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24 Season 6!


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Just seen the teaser for Day 6 of 24.


Those bastards decieved him! Right when I thought he was going to be free!



Coming in January! Much sooner than I thought!


Anyone else see it? Impressions/Ideas?


Spoilers in spoiler tags please :grin:

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Any news for when this starts on SKY? I heard they were cutting the time difference from when it is released in the US to when the UK gets it.


"Under a week" apparently. (Time between US and UK airings)


I am UBER excited. Still havnt seen the trailer, I will watch it on my decent PC at the weekend. So. Cool.

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Season 6 is somewhat of a direct follow on from the previous Season. You really should start at the begining with Season 1, it's the best one anyway.



"four hours of new Bauer in a single evening is just too much for even the most devoted fan to handle"

Haha! I laugh at such an accusation! Me and some mates had a 24 Season 5 marathon! The whole thing, it was the most extreme day ever!

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I just realised there are 24 days left until this new season starts. It's a sign.


Oooh. You're most likely Warezing the files from USa, even though there'll be a 1 week gap maximum, right? As per usual :P


I'll be watching them, ads and all. The only drawback.

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Oooh. You're most likely Warezing the files from USa, even though there'll be a 1 week gap maximum, right? As per usual :P


I'll be watching them, ads and all. The only drawback.

Well, if it's anything like last season, Sky won't show the first 4 episodes on consecutive days like Fox are, they'll show 2 on the Sunday and then the next 2 the week after. So we'll still be 2 weeks behind.


Plus 24 + advert breaks make me want to die.


And i'm sure if I wait for Sky, some bastard will spoil it for me anyway.

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Well, if it's anything like last season, Sky won't show the first 4 episodes on consecutive days like Fox are, they'll show 2 on the Sunday and then the next 2 the week after. So we'll still be 2 weeks behind.


Plus 24 + advert breaks make me want to die.


And i'm sure if I wait for Sky, some bastard will spoil it for me anyway.


I figured that'd happen to me, guess I got lucky. I was spoiled about

President Logan being a baddie

but that was really my own fault.


We'll see how the January schedule looks for Sky :P


Edit: Actually, I record my episodes on Sky+, then watch it at about 9:15 - allowing me enough time to watch it without adverts.

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I uh assume you mean 24, and no. Definetly not. It really has to be experienced from the beginning. Although I suppose I could excuse you from watching season 3 :p


Yeah I mean 24 I always get them confused. Anyway my mums friend bought two seaons of 24 for 20 quid in singapore

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