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Official component cables vs madcatz


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Ive decided on waiting untill the 22nd for mine, if they don't have it in stock on the day i will buy the one of Game's own brand. If thats not in stock, i will blame myself for leaving it too late.


I doubt the official cables will be released on the 22nd, beginning of next seems most likely, but just brought official jap wii cables on eBay for £25 so i am not fussed any more

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if i was you i would wait for offical one there no point is wasting 18 pounds for the mad catz ones when u know once u have the offical u wont use them it just money u be throwing down the drain , wait and see on the 22nd or if you really want to make sure you get offical get put the money together for the offical and the madcatz and get an offical from ebay then u wont need to worry and u have a cable u allways use

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I was in GAME today and was very close to picking up one of their component cables, decided against it. The official cables will most likely be released a short time after Christmas so it's an extra treat to look forward to when you get rid of the composites!


Not sure what bearing this will have on your wait decision, but after going through a number of third party GameCube RGB cables I found Game's one to be the best. It was the cheapest too at a lowly £2.

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Just a word to let you know, that i have the madcatz cable, and my mate has the official nintendo one. The picture is spot on on both and there is no difference at all to be honest. It seems the quality issues that occured with previous consoles are no longer a problem and 3rd party is on par with 1st party.

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I ordered both the official ones and MadCatz ones ages ago. I got an e-mail today saying my MadCatz ones have been posted. So, I will be sticking with MadCatz. I assume the difference between that and official won't be too great.

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Shit sorry to hear that man, I know that feeling. I remember buying a GAME RGB cable for the GameCube and it was so pishpoor you wouldn't believe it, all the colours were ridiculously luminated and bleedy, but then I decided to buy the official RGB and it was my favourite piece of kit for a long time (until I went HD ;)), really brought out the best of 480i standard def! So I'd still recommend you take a look at the official component cable for Wii, if you can't tell the difference between composite and your unofficial cable then it's probably a pish cable. Did you switch to 480p display mode on the settings by the way?

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Shit sorry to hear that man, I know that feeling. I remember buying a GAME RGB cable for the GameCube and it was so pishpoor you wouldn't believe it, all the colours were ridiculously luminated and bleedy, but then I decided to buy the official RGB and it was my favourite piece of kit for a long time (until I went HD ;)), really brought out the best of 480i standard def! So I'd still recommend you take a look at the official component cable for Wii, if you can't tell the difference between composite and your unofficial cable then it's probably a pish cable. Did you switch to 480p display mode on the settings by the way?


Yeah I changed the settings. I'll just have to make do with it looking poo until the official ones come out if I get them.


EDIT: Ok...I temporarily changed back to composit...and these component cables DO actually make a difference. They colours are alot more vibrant and its alot clearer. It's just sooo jagged! Maybe that's just the Wii.

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Yeah I changed the settings. I'll just have to make do with it looking poo until the official ones come out if I get them.


EDIT: Ok...I temporarily changed back to composit...and these component cables DO actually make a difference. They colours are alot more vibrant and its alot clearer. It's just sooo jagged! Maybe that's just the Wii.


Maybe turn down your sharpness settings on your TV. I have a samsung lcd tv and have it set to sharpness 20. See if you can maybe turn it down.


Merry Christmas!

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