold dust like the nippon ichi games talk about hard to find


You can get Makai Kingdom: Chronicle of the Sacred Tome and Phantom Brave off Amazon ( just picked them up myself ) quite cheap. Disgaea 2 is everywhere and Disgaea 1 can be bought off many people on ebay still sealed the same goes for La Pucelle.

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Should get your hands on Gitaroo Man!






PS2 is easily the best machine ever. N64 and SNES trailing behind in my opinion.

SO MANY classic games for so little money these days. Not to mention it has the best games ever created - Ico and Shadow of the Colossus.


I still havent played any of those mentioned. I know what Ico and Shadow are but what about Gitaroo Man. Is it like a Parappa the Rappa style game?


Im still trying to find myself a copy of Z.O.E 2 but the ebay prices are stupid.

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You can get Makai Kingdom: Chronicle of the Sacred Tome and Phantom Brave off Amazon ( just picked them up myself ) quite cheap. Disgaea 2 is everywhere and Disgaea 1 can be bought off many people on ebay still sealed the same goes for La Pucelle.


Yeah thanks man I have Phantom Brave think I will try and get ordering these as soon as possible.


The think is I am so hooked on Yakuza, hopefully they will release the sequel over here, I love it the fact that it kinda reminds me of get backers anime.


Mind you I am a sucker for any game you get to level skills up in.


To Domstercool is God Hand similiar to Yakuza, in the way you fight.


I still havent played any of those mentioned. I know what Ico and Shadow are but what about Gitaroo Man. Is it like a Parappa the Rappa style game?


Im still trying to find myself a copy of Z.O.E 2 but the ebay prices are stupid.


Zone of Enders 2 saw it it in the main cash converters in newcastle the other day. I know it was under £20

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PS2 is easily the best machine ever. N64 and SNES trailing behind in my opinion.

SO MANY classic games for so little money these days. Not to mention it has two most overrated games ever created - Ico and Shadow of the Colossus.


Fixed your sentence. :) But seriously, yeah, PS2 has lots of good games. I personally don't care that much for The Ico or SOTC, but I do love PS2's platformers. :)


To Domstercool is God Hand similiar to Yakuza, in the way you fight.


As Domster isn't here, it is probably best that I describe how God Hand's system works. Gene attacks by pressing Square, Triangle and X buttons. Instead of having pre-determined set of moves, you can freely assign different moves to buttons. You could, for example, put "pimp hand" move into Triangle, "roundhouse kick" into X and so on. Square button differs from other buttons in manner that you can assign multiple moves to it. When you do combo, Gene executes all moves assigned to Square button in sequence. New moves can be bought from the shop between the levels.


In addition of having "normal" moves, Gene also has Roulette that can only be activated when Gene is on the God Hand mode. When you start roulette, list opens and you have few seconds to select special attack from the list. Special attacks range from deadly whirlwind strikes to kick in opponent's family jewels.


Gene automatically targets opponent closest to him, but he can't block at all. Instead you do dodge by using right analog stick. If dodge at correct time, opponent leaves himself open for your counter-attack. Link below shows perfectly how game works:


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Looks like someone said something for me. :)


Gitaroo Man however is bloody awesome. It is kind of like Parappa The Rapper but the control scheme is different, quite inventive really. It's also more like a battle between you and the opposite player as you have Attack and Defend stages.




Level 2 of Gitaroo Man :)

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Well I just bought Gitaroo after watch that vid, looks like a very quirky game. Also picked up Guitar Hero 2 today and Disgaea 2. I was listening to the soundtrack you get free with Disgaea 2 on the way home in the car, I only got to song 10 but its all good at the moment. I personally love song 7.

I have also snapped up Yakuza ( £9.99 off Game ) Shadow of Colossus (£15 off Woolworths site) and We Love Katamari.

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Must buy more games, so god cheap most of the games are


What games do you have for the PS2 so far?


This thread has inspired me to buy more PS2 games-starting with the Final Fantasy non-platinum games, i'm also going to be getting most of the other Nippon Ichi games i've missed (aka all apart from Digaea) and GH II and MGS3: Subsistance.


What other JRPGs can people suggest? the only other major ones i know about for PS2 are DQ8 and Dark Cloud/Chronicle.


are the other NI games :- La Pucelle, Makai Kingdom, Phantom Brave, Disgaea 2?

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