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Mass Effect £15

From CEX, seems like a pretty good deal. Mass effect is awesome so far, I haven't seen any of the glitches or technical problems that everyone was moaning about.

I know it's a pretty late response but you must have noticed a) the epic elevator trips and b) the way textures load a moment too late most of the time so you see them suddenly spring up.
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Annoyingly it was about £7 on Amazon and I was watching it and trying to find more stuff to make it up to £15 and kept leaving it and then it went up to £14 -_- Ah well, marketplaced it in the end. Apparently quite good.

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For my sister's birthday, as she loves the film:




Picked up an 8Gb one of these:




for £60 should be perfect to take with me in September. Will buy another SD card before I leave as well.


£60? 8Gb! Where from, man, where?!

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Guest bluey



are those... wireless earphones?!

i bought an iced caramel mochachino and a stick of menthol lip balm today ^_^ only spent 400 yen in total!! go go stingy becky!! saving for my vacation.

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I know it's a pretty late response but you must have noticed a) the epic elevator trips and b) the way textures load a moment too late most of the time so you see them suddenly spring up.


a) The epic elevator trips don't bother me, just another load screen. (By the way, what is the big ship you see when you change system? You see the Normandy shoot past it)


b) Admittedly these are annoying but they don't ruin the game as some member's made them out to.

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Guest bluey






*stares at brawl box* ......L.....link.......... :heart:____:heart:

i have that sonic screwdriver!!! it's a secret message pen too, ne?



we so kewl! *high five!*

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i have that sonic screwdriver!!! it's a secret message pen too, ne?



we so kewl! *high five!*


*High five*


Yes it is the secret message pen :D i got the batteries the wrong way round (I kinda didn't check the instructions) it took me bloody ages to get them out.

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