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New hints at Revolution graphics?


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In the current issue of the IGN mailbag there are quite a few interesting sentences concerning Revolution power:



"It doesn't really matter, though, because Too Human as Silicon Knights envisions it would not be possible on Revolution, both because Nintendo's console doesn't have the graphical horsepower of Xbox 360 and (more importantly) because Nintendo would be unwilling to fund such an epic trilogy." (answer why Too Human won't make it to the Revolution)



"In contrast, we are hearing early on that Revolution will not be as powerful as Xbox 360, which in turn makes it technically underpowered compared to PlayStation 3. We know this because both Nintendo and third parties have told us so." (question was about Nintendo being too conservative)



Alright first of all I must admit that I don't think that this text is a indicator for Revolution power. Matt was wrong so many times in the last few months it is hard to believe anything by now. Just for an example where is the announcement he promised? Why did he thought the Revolution won't be backwards compatible?


And Too Human from Sillicon Knights might probably run the Revolution aswell because the Unreal 3 engine looks great but it doesn't mean specs have to be somewhere in the skies. Moreover I believe Nintendo did simply not want the game at all. So far I have only seen CG renders and no real ingame graphic but time will surely tell.


To clear up I personally think that the Playstation 3 has the most resources in power over the next few years. At the start XBOX360 and PS3 are for me at the same level but after developers are used to more than one core games get prettier and prettier. Revolution will be in between of them compared by a HDTV image versus a Revolution 480p image.

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These are just speculations. I still believe that the Revolution will be just as pretty as the PS3, if not more prettier. That said, Iwata has implied this by saying he wasn't impressed with PS3's graphics. Possibly because they had about a gazillion GHz to work with, but if Nintendo can boast PS3 graphics with 4 Ghz, well, that's super!

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Yes, I don't think that the gap between the consoles will be THAT big, despite the commentaries of the so-called "inside-developers". Really, I don't think that the results will be very different between all consoles. Have Nintendo ever released a less powerful console than their competition? Until now, no. Tecnically, yes, Revolution might not have all "specs sheet" that PS3 & XBOX360 have, but still, Revolution will give fight to these consoles. Gamecube had lower specs than Xbox, but still, I haven't seen a Resident Evil 4 on a Xbox.

In the end, it all comes to efficiency.


And there is another keyword associated to Revolution: HDTV (ehr....or lack of :D). This single detail alone tells us that we won't be able see diferences between all consoles on a normal TV, at least, for a while. And honestly, do Sony and Microsoft think that HDTV will become an industry standard in the next 5/6 years. I know I won't be buying one... They are beeing to much egocentric, at least. 480p is enough for me and for most people. This mesure only raises the manufacturing price, and we, consumers, will feel this on our pockets.


But I don't think technical specs are going to be Nintendo's biggest challenge. Their biggest challenge is marketing. Anyone who has been atentive about this industry surely knows that marketing is a company's best friend. Look what it is has done for Sony. Ps2 is the most underpowered & developer-unfriendly console in the market, and yet, most people percieve ps2 as the "most powaful console" in the market. Nintendo has to make their products desirable, just like sony does with their gadgets. For now, it seems that Nintendo is learning their lesson with a great, "high-tech" like design of Revolution.


Yes, I don't think the Revolution will be as powerful as the others consoles (even Nintendo has said that) But this generation, the battle will be a different one, since you won't be able to tell diferences in visuals. Strangely, it won't be a technical one. It will be Inovation vs. Evolution. And I think we know what console will start with an advantage...:D:D:D

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I was under the impression that the announcement Matt was referring to was the TGS one about the controller - he just din't know when it would happen.


Also: Nintendo have released an underpowered console (sort of) - the DS. I know that it was not supposed to directly compete for the same markert as the PSP but that is what Nintendo want for the Revolution anyway.

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I doubt the Revolution will be a graphical monster, I think it will be technically weaker than the Xbox 360 in many aspects. _But_, we've all seen what the "weak" Gamecube can do if we look at Resident Evil 4, the graphics in that one is awesome. So I think it very much depends on the developer how well they optimize the games and stuff.


One more thing, Nintendo have theyself said that they aim the console to the major public, so I think they want to push the price as much as they can.

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Even the PS2 and Res Evil 4 graphics are great!


I never thought they would've managed to pull those graphics out of the bag for the drastically weak PS2, but they did!


Rev will not be as powerful, yes, but I'd guess it'll have pretty much just as decent graphics!

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Yeah really, i know it sounds cliche', but it really is more about art direction and frame-rate as opposed to horsepower. Just look at Wind Waker, Resi 4, and even Paper Mario 2. They all have distinct art direction, no jaggies, and they all look and play like butter, fluid movement with no slowdown. If the Rev is only 3 or 4 times as powerful as Cube, as has been said, i can live with that.

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off topic a bit, but i'm more concerned about the next gen game prices, cause the 360 games are going to be £50 each, will the rev games follow suit? cause I can't afford £50 or even £40 per game, in fact £30's pushing it at the moment. Please nintendo stick with £40 rrp, so you can sell shit loads:)

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I guess i'm the only one who couldn't give a shit about the graphics anymore...


surely you care on some level though! They do add a large amount of atmosphere to a game!


imagine Ocarina of Time with "flat" colours and stick men, it wouldn't quite be the game it was, it'd be missing some of the "magic" the graphics gave it! Even more so, imagine Wind Waker with stickmen graphics!


I do care about the graphics but not to a huge extent, Res Evil 4 par graphics will do me fine, you can't add much more atmosphere than what those graphics delivered!

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Well i dunno MGS4, which was apparently all running in real time looked amazing and really carried that war feeling, i mean granted i haven't played many games in war scenarios so don't know what the current games offer, i was pretty amazed with MGS4 - but then again the dynamic camera and such probably won't be in the actual game but still the level of detail was out there.

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Nintendo already accepted that the Revo will be weaker, just look at the size of that thing, it can be more powerful at that size without getting hot as hell (the cube looks gigantic compared to the revo) and about Iwata not surprised about PS3 graphics I don't care, MGS4 in real time looked awesome.


And about a Miyamoto comment, if he thinks that Kameo or Gears of War don't look superior to Twilight Princess, we have a bunch of blind Nintendo executives, so again: I don't care.

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nintendo state that the new zelda will "look" beautiful and there not on about the gfx, there talking about the style of art in the game like wind waker to me was visually stunning look at killer 7 "VIEWtiful Joe" jes shows cel shaded can work wonders if used in the right games

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surely you care on some level though! They do add a large amount of atmosphere to a game!


imagine Ocarina of Time with "flat" colours and stick men, it wouldn't quite be the game it was, it'd be missing some of the "magic" the graphics gave it! Even more so, imagine Wind Waker with stickmen graphics!


I do care about the graphics but not to a huge extent, Res Evil 4 par graphics will do me fine, you can't add much more atmosphere than what those graphics delivered!


Let me rephrase then, I stopped caring about graphics once I saw what the supposed next-gen was capable of. There was no "wow" factor, it was just like... "Cool that looks nice, next". I'd be content if it was just the graphics from this gen as long as the gameplay was good.

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Let me rephrase then, I stopped caring about graphics once I saw what the supposed next-gen was capable of. There was no "wow" factor, it was just like... "Cool that looks nice, next". I'd be content if it was just the graphics from this gen as long as the gameplay was good.


ha ha, I'm sorry for being an astute ass!


I know what you mean though, as good as Gears of War is graphically, I'd still say from what I've seen Res Evil 4 got the same amount of atmosphere through the graphics as that does!


Like I've said before, I just imagine the games to look as good as Res Evil 4 minimum!

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