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Off to London


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Me and my exam class are going to London tomorrow :smile:


There's not much educational value to the trip (thank god) so basically I have to go see a musical and then have a day (Friday) off.


So my question to you English folk, what do I do that day? What would you do if you had an entire day to spend in London?

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Forbidden Planet in Shaftsbury Avenue - huge comic store, great nerdy goodnes.


Noooo! You'll get financially raped for stuff that should be sold at a tenth of the price.


Game Focus in Groodge Street off Tottenham Court Road - import store, high prices but excellent range.


Hmmm there's also a good comic shop just off Tottenham Crt Rd just by the British Museum. Look for the Batman sign.

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As long as it's cheap, legal for under 18 (really, what's up with you Brits? 18+ can't even do what a 15-year old can over here...) and not that cheesy I'm in for most stuff.


Anybody got an original idea? I appreciate the replies guys, thanks :smile:

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I wouldn't mind going to London, although the only attractions for me are the football stadia in London, I'd visit all of them, from the famous (Emirates Stadium, White Hart Lane, Stamford Bridge, Wembley) to the not-so famous (Brentford's Griffin Park, Millwall's The New Den), although that's just me and my footie love...

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Guest Stefkov
really, what's up with you Brits? 18+ can't even do what a 15-year old can over here...

Elaborate this statement!!


I'd say got to that Game On as i have no idea whats in London to looks at. Go on the Big wheel thing, look at the big ben, go to Stone Henge.

Just a few i would do.

If those are in london...

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go to Stone Henge.


Stonehenge is in Wiltshire, not London.



Just so you know. :wink:



My brother went to London about 18 months ago, and he bought this glass block with the London Eye inside, which had been made using lasers to make the shape of the London Eye inside the glass block. It's quite good.

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We'll let you off because of your Ukrainian roots.


Jeez, all this talk of London makes me think about that episode of Alan Partridge. (Series 2, Episode 5)


Its getting a bit like London! Which I spell S H I T H O L E! lol


Poor Alan. London rocks go and see Parliment and wander around the south bank and west end and just enjoy yourself.

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Hmmm, Tate Modern is a pretty cool place to go, have a general wander down the river by Canary Wharf, check out Canada One aka the most awesome modern building in London. If you're staying overnight you could go check out a gig somewhere around, you got Dragonforce at the Brixton Academy which is apparantly not sold out or The Rifles at the Electric Ballroom in Camden. If you want a wee taste of the piss we call lager I doubt many places will give you hassle for being under 18, as long as it's an actual pub and not some posh wine bar. Oh and for easy site seeing and cracking views the London Eye is must, the only issue being you may have to queue for a long time.

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london eye and a red bus tour are both essentials.


trafalgar square! the natural history museum, the science museum, the tate modern. wander by the houses of parliament and peer through the gates of downing street. go on the tube. visit hyde park. or harrods. so much stuff to do. actually, i;m making my self want to visit it now! its been ages since i went, july 2005 i think to see Mastodon at the astoria.

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You could use this rare oppurtunity to sight see, or to go to Game On and just induldge yourself in that. I believe it's running at the science museum, I plan to go up at some point before it closes.

Just wondering, whats the musical you're going to see?

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As people have said, check out the London Eye. Also there are some really nice spots near it like the Dali museum which is legendary and also the Aquarium. Would seriously check out London Zoo if that's your thing as well. Say hello to my friend Raja the Komodo Dragon too (him and I go way back... no seriously). If you get a chance there are some other fantastic shows in London. Highly recommend the Reduced Shakespeare Company and pretty much anything at the Royal Opera House.


Also spend some time in Covent Garden. The main square is magical and you won't find anywhere like it in the world.

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I agree with all of the the suggestions above ie musuems, tourist attractions, places of interest etc etc but also if you and your pals like ice skating then head for the Tower of London and go on the ice rink there. Its done up really nice and is good fun... only a tenner for an hour.

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