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Merry Christmas - Think Of Your Loved Ones


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Hey all,


I know this is going to sound cliché, but please, take the time to read this...


This Christmas, or, holiday season to non Christians, please, appreciate your family.


I myself am not a goth or emo, but I know what it's like to come from a broken home. I know that my father did the best that he could to give me everything that I needed. But the one thing that he could never give to me was a family. I don't blame him for that. It was my mother that failed to deliver, but the history is just that, and nothing can be changed about it.


Appreciate everything you have, your brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers. They are most definitely an important part of your life, don't take them for granted. I don't have any siblings to share the problems I've had close to home, but there are two people I can depend on, and they know who they are. And they have had all the problems I have had and more. I love them more than anything, and hopefully I'll get to see each of them once again when the time is right.


Ensure you let the people important to you know how you feel, and have a festive season. Merry Christmas everyone. Here's to 2007, Smash Bros., Metroid and the all new Mario.


Hey, if I don't have that family, video games are there to fulfil the void. That might sound sad, but it's fulfilling to me.

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Nice thread indeed, I was thinking about today, sometimes I feel a void in myself cause I don't have a girlfriend and haneven't felt that kind of love for a long time, but I have great friend and family and when I need to get away from it all, I have my games, anime, manga, movies and you guys.

So, Merry Christmas everyone, don't be let down by what you don't have, just think of the good things you have.

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I'd appriciate my family, but:

1, My father is emotionally detatched and i've never felt love towards him.

2, My sister has mood swings and constantly bitches about my relationship with my girlfriend.

3, My brother is the most arrogant fuck to live ever, he loves himself and has nothing but one liners.


My mum is the only person in this house i get on with...

I can't wait for the 29th till i'm with Letty again.

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Time for a bit of family coming together here at the EEVIL household. First Christmas without the step grandad. Plus last night my step sister left a candle in her room and went downstairs, as you can imagine, thing went up in flames. Window's broken when the firemen needed to hose it right up the arse with their high pressure fluid.


She's only got herself to blame. I really don't know the attraction between women and scented candles. All her shizzle got either burned or soaked so I harvest some sympathy for her.

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Yeah my family are the cause of more stress than peace, but thats families eh? Just kinda glad I get to escape this year a bit (as I don't live at home). But I love the family I have made for myself.


But yus, much love on Christmas.

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Father: Now a drinking buddy of sorts,

Mother: Ain't seen her since new years eve,

Brother: Aint seen since the week before I joined the Navy,

Sister: Trying her best to destroy the family

Step Mother: Sound as fuck, good cook too

Step Sister: Fun to annoy and tease

Half Sister: Tried to destrpy family last year, spoken to her once since said event.


Fuck it, I'm on leave, I'm gonna get wasted, play Wii, Have debauched fun with women (maybe not in that order) and have a good time. Xmas means nothing to me.

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I have to say I'm really lucky.. brilliant family, loving girlfriend (with great parents), decent weekend job where I get on with everyone, getting through uni ok at the moment and have everything I could wish for really..


The magicky-ness (are you listening, Collin's?) may have pretty much gone over the last few years with growing up and all, but I've probably never felt so fulfilled and have everything so great..


..and I must admit that most years I probably look forward to me getting a few nice things the most, but this year all I'm thinking about is how much I can't wait to give my girlfriend the things I got for her, and stuff for the family.. I just love them all so much.


And, for me, this Christmas is for my mum who was involved in a car accident a few weeks ago (which was unfortunately the result of someone driving straight into the side of the car on my mum's side) and am so thankful that she is still here because it could so easily have gone another way and was very lucky to escape without any serious injuries, along with her cousin.


So, Merry Christmas everyone :smile: (..with special mentions to magicbuttons, darksnowman and alfredo_mendoza.. have a good one guys!)

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Coz posts like that normally get a "shut up with your emo shite" response on forums,


That's pretty much it. I have seen a lot of threads get slammed because people are whinging or whatever, and people brand them as such. I myself don't have an issue with these people, but I wanted readers to know that you don't have to be a 'goth' or an 'emo' to demonstrate your sufference.


Hmm, I suppose now I re-read it, it was still kind of superfluous.

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Sarcastic or serious? Maybe she's just trying to get some money to pay for the presents she's had to buy for you.


Sarcastic :)

Bowser is a laugh, he means no offence.

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